I just found a new widget that I thought I'd share with you.(I love widgets!!!) FEEDJIT gives you real-time traffic data on your blog or website.
No registration is required and it's completely free. You are able to see at a glance where your visitors are located in the world, which websites they're arriving from and what they're clicking when they leave your site.Get a live arrival and departure traffic report
I absolutely love seeing where you all come from! So, this widget is right up my alley. (Translation for my foreign visitors...this widget is one I really like.)

Hello Annie ! On 16 Them All I'm using Google Analytics and StatCounter. But I think it's not important to see "live" statistics.
Hi Annie,
I added it to my site, but I think it's slowing it to a crawl. Yours was a little slow to load. May be my server...
@16, I use Google analytics also, but I just thought this would be a nice alternative for some.
@janeywan, mine doesn't seem noticably slower to me. But, I'm sure it adds time.
Annie, it actually counts your own visits. I removed it when I installed few months back.
@pria, there is a link at the bottom of the widget "Ignore my browser". I clicked on that.
Thanks Annie. I think they just included this recently and I do have in my blog now.
Hi Annie, just happened upon your blog, and i'm sure its going to prove most useful to a novice blogger like me.
Hi Annie, Pls help me.....
I cant click on Edit html tab in that create posts window...its giving 'Error on page' error message....
@praveen that sounds like a problem that you need to address to the blogger help group. Maybe someone from blogger will have an answer!
I found Feedjit about a week ago ...yes, it is a nice toy.
The real-time ability to analyze stats, on a large enough scale, looks like it could be an invaluable asset.
Looks pretty cool and it sort of creeped me out when I was scrolling your blog and saw where I was listed. LOL.
Hi Annie,
I'm the founder & CEO of Feedjit. Thanks for giving us a mention - and sorry I only spotted this now. :)
I noticed one of your visitors mentioned slowness on your blog. We monitor our server performance very closely and have taken great care to make Feedjit load as fast as possible for your visitors.
One of our enhancements is that we compress Feedjit's code before we serve it so that your blog visitors have less to download.
To put it in perspective, when we serve Feedjit, the total amount of data your visitors need to download from our servers is about 10k. That is over 200 times smaller than the total size of this blog entry page with all it's images (this page is about 2 megabytes).
Google has done some research into how page load times affect users and the results are startling. They found that if the page load time increases by 0.5 seconds, the amount of ad revenue they earn from that page drops by 20% because users lose interest and move on.
Here's the source:
We don't think that our bloggers should lose 20% of their revenue to be able to use Feedjit, so we've made sure we are very very fast. :)
We have some very high traffic sites using our service, some of whom get more than 15 requests per second at their traffic peaks and we scale smoothly with them.
Please let me know if you have any comments or feedback. We listen to our users religiously. :)
Kind regards,
Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO
@Mark, thanks for stopping by! I thoroughly enjoy Feedjit. It is great to see at a glance where people are landing...which in turn tells me what people are looking for. I also love seeing the exit links. It all gives more insight into what my readers need and like.
I know my blog is slower than most, simply due to the nature of the blog. BlogU is the testing ground and playground of all the widgets and hacks that I post about. It adds up!
hi , i have been also using feedjit and i like it , read your post today so just pitching in
Feedjit is nice and simple to add , but i cannot see the traffic by date and ip . { or may be i dont know how to !!} it would be good to have statics by date and ip also so that we know which date "live feed " i am seeing. when i click on see popular pages of today i see all pages that have been seen wihtout date . it means that its not real time day basis . as a webmaster i am not able to find out who came when and clicked when . but its more accurate in place location then other counters available
hoping to hear soon from you
one clarification needed , if anyone is using ignore tab then there visit will not be registerd , that means any one can hide them self from this widget and it will totally become usless for the webmaster as all traffic will not be registered
@anonymous, the ignore tab only works on your site. I can visit another site and my visit is registered in their widget.
@anonymous, I forgot to mention that I am using the ignore function for the widget on my blog.
this means any one can igore their browser and their visits will not show in my feedjit
i came from delhi 2 times
ist time i came and ignored and it on your browser so second visit is not showing
this is big flaw
@anonymous, I just did a test on another blog that uses FEEDJIT. I had the ignore feature and visited the other blog twice. It will only show one visit. Perhaps there is a time limit before it will show a location more than once.
But, none the less, it showed my visit.
Hi Annie and friends - I've installed Feedjit at placebased.typepad.com BUT I cannot for the life of me a) see an "Ignore My Browser" link or option anywhere or b) see what the total number is that Feedjit is using to calculate the percentages on the map. Any tips gratefully accepted!
-- jr
Hi Annie and all - on Feedjit Map, how do you figure out the total number of visits that the percentages are calculating off of?
(I posted a question earlier about the "Ignore My Browser" - Annie, you can ignore that in your moderating ;) I realize that you all are talking about the Live Traffic Feedjit, where I am asking about the Live Map. I found the Options link on the Live Traffic.)
@joanne, I don't know if it is possible to get a breakdown like you want with FEEDJIT. I just looked around the site and didn't come up with anything.
There's already a (basic) Drupal module for it!
hello im just new here and just wanna ask..does blogger can use feedjit?
@anonymous, yes. I use it on this blog...scroll down to the 'cellar' and you will see it!
The feedgit widget may not be as accurate as you think! I show up as Ennice, North Carolina, USA...actually I am in Alberta Canada...totally different country!
I used this widget in the past, but now, i don't feel like this is still what it's usefull for me& my blogs
Hide display of Feedjit Live Traffic Feed and let it work silently in background so only you can track your visitors. Read the full article here http://www.ialwayscapital.com/2009/05/how-to-hide-feedjit-live-stats.html
Many bloggers wants to hide their Feedjit Stats window. To Hide display of Feedjit Live Traffic Feed and let it work silently in background so only you can track your visitors. Read the full article here http://www.ialwayscapital.com/2009/05/how-to-hide-feedjit-live-stats.html
Feedjit is really good for live statistics, but i also recommend using google analytics to get more detailed statistics for your blog.
i love feedjit too.
But, Anybody know how to make the Live Map widget more smaller?
Thats great.
I like that widget, I will add it on my classifieds site www.telists.com
Feedjit is really good for live statistics, but i also recommend using google analytics to get more detailed statistics for your blog.