My Category Cloud...finally
I have wanted a true category cloud ever since I started blogging, and discovered the whimsical category cloud. What is not to love? All my words...floating around...different colors...different sizes.
Now with the coming of Blogger Beta are "Labels". Nice. Not perfect...yet. But, none the less, nice. I still wanted my cloud.
Then I found Code for Beta Blogger Label Cloud which has forever changed the face of my blog.
I actually have my cloud, and when a category is clicked, a page from my blog opens up with all the posts related to that category. Just as it should be. phydeaux3 has give simple complete, easy to follow instructions that produce a functioning label cloud. And he tells you how to modify the code to change the colors and font.
Thanks, phydeaux3!!
Update 9/8/06: If you are like me, and have special colors that aren't on the RGB Color Code Chart, I found a Hex-RGB Color Converter that will convert your lovely hexidecimal colors to RGB.
Quite a lovely little cloud you have. ;-) Looks great!
It looks fricking awesome! Thanks!!
Thanks for the link to the color converter, drives me nuts when my colors don't match! :-)
I'm with you delite, it is the little things that drive me crazy. I don't know if you read my post on 'Labels'. It was a little thing, but made me crazy!
Here from the Blogging Chicks, and you've already helped me. I'm having my blog redesigned, and was trying to figure out how I can communicate colors to my designer (ha!). I got that off the color chart mentioned in this post. Is there any way for me to "color" a page so I can compare groups of color together (to get an idea of what colors to use on my blog)?
Robin, in answer to your question...
Is there any way for me to "color" a page so I can compare groups of color together (to get an idea of what colors to use on my blog)?...
Here are 2 of my favorite sites for that:
Good luck!
I love this hack stuff --at least as a collector! But my limitation is that I'm using my old Simpla template on the New Blogger. I just moved my operation across and rweist the temptation to get a new template.
Of all of the widget operations the only thing I really miss is a label list in my margin. So is there are way to display my labels in the margin and -- then -- to cloud them? I'll fiddle but I doubt the option is p0ossible...but then Bloger hacks amaze me.
@dave, If I understand right, you would like to have a category cloud in the classic blogger, right? Well, I haven't found a seamless way to do it, but in my classic blog, Buttermilk Clouds, I use Just make sure you bookmark all your posts in so the cloud is up to date.
hi. you rock and so does your blog. i found you from a link at hackosphere.
i just wanted to tell you that GIMP has a colour dialogue box that will give you the hex and the RBG values. here's how ...
in the 'Dialogs' menu, choose 'Color' ... you will see six icons at the top; when you hover you will see their names.
you want the one called 'Scales' (in my GIMP it is the 5th icon from the left).
this will give you 6 bars of colours and a current colour @ the bottom of the dialog box (current colour given in hex).
the three bars that are above the current colour bar are labeled 'R', 'B', 'G' respectively. these are your RBG values for the current colour.
just thought you'd like to know ... :8D (love that name)I love it when people recognize my 'rockness' :-)
You too, rock!! Thank for the awesome tip!! That HTML notation is what I will use most. I never even knew that existed there. GIMP has so much in it for me to discover. Your tip will make colors so much easier. Thanks again!
i see that you managed to use Tag Cloud on blogger classic... howd you do it? Phydeaux3's got it only for Blogger BETA.
@janie, I set up a They have a feature called "Tagrolls". Set that up to your liking and then copy the html code to where you want the cloud. After that, each time you post, add that post to that account with the same tags as you put on your post.
Hi Annie, I am old student of BlogU, hope u remember me. :)
I implemented this hack on my Test Blog, it works fine with English labels, but the Unicode Hindi labels are broken and do not display properly.
Can you suggest any workaround for this?
@shirish, of course I remember you! I'm sorry, but I don't know how to fix your problem. I hope you are able to figure it out. Good Luck!!
HI Annie,
I followed the instructions to setup the label cloud...but mine looks nothing like yours. It just looks like a LONG list. If and when possible, can you please tell me what I have done wrong or how do i fix it.
Thanq for your time.
@bloggermom, I don't know the answer to that. It is deeper in you template than I can work with. My knowledge with templates is hit and miss. Did you ask phydeaux3? Maybe he can give some insight.
thanks for trying...I dropped phydeaux3 a line 4 days ago... still waiting for him to get back to me. Hope he can help.Thanks again.
@bloggermom, I hope he can help too. This is such an awesome hack.
Thanks for helping me find this. I have wanted a cloud since forever. Probably won't make one today, but one day soon... =)
thanks for the tip was very useful..!!!
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