Poll is closed and the verdict is...
Today the poll for my blog template is finished. The results?
- Original: 66%
- Pink: 33%
It was fun thinking about a new one and dabbling in a different code, but it feels good to be home.

Today the poll for my blog template is finished. The results?
Due to,happily, a steadily increasing readership, I'm not able to answer or solve all comments/problems. I do keep track of them and answer what I can as time allows. This is my attempt to balance home and blog.
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Hi Annie,
That was my choice but I don't think I voted. I've been out of the loop for awhile with blogging. I thank you for having a look at my blog and sorry I didn't email you back to tell you so.
It just baffles the heck out of me.
While I'm here I think I'll have a look at your source page and see if I can figure it out. Of course it's never possible to see what everyone see's but right now I want my mother to see a clean blog and it just is a mess on her computer. I think it has something to do with her resolution settings, as see is almost blind and has to use very large print.
@janeywan, things like that make me crazy. The thing with Buttermilk Cloud in IE is a prime example. I can't figure out how to solve it for the life of me.
I think you may be on to something with her computer settings. Good Luck.
The resolution settings have everything to do with the viewing. I had my sister experiment for me and if she increased resolution, everything fits in the proper place.
My resolution setting is 1440 x 900.
@janeywan, I'm so glad you got it figured out!