News from the Mother Ship
This week there has been some action behind the scenes at Blogger. This is from Blogger Buzz:
Today’s release brings a number of updates to Blogger:
And this is from Blogger in Draft:
Bloggers often feature a list of their favorite blogs, called a “blogroll,” in the sidebar of their own blog. Our latest page element, Blog List, helps you do just that, but we’ve mixed it in with Google Reader to make it even more powerful and useful.
The Blog List writes all links out in HTML so that, unlike JavaScript-based blogrolls, you pass PageRank goodness on to the blogs you link to.
I also see in the Page Elements window a couple of other new offerings. Here is the new lineup:
- Gadget: add one of the many Google Gadgets to your blog.
- Blog List: Show off what you read with a blogroll of your favorite blogs.
- Subscription Links: Let your readers easily subscribe to your blog with popular feed readers.
To find these new additions, you must access your dashboard through this link:

I'd love it if they would make something that would let you run your own blogroll (even several of them) through your Blogger blog. Bloglines is good for doing several but setting them up is complicated as last time I was there I only figured it out by chance. Anyway, that seems like a good thing to me. Will go have a look at the draft side.
Thanks for letting us know about this Annie. I am already adapting my favourites from the clunky looking Technorati widget into the new Blog List feature. I hope they add more features to let us change fonts and colours with that. Other wise it seems to be working very well.
Lol...I wish they would make the widgets accessible to those who are diehard Classic templates users!
The features sound great!
Hi Annie,
I came across your blog very very recently and I must say I absolutely LOVE it. Kudos for some great. Your tips really helped me :)
What Id really love from blogger is to be able to make the font size of the text in a post change independently from the rest of the text on the blog. Ive wanted to make the text in my post 1 size bigger but if I do that through the template it kinda screws up the rest of it. Is there a way through the template. I went through it but couldnt figure out the relevant code.
@Dili, Take a look at this post:
How to Change the Post Text Size Only
Thanks Annie, I didnt see that post :)
Oh and Strawberry Shortcake Royale was to die for. :)
Thanks again
Hi Annie,
Boy.. Blogger just keeps getting better, glad I didn't bail on them. Thanks for the heads up on these new features.
Very Cool!
I want to put some of my stuff in the cellar as you have done and have given instructions, just haven't sat down to do it yet.
Like Dili I am also new here. I found this blog very informative it help me a lot. Thanks for posting such kind of article.
Hi Annie..
Blogger is getting better and better. But I crave for comment form nested under the post, and page feature like Wordpress..
I hope they'll get this done the next round..these are the main limitations as compared to the professional-looking WP platform..
Thanks for the information about the new 'Blog List'. It's a neat item.
Hello Annie, I am a old reader of your blog but never comment on any post. Truly speaking all of your post is very helpful. Keep doing this good work.
The new list of stuff they have added looks great. I used to have a blogger blog a long time ago. And it's fun to see how blogger has grown since then.
Thanks a lot you have a really great blog and nice articles.
thanks for the informations from the mothersip! ;)
Thanks for the information Annie...good to hear that they are now accepting additional OpenID's now easier for members to login and you don't have to memorize lots of username and PW.