"Read More" and controlling posts per page
Hi Annie,
I stumbled upon your university and i'm learning a lot!
I don't have much knowledge in creating htm pages so i want to learn more...
I have some questions that i want to ask you:
First: How do you display only 1 blog post in the home page?
Second: How do i get to cut my post if it's too long? I mean you could display 100-200 characters then it will be cut, then there will be a displayed message below it that say's "read more" which is linked to the full post?
I wish you could help me.. Thanks in advance!
Blogger has really made this easy for us now. You must post in Blogger in Draft to access the "Read More" feature. They call it insert jump break. It allows a portion of your post to be shown on your blog's index page. It then inserts a "Read more" link to the full post page where your readers can keep reading.
Here is how to do it:
- Open your post editor window and click on the Compose tab.
- Write your post till you get to the point you would like a Read More break.
- Then click on the 'torn page' icon on the right.
- Finish writing your post.

You can also customize the "Read more" text to something more clever. Edit it by clicking Layout | Blog Posts Widget | Edit.

Now, to make your blog display only one post, go to your Dashboard | Settings | Formatting | Show. That is where you change the number to 1. Also make sure posts is selected in the box and not days.

Nice article thank you for shearing your great blog good work keep it up thanks
Great post. Depending of the numbers of posts the ads (google) it will be influenced. In my blog I put 2 posts.
Your blog is awe-inspiring. I have found many new things. Your way of staging is also fascinating. You have elected very incredible topic. I appreciated it.
Thanks for this, it is very helpful. I use blogger and did not know about this feature. Thanks again.
I have found many new things. Your way of staging is also fascinating.
i am used old editor...
by the way, thanks for your info
That was AWESOME, Annie! I think I might start doing that. My postings are always so llooonnngg that I think people are afraid they won't have time to read them. LOL!
By the way...don't miss the "Guest Author Interview" on my blog on Wednesday--it was GREAT! My guest author was: Kathryn Casey, the author of "SINGULARITY" and "BLOOD LINES", plus several award-winning, non-fiction, true crime novels.
Also, did you see "The $5,000 LuShae Sweepstakes" on my blog? Enter the online sweepstakes competition for the chance to win $5,000 cash (to spend anywhere you like). They also draw one $200 monthly random winner EACH MONTH. Plus, every entrant will also receive a 15% discount off the entire LuShae Jewelry range just for entering. Don't miss this one--it's easy--plus the prizes are great! TRUST ME! To find out more, check my blog on the posting dated 11 January 2010 for more details.
Have a great weekend!
Cynde (Cynde's Got The Write Stuff)
wow thanks for this tip!
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Blogger is great - not just blogspot, but love the simplicity in how to get an own website up-and-running :)
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Good stuff. Thanks.
Thanks for the info - it was very helpful
Nice stuff!! I like Blogger it very simple to use and to edit.
thank you for information. good post
Thanks so much for your help, something I never knew and will now do for all of my blogging efforts!
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ha en trevlig helg
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ps. Du får jätte gärna länka till mig.ds
Good stuff Annie! Blogspot.com is a pretty good platform, although I prefer Wordpress since it's highly customizable. Anyways, I've send this blogpost to some of my colleagues who're just starting to blog. This will help them out for sure!
Thank you yet again for another helpful tip. I am new to the blogging business, so all these tips help tremendously.
I just started my Electronic Cigarette site and was wondering if I should put a blog onto the first page or an inner page. What do you think?
Yeah!, im a blogger, and its very useful if you have long post..
Thanks, that's a great, thorough explanation.
Blogger scores for its simplicity and user-friendliness. I wish one could own it too!
I am so glad I found your blog... I have been writing html for many years now but blogging is totally new to me. I am just starting a WordPress blog and I find your blog very informative. Thanks for taking the time to blog!
Great post. Like it!
Thanks for the articles, have book marked them and will definitely be taking forward some of their advice. Thanks again! I’ll be back for more tips next week!
Thanks, that's a great, thorough explanation.
Mohamed Adam Jr.
I never knew a feature like this even existed, thanks for pointing it out, else i'd never have even realised it was there!
I'm still learning the ropes of blogger, so this will come in handy, thank you!
Hey, nice post but can I ask you one more question,
How do you go about doing this on a Wordpress blog?
Thanks alot for this post and your inspiration) It all really helps;-)
I think the post excerpt feature works great together with a thumbnail picture. Then, it can draw people's attention to click on the post to read more. Otherwise, I find that sometimes people can be lazy when they have to click to read the whole post.
Thanks for all the great information I have found here. I see so much I can do with my blog now.
Hi Annie,
I have read your 50 percent full blog. You are really awesome and this is the University of bloggers ;)
I got some problem on my blog...There are not older post, newer post, and Home links...It is not visible...I don't know whats the problem...I am really tired of it :( Can you help me? I will be helpful to you Annie. Observe my blog and see it is visible or not.
Reply soon!!!
Annie should by books for dummies like HTML, BLOG, how to insert in your web page, etc... Anyway, thanks for sharing :)
thanks for the info, ill definately use some advice when we will be setting up our own blog.
Great stuff, enjoyed reading it. Thank you.
This is very helpful not only for beginners. Thanks!
Today, I learned how to change
the "Read More" and how to control posts per page.
Thank you, Annie.
Hi. Actually, I never even knew about the torn page button there. I will check it out. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks for sharing these tips. I'm sure those who use Blogger as their blog platform could benefit a lot from the tips that you gave. Keep up the good work!
very interesting post.. thanks for sharing!
Very informative post i have ever read, i am going to maintain my fashion blog and i am sure these suggestions willbe good for my blog as well, thanks for shairng the information.
wow,, your blog really inspiring me after all.
really enjoy when i read your post.
Thank You very much
woww,,, very good post
I really enjoyed your article, I tweet!
Thanks for sharing ı was looking for this
Excellent blog you have here! I can't wait to come back to learn some fun stuff when I have some time to browse!
nice article
but i dont really like the new blogger post editor :o
Great tip, I didn't know that blogger could do that. Now I need to think of some good sentences to start off most posts so people will click on the "read more" link.
Thank you for the tip. I´ll try that in my blog mainostoimisto.
How do you "call" the posts from a another page. I have a website and a blog and I would like to have three of the latest blog posts on my website. Thank you.
Thank you for the help
I am no geek so this plain english explanation was exactly was I was looking for.
Some folks need to figure out how to make use of "Read More." You can't fill up your whole page with a super long post.
Thanks for this, it is very helpful. I use blogger and did not know about this feature. Thanks again.
Just continue helping people. You can really help to the people who have technical problems.
Thanks for this great info :)
Very interesting! I was finding my main page a bit text-heavy and decided to reduce the posts per page from 10 to 5. It will be nice to increase the posts per page again and use page breaks.
Thanks for this!
Thank you for the tip. I´ll try that in my blog
çankırı karatekin üniversitesi
waow nice. thank you.
i want to practise to my blogspot blog
Great post! Thanks for the tips! I've already bookmarked your blog :)
Enjoyed your blog a much. Subscribed to your feed and added it to my bookmarks. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Nice article,
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
God Bless you.
Very cool Article, keep up the excellent work. I have to mention that your blog looks very cool. Contact me if you need help with your Web Design and graphics :)
looks interesting,i never thought at this :) thanks for sharing it
nice article :) , i was looking for this
thanx alot.
Yeah!, Im applying that one too, its very useful, it can increase your site speed..
I love this blog! Thank you for all the hard work being put in.
i just read an similar article,thanks for sharing this too :) greetings
I run a wordpress blog and these 2 things are served well using wordpress plugins.
Yes, a great article! like always...
Thank you for the nice tips. It definitely make my blog neater.
Au fait post! I am captivated.
Excellent tips. Many blogs need to make use of Read More for their site.
I run a PC repair site and am still deciding on whether to create a blog for it. Do I really want to highlight troublesome cases? or to give away info allowing other to either repair or perhaps break their PC?
Even so these gems of knowledge are saved away in my bookmarks for potential use.
Very useful article. How do you make a blogger blog into a dofollow type as you have here? Did you already write a post on that one?
@Rajun, Yes, I do have a post U Comment I Follow.
Some nice tips for blogging, thanks.
Thanks for all the great information. Keep up the good work really like it.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. This would be a great help for those who are using Blogger as their blogging platform.
I have a problem with my blog, i can't upload photos or media anymore. What can i do/
i'm running a blogger site, great tips, do you know how to get indexed in google images?
I think it is great that you are taking your time to answer questions like hers!
I never knew we could change the Read More text in Blogger! Thanks a lot for this valuable tip, Annie!
Wow, I've been wanting to put a read more in my blogger blogs before and it took me a while to get the codes to be inserted and added in the HTML Layout... That's a new feature in Blogger right? Because I haven't seen that before. Now, it would be easier to have a read more in every posts. Thank you for sharing this... :)
I came across this in google searching for a way to tweak my blog. Thxs!
Thanks for sharing, good tips.
Thank god someone posted how to do this.
Now check my site: [url]http://www.confessionhub.com[/url]
Customizing that read more link is a little more complicated if you use Joomla for your blog. Check this page for details: http://pathosseoblog.com/how-to-solve-the-joomla-read-more-problem/
Hi. Actually, I never even knew about the torn page button there. I will check it out. Thanks for the tip.
What is in your eyes the best blog in the world?
Thanks for all the great information I have found here. I see so much I can do with my blog now.
i am used old editor......
by the way, thanks for your info....
very useful tips.. thanks for share.. :)
Compliments, this s a very nice blog. Thank you for sharing with us. Also this post is very interesting :)
Surely, that's really interesting!
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Thanks for sharing!
Exactly what i'm looking for.Thanks for sharing this piece of information.Cool...
Thank you for this information. I will be implementing this for sure!
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This features is defintely very helpful. You should really take money for such advices :)
Thanks for the articles, have book marked them and will definitely be taking forward some of their advice. Thanks again
wow what a lovely looking site, really clean and fresh - O and great post too lol
PS. You are bookmarked!
Thanks for the post, I was trying to figure out how to do this and it was driving me up the wall.
Its really a remarkable post. I have learn a lot from your post. I would like to appreciate you that you have done a great job. I am waiting for your next updates. Thanks for sharing such a nice info buddy.
SO incredibly helpful! Thanks for posting this :)
Some nice tips for blogging, thanks.
Just stumbled upon this site. Very informative and helpful. Thanks a lot.
Some blog savvy posts here ! .. thanks for the link love!
Great, very good idea to put the images in as well otherwise I don't think I would've known what to do.
This tool by blogger is very useful nowadays since google already include the site speed which is the key factor to rank a page. This Read More is very helpful since it can lower the homepage text size.
Thanks for this. Good thing Blogger came up with this. Back then we had to do HMTL coding to do the Read More function on Blogger.
I have been doing blogging since a long time and that is the only reason why i need more tools which provides me more control over my post on the blogs.
fit flop
Reading the comments and answers is almost more helpful than the blog itself!
Sharp as usual. Thanks for the tip.
I already know some of the tips in your article. Thanks a lot for the other.
Thanks for sharing this jumpbreak method. This could really be useful for our blog!
Hi there, thanks for the post. Always find Blogger useful.
Good site and some interesting articles - thanks. I have got a lot to learn.
nice tips.. :-)
This is a great article. I’m new to blogging but still learning. Thanks for the great resource.
Great tip for beginners and for start up websites! Thanks for sharing - -Lucia (blogger for digital camera review)
Great info for wannabe bloggers, keep up the good work anie.
I'm going to be launching my companies blog soon and I'm going to use what I learned in this post, thanks!
oh great to view your blog..u have cleared the doubt with pictures good explaination..
I loved your blog. You gave me some tips that I'm going to try on my blog.
How does this software compare to Wordpress?
Thanks for the Blogger tips. Blogger is a great way to get a blog up and running for free!
I've decided to add a blog to my website and am starting here...any advice?
Hey its nice to have such informative article stuff the great knowledge of html creating which i have less learning on this technique...
With Regards
Jazmin W
Thanks for sharing
I'd need more than one structures on the same page.
Hello, there is a page about seo optimisation.
Sections are:
Section 1
blabla blabla
Section 2
blabla blabla
Section 3
blabla blabla
Do you happen to know how to use more than one of this on the same page?
I just live your posts,very informative.I also hope bloogger in draft will be very good. I have already using in http://www.techpage.inmy site.My template from blogger in draft is very cool.
Great post Annie. Your posts are very informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Blogger is great... it offer power with similicity
Good article. I learned a lot from this blog. Thank you for your diligence.
Thanks for the tip! I'm a novice in the blogger plataform and 2 months ago I wanted to do this without success.
Hello, thanks for the HELP! BTW, how do you put a widget code in a post but the code keeps it as a text so that reader would have to copy the code on the go ?
Very useful tutorial, i didn't know we can do manually this type of thing on a Blogspot! Thanks a lot!
@Y27s...look here: HTML Code Box
Thanks, Annie! Peace:)
I just wanna to comment on this blog because it is really tutorial! Good work. I learned a lot from this blog. Thanks for sharing.
Great post, very interesting.
Nice Tips and tricks great post.
I think you stand to benefit from having all your posts displayed on your initial page. It is easier for people to find more posts they like this way and are more likely to explore your blog more.
Very great tips on posting, I can use this for my own blog awesome information.
I prefer Wordpress since it's highly customizable. Anyways, I've send this blogpost to some of my colleagues who're just starting to blog.
Good its really nice
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its very good post i like it very much, and now subscribed your post.
Nice article. Great information. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks, But i didn't understand what is it really good for?
I mean where is the benefit in that?
Thanks for the info and toolbar. I used old one for read more attribute.
Great tips. I'm using some wordpress plugin for same purpose, this is helpful.
Really nice tips ! Thank you !
WP has some great plug ins to be fair.
nice article.thank u for sharing
WP has the best plug ins by far! I love the fact that you can totally take a blog just from a template and make it your own....so cool.
This was very helpful, thank you! Simple fixes, indeed.
This post is very helpful for the newbies in blogging :) By posting only one post on your home page you are making it more easier for the reader to find what article he wants and do not know maybe he will stay longer on your blog/site!
Good stuff. Thanks.
I am using blogger for while now but did not know this feature, really informative post.
Really helpful information and a great blog in general, I will bookmark this as a resource.
Great blog, found it really useful, I will be checking back her regular
Nice blog! I like the layout style as it's easy on the eyes. The info was quite helpful as I'm almost ready to start blogging and it's good to see where others were having trouble and to avoid this when starting out. Thanks!
I think Blogger is owned by Google and just like Google's search engine, the site is really easy to use and navigate. As a beginner, I find that really helpful. Of course, every now and then there are some things that don't quite make sense unless you know. Thanks for the helpful info.
Your blog is impressive. I have many new things. Like its progress is equally fascinating. You have selected an astonishing assertion. Favorites
Thanks so much for posting this! I just tried it out, and it works like a charm :)
that is an interesting post Annie. you have a good blog. keep up the good work
I don't know why you would want one blogpost to a page? Perhaps using the sticky post option will ensure that the post you want to appear on the top will do so.
However, I have come across tips where webmasters use a plugin which only shows excerpts from the post on the first page. Pretty useful when you want to save your content from bots that scrap content from your site--a particularly meaningful option to consider when, like me, you don't merely wish to blog, but want to blog for money
wow thanks for this tip!
Annuaire des Antilles
This post is pretty much helpful for the beginners who are starting with blogging :)
Thanks for the useful tip.
I have also use this idea in my other blog. My homepage looks cool. Whenever a visitor want to read the whole article they'll just need to click the read more and then the full article will open.
Thanks for the good info. I appreciate and understand the need to balance. I've seen the read more alot when people have chosen magazine style template, seems to make sense. But, I've not in general understood why doing this is beneficial. Why not just type the whole thing so people don't have to go clicking elsewhere?
I've reduced the number of posts I have on a page to try and match what I have in the sidebar; but generally don't like blogs with just 1 post per page, as I like to see other things they've posted. Again, I would ask...what's the up side of doing this?
@Sandy, I completely agree with you. I don't like to click to read more. I prefer to limit the number of posts on the home page say to one or two.
Others feel differently and want to show many of their topics and want to leave it up to the reader which topic they chose to read more of.
This being said, I do use this feature on my photography blog Seaside Sharon even though I limit the number of posts to two on the home page. My reasoning here is this blog is image laden, and if I put all the images from both posts on the home page, it takes a long time for the blog to open all that. This way I feel that by the time they have read my intro paragraph, they other images have had time to load and they will be ready by the time they click the 'read more'. Is this the way it works? I truly don't know, but it makes me feel better, so I'm going with it.
nice info, check about dofollow blog list...
Great post. So many good blogs use the "read more" tag in their posts now.
un GRAND merci for this information.
Tanks a lot for this information !
i think this is a good resource, i have been wondering how to change this. thank you so much.
I'm somewhat of a neophyte on blogs - I've run some, but haven't really done much with the details. The one page / one post technique is nice - Probably won't use it for every post (small posts probably wouldn't look good) but for larger posts, or posts with a lot of images, it would be nice.
long sought such a detailed description! you really helped such a fool as I am.
Yeah!, Im applying that one too, its very useful, it can increase your site speed..
Good tips dude. Like to implement in my blog. Thanks for it.
Greetings. very nice explanation, thank you for this information.
This is a nice instruction. Randomly I was looking for that some time. I thank you for finding ist here ;-)
Very Informative post i was finding it for many days but you can solve my problem after posting this great info about Blog.
Thanks Creative blogging.
It's very helpful, thanks a lot for sharing this tips
Nice blog :)
wooowww...nice info...thanks
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Great info! thanks for the advice!
Hi there, certainly this post was a good one especially for newbies.
Thanks for the tips,i will try it on my blog
Iklan Percuma
I think that wordpress is way more easier than blogspot when it comes to interface and also, more powerful. I've used both for some time..
I would recommend wordpress to noobs. :)
Thanks for the info. Very helpful to us bloggers!
Dear, I was also facing the same problem in my couple of blogs. Now after reading that post, I have just overcome with that problem.
great post!
I disagree with "Car Addicts" -- I think blogspot is easier! Wordpress is really complicated and kind of annoying to deal with, frankly. I recommend Blogger (blogspot) instead.
@Kay Circle. I'm with you. (obviously...like I invented blogger, lol) But I have tried WP and found it not so user friendly, plus you have to pay for it.
But, I posted his comment none the less. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I won't post your comment.
I only throw out spam :-)
Another great post. How do you come up with your ideas and what you're going to cover? Very easy how-to write up! Thanks!
Really good post, though i prefer not to paginate.