Add a double line border
How do you get it to make it a double line? I tried experimenting but I'm not sure which fields should be changed. Thanks, this site is awesome!
This is an easy thing to change. You will look for the code that you wish to change. If it is the post, you look for the post code in the CSS style sheet. If it is the sidebar, you look for the sidebar code. As a matter of fact, anything in the CSS style sheet that says border can be changed.
This is the code in my template (a modified Blogger Minima template) for the post:
.post {This is the line we are interested in changing. See where mine says dashed? That gives me the dashed line around my posts. Change that to double. You may want to also change the 1px to something a little thicker, like 3px or 4px just to make it stand out better.
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border:1px dashed $bordercolor;
padding: 5px;
Actually, there are other styles you can use. Here is a list of them:
- dotted
- solid
- dashed
- double
- outset
- inset
- groove
- ridge
And here is another little tip. You can apply a different border to each side. For instance if you want a double border on the bottom only, you would change the above code to:
.post {See where I added -bottom? That same line can be changed for all sides using:
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:3px double $bordercolor;
padding: 5px;
- -top
- -right
- -bottom
- -left
.post {You get the idea. There are a million ways to play with this. It is just a matter of what look you want.
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom: 3px double $bordercolor;
border-right: 3px double $bordercolor;
padding: 5px;

Is it really helpful for us. Well I did not use double liner border on my blog. But I learned from here. Thank you.
love to play with border
Web Design Company It is really helpful for us.
thank you.
did you apply the double line border to your blog? Where? and although this is a neat trick.. how can it help in getting more readers?
WOW! Thanks so much, this is really amazing. I'll be recommending your site to all my friends.
This is a great upgrade from the plain white I was sporting before.
Do you know of a way to make the subheadings in their own box? I saw this once, and think it did a great job of breaking up the post. I think it's a h3 .css entries. Is that difficult?
Once again, thank's so much, I REALLY appreciate it.
Well thanks for letting all of us know how to put a double line border in a blog submission.I would make my blog more attractive now...
Great post thanks for the back link.
Great CSS tips, thanks for sharing
Do you know how to completely REMOVE the border that appears around a posted photo within a post on Blogger??
@Amy G, take a look at this post: How to remove or change image borders
Great post, really very helpful for the designers.
Great post - keep it up.
I love to work with the border in a blog. Nice information.
Thank you for the border tip, it is good to spice things up on a blog when you can.
Wow, didn't know that could be done on a free blogger account, just o show i've got lots to learn. I've a nwebie blogger, been blogging for 2 weeks. LOL
A great tip for a kind of person like me!
Like your blog and the relationship between the comentators!
Thank you for the css code. I am a newbie to this coding. I have started modifying my website according to my need.
If you are interested then have a look at my screenshot
Good post....more creative work... thanks.
Good tip, always nice to get a bit of a css refresher! Thanks :)
thanks, this looks pretty good, im not that technical with all that coding stuff but i sure will give it a try, thanks for sharing
Thank you for your help. I am new to blogging so this is great information for me!
I loved your blog, so many hints, thanks!!!
very nice site! glad to have a neighbor on the first page of Google :)
Blogging University/DavidALee's
Thanks for sharing! It helps a lot. Wish that everyone would be so kind like you to share info with newbies. Great blog!
I would love to arrange border in my blog. Thank you so much for sharing such an excellent article on process to add double border. Also, you presented what can potentially be a pretty confusing topic in a very lucid and easily understood manner! I will add and bookmark your site.
Cool! So changing the borders is as easy as tinkering with the CSS codes. We really do need to be familiar with the different CSS values to make it right. Thanks for sharing! :)
thanks for sharing this
You make it look easy, but I couldn't have come up with it myself. Thanks.
i just found your blog and i am amazed! thank's for the links especialy. it's all very helpfull to me. thanks!
Thanks a lot for the scripts CV2U
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I am sure this will help me a lot in creating my personal blog in a different way.
Thanks for sharing.
Anyone new to HTML needs to check this blog post out. Thanks. I'm real fresh to html and need all the help I can get.
This is definitely great for those who don't yet know a lot about HTML. I am pretty fluent with the basics and found some good info here even I didn't know before :D
What a great list of advices! This is very valuable resource for me. Thanks for sharing.
Nice tips, I just knew that we can add double border line using thats code.
I guess that is what you call a "feature". It does not occur of course if
the double line border is applied to the exterior of the whole table (or if
it is only a one row table)
The same feature occurs with the top right hand corner of the border applied
to a cell when the cell in the row above does not have a border on the right
hand side.
Thanks for sharing dude..Hope to see more tutorials!
Nice post. Maybe it is no big deal for many people to add a double line but for other this could be a problem. Thanks, I think that many bloggers will apreciate this.
I like to use ridge one, it looks like 3D.
Great tip, thanks
Thanks for Designredux. Wonderfull
What a very helpful website. Everytime I come here I am pleasenatly suprised with the information you present and the ease in which you present it.
thanks for that post, you really help me with my "border problems",thanks!
1. dotted
2. solid
3. dashed
4. double
5. outset
6. inset
7. groove
8. ridge
I never knew there were so many borders. I thought it was just solid and dotted. Thanks for the tips
Very nice css tips. Keep up.
border problem is no more after this.
how can we make double dotted line?
I've been looking for this exact code. Thanks!
As a fellow Blogger user myself, I can learn so much from this Blogspot blog. Thank you for the help.
Thanks for the informative post. Was looking for this in Google and finally found how to create double line border, thanks again and would come back to this site again.
Making double line border is not a big deal after reading this tips from the post, initially when i was new to this topic i thought there might be a long process behind it.
r4i software
Thank you so much for sharing such an excellent article on process to add double border.thanks..
Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing this. Instead of double you could use 'dashed' 'solid' and others. Thanks again.
Hello thank you for this tip. I searched this css code for more then one hour on google, thank you really :-)
Thanks for sharing. Css was difficult at first but now I love it.
It helps a lot. Wish that everyone would be so kind like you to share info with newbies.
Best regards,
Wow, cool trick. The difference between a double line border and a standard border is striking.
i`ll bookmark this page and send it to one of my friends.. looks like you have some good advices here :)
I am pretty new to blogging. I already had an account but haven't done much to it. Maybe now I will start.How soon will you update your blog? I'm interested in reading some more information on this issue.
Hi there, what do you think of my bathtub surround layout? Will the double border lines look weird or I should?
thats great information thanks good work keep it up
Thanks for going into so much details and providing us with the coding for the whole process, you made it very easy!
Thanks for the informative post. Was looking for this in Google and finally found how to create double line border, thanks again and would come back to this site again.
I would like to thank you for the information, and the clear tips. Keep it on!
very nice sharing I will call it as its one of the main things that one need to know of how to patronize the post and put some lines in post, nice sharing.
Thank you for this. I never knew that this is possible :) You should also post a picture there for a reference. Tnx again
I would like to thank you for the information, and the clear tips. Keep it on!
I was looking for this method but never found a way. Thanks for your advice. Nice blog, keep on!
Nice design. I'll implement this desing in my blog. Thanks for advice.
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Something as simple as a border can make a difference! Thanks so much!
Double border can be usefil in the right design. Thanks for sharing. Cheap web design
thanks for sharing a good article and clear tips on google
This is a great tip. Thanks very much. Really cool that you added all the possible alternatives. This I am sure will come in handy next time I design a site that requires these elements. Great article.
I like your tutorial and your screenshots are also good. It help me understand much easier what you are discussing about. Thanks
Great! Thanks for the great informative post and your effort.
I think the above article is valuable for all concerned people. For me the Informations are really really useful. I've Bookmarked this page for future reference.
Thank you
Robin Jokes
is it possible to view the output of this code?
I have been playing with these codes since I started blogging. Its good that you feature them here and show it step-by-step. That would make it easier for the newbies who want to give their blogs a bit of tweaking. The ladies especially.
Nice tip, i will check for others.
Thanks for publishing
such a wonderful Post. I really Like the post and found very useful to m e. I would like to thank my friend who have forwarded this article to me. I have bookmarked this article for future reference.
Mr Date
Great tutorial, i didn't know that changing the border lines was so easy and simple, thanks a lot!
Thanks for the tutorial. I'll try it to my blog. Hope it will work fine without any problem.
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Good source of useful informations, great blog. Thanks for sharing it!
I was surfing the net and luckily found this site and find interesting things here. Its very fun to read. I really enjoyed. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information.I would like to share these to my friends.
Thank You
CSS is very cool for styling webpages. Thanks for sharing what you know.
Presentation of a blog is always important to me and I think first impressions on sites do count.
web site borders are always fun to get creative with. Thank you for the information.
I've wanted to do this for a while but suck with html, thank you so much.
I was indeed looking for this CSS tip on borders. Thanks!
Double borders can look good in the right design.
these borders can make are blogs attractive and more nice. i like it and i think the others also like. it will show from there comments.
I like the blog layout . How did you make it. It is really sweet.
@cell phone deals, read some of the posts on this page to get you started...
How to completely REMOVE the border that appears around a posted photo within a post on Blogger??
@Phot Printing, I did a little post for you :-)
How to remove a border from around a photo.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.Your blog provided
I didn't know that, thanks for teaching me!
A simple but clear step by step CSS guide.
thanks for sharing.
I have a document that I want to put a simple double line border not highlighted around it.
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How do you suggest to make your blogsite SEO ready? I mean for its onpage? And I've heard that H1, H2, and H3 tag were important. How does it affect? Do you have any idea about it?
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Thanks for sharing! It helps a lot. Wish that everyone would be so kind like you to share info with newbies. Great blog! Greetings from fryzury 2011
I just started blogging a while ago and it feels great.
Hi All, This has been very helpful. some really good information and tips! It was useful for my team. Thanks for all of your hard work!
thanks for that post.Do you know of a way to make the subheadings in their own box? I saw this once, and think it did a great job of breaking up the post.
The border on my table now seems to be shadowed or double-lined. How do I make it single.thanks for sharing........
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Thanks for sharing this great information! It helps so much! Everyone should be so kind like you.
Great piece, keep up the terrific work.
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You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about an hour. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me.
Very useful, thanks. :)
Borders have always been a problem for me..
Do you have any other tips on borders?
Bedrijf op Facebook
I've always been using tables instead of css - I see why this is way more flexible, thanks.
This is so impressive and nice title of blog. I am always searching such type of Blog that gave some useful knowledge and relax our mind. So Very thanks for design this type of content and what are you thing at time of write. Thanks for sharing views.
That's a good border line. Thanks for the share.
That's a simple pretty code. Nice work.