Twit This
Let's get back to our blogging roots. It is all about connecting and sharing. Twitter is a master at doing just that. I found a great way at woork to get a TwitThis button in each post. When a reader Twits a post, it is shared with their Twitter network and traffic to your blog will increase!
Here is how to install it in your posts. I added to woork's tutorial...sorta filling in the blanks to make it easier for my readers to follow.
Go to your Dashboard | Layout | Edit HTML | check 'Expand Widget Templates'. Then add the following code to your CSS style sheet.
.share-twitthis{Now scroll down further till you find this:
background:url( 10px top no-repeat;
<div class='post-footer'>Add this code right after that line:
<div class='share-twitthis'>He also included this sweet little graphic to use.
<a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'>Twit This!</a></div>

thanks for these tips, i'm thinking of trying Twitter for my blogs, looks like its a nice one to have more traffic for a site.
happy new year!
Rock ON - this is a great tip. Thanks, as always!
what a great tip! thanks for sharing, I'm going to go add this to my blog right now!
Thank you for that tip, I had no idea about twitter and I consider myself pretty tech savy!
Thanks for the tips. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Yay!!! Thank you so much. I spent forever trying to find a *good* explanation on how to do this, and yours was effective and I also like the way that the "twit this" looks.
Thank you!!!
Thank you for the tip. I will be using this one.
You sounds like you are very sure about that. I have to try that.
I think there should be a Twitter feature where you can shock your twittering friends that twitter too much ;-) of they would have to wear a special bluetooth "Electric Shock Watch" ;-)
...personally I still don't really get Twitter... can't you just hang out with your friends in the Real world and have a beer? ...and "Twitter" naturally :-D
Due to my classic blogger template, I was unable to successfully add "Twit this" to my blog. I also tried codes at Cranial Soup as recommended by Twit This.
Fortunately, Feedburner's Feed Flare option provided a simple solution which required NO code hacking whatsoever. I discovered the Feedburner fix via:
Great tip. Worked perfectly. :)
Works fantastically! Thanks.
Hi, Annie!
Thanks so much for these easy-to-follow directions! You're so sweet to share them like this!
Just a tiny question: what do I do if the birdie doesn't show up on one of my blogs? I'm afraid people won't notice the "Twit This!" text. I can't imagine why it didn't show up--it should show up good with a black background! Any suggestion on how to fix it? I'm desperate!
Thanks a lot!
@Cynde, I don't see in your template where you have put all the code in. My suggestion is to start again...from the beginning of this post, read and make sure you have all code in place. I know I didn't see this ".share-twitthis" part of the code in your template, and I didn't look for the second part of the code.
Hi, Annie!
I erased the codes and redid them, and it WORKED! You're a genius! Now, the birdie is right next to the words, "TWIT THIS." I think I might try re-doing my other two blogs to see if the birdie might move over.
Thanks for your help!
great tip! just added it and works perfectly!
Rebecca / Blog Out Loud
I've spent a lot of time on problems caused by sporadic characters like those quotes. I love the very practical CSS tips your posts provide to WP newbies like me.
Absolutely, twitter is very powerful and it may drive more readers to your blog because it happens that not every reader would turn up daily or weekly to see whether there's a new page or not...Tweet This button would really help considering so many people now are after Twitter and use it daily.
Thanks for the tips - I've been thinking about trying to make some money from my website and use twitter so this has been helpful,thanks
weeeee thank you! :)
This is a great tip. Thanks, as always!
good tips.. thanks..
Thanks for the tutorial!
I'm not a person very familiar to these things. this is something new to this mean when we are blogging we can share it with the twitter network too?
Twit this is a useful way to get the word out :)
Thanks for sharing this informative article.
Awesome - thanks for sharing. I'm going to use this try this right away.
Fantastic blog post, I will probably bookmark it for future reading.Thanks again for taking the time to put this up.
Thank you. Twitter has become one of the most popular social bookmarking sites and it never ceases to amaze me!
Nice! Great tutorial. Thank you.
Isn't twitter basically the same thing as texting? What's the differences of the two?
Thanks for the tip. I am just getting started using a twitter account and this will be a big help. I do not fully understand the CSS style sheet but I know my husband will help me.
Again thanks,
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this is the best option but i guess we can make it or install it once so it will effect the whole blog or should i paste the coding in every new post that i make.
Thanks for the great reference post. Just what I was looking for!