Widen the Post Section
Thank you so much for the tips!
it really helps :]
and do you know how to enlarge the postings column? Because my posting column is kinda too small somehow in my blog .
Thanks :]
This was from sararocks. This is a easy little fix. You have to make two little changes in your CSS style sheet. Look for this piece of code:
#outer-wrapper {Then make changes to the width. Add the same amount of to each area like this:
width: 660px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;
#main-wrapper {
width: 410px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#outer-wrapper {Here I added 200px to each area. All that is left to do is save your work!
width: 860px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;
#main-wrapper {
width: 610px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */

This is one of the most useful sites and blogs I've come across. Thanks for the useful tips and info. Rob
Product Review Ratings (PRR)
I've bookmarked this page though I couldn't understand the script. I know this will help me solve a problem with my blog page. Mine has a narrow column, too. Thanks for sharing the useful tip.
I just discovered your blog... It's really interesting and so beautiful !
A french reader, fashion addict
seen on post
These kinds of things are easy, when they are simple..like in this case it clearly says "width"; however, there are so many things that still seem to be inunderstandable for me....
Kevin@Eiffel Tower Facts
Thanks for sharing this. I have always been looking on how to do this.
Great! I've been looking for this. All my pictures have been squeezed on the layout I really wanted. Now I guess I can use it after all. Thanks!
If you use Blogger, bookmark this blog. I know I am. I've been thinking about trying a new blog using blogger. I haven't used blogger in about 4 years, so I can definitely use the tips.
Thanks for the post. I was looking for a script to widen my blog that I am about to launch and got to your site and I'm glad I did. Your explanation was easy to understand and I had my template fixed. More power.
I have to admit that I am very new to the blogging scene and have started up two blogs in the past 12 months.
However, what's twitter all aboutlol?! Is that another form of blogging?
I believe this your site is a great way to help beginner bloggers to improve how their sites look. Doing so helps all readers to give their comment conveniently.
Just proves that anyone can learn scripts easily because of posts like this.
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Thanks for such helpful stuff. This is definitely something I can use.. I dont know a lot about the technical stuff so thanks for the tips.
I have tried these tips and these are really fantastic.
I've been fiddling with my blog design for as long as I can remember. There's never a perfect theme! When I think of something nice to have on the blog, I want to add it but restrictions won't allow it, so I change Style, Header, Footer files and so on. Width amendment is fairly easy but link and text colour and size changes sometimes make me mad...
Nice blog.....thanks for the information
Damn i get a headache figuring out css. thanks for the tips!
Thanks, just what I was looking for. Still looking at how CSS words :)
I actually like a blog with a small post section. It's a bad thing when you want to post big pictures, but you can solve it easily with a link only to the picture.
I scoured the wordpress forums for how to make the post section bigger on my wordpress template. With no luck, I searched google and found this blog thread. Many thanks for posting this.
Thanks for sharing. This is what exactly I need.
Thanks a lot.
~by Arabica Coffee Personnel
wow! i'm very thankful! the pictures are now completely showing up!
THANK YOU!!! So incredibly helpful!!! Blessings galore!!!
Thank you for the super advice. It worked!
I pray you achieve all that you ever dream of. U're an awesome human being Annie. Can't thank you enough.
THANK YOU - i dont know how to read html so this was a great, easy solution for me. plug-and-go.
Thanks for the useful tips and info.This is exactly I need.
do you also specialize in other platforms on the internet, like Magento?
it is a different type of coding, but still a code.
all the best wishes
Just what I was looking for .... love your site Annie!
bigger is better! more space for comments! thanx.
Thanks for all your useful tips on all the little nuances we sometimes find in blogging!!
Thanks for the guidance. I have used the technique stated above for one post. Do I have to do it for all my posts or is there any method to do it once for all of them ?
This is exactly what I needed, because I finally found a template for my blogger site that I love, but the post section is too small for my personal taste. I didn't want to change templates, but I love to add pictures and they just didn't lay out right with the text unless I used a small image. Thanks for your help!
@asad you do it once and it will widen the post area for all posts.
Quite interesting. And only by editing some numbers! Nice post!
Thanks for the info. There is not alot of clear info out there and your post is very helpful.
Its always really good to have solution here of each problem that i ever face.Thanks Annie
Just what I needed. I have been trying to widen the post for about 6 months. Thanks for the information.
Hii.. will this work with my wordpress blog? Here is the link to it.. Viral Profit Code Review. If it works, that would be awesome! Let me know please. :)
I was looking for widen post section option and finally found it here. Thanks.
This is an AWESOME blog. I will definitely be checking it daily from now on.
It is nice to find template for blogger blog.
Many thanks
I dont know how to read html so this was a great, easy solution for me. plug-and-go.
Thanks so much for the tips! i added 190 px instead of 200 px like you said:)
Great blog with useful tips. Will this also work with my WordPress blog? Please let me know.
Best regards,
This helpful tool is great! Thanks for sharing some tips and guidelines. It was a helpful hand to us!
Good CSS stuff.. Thanks for the post !!!
Blogging actually got me into editing CSS more than anything. I am a slave to tables and old school web design because as a graphic artist, I work quicker with graphical representation than code. Still, I always know that tables are dead and I have to learn CSS. It's amazing what can be done with it but I still haven't designed a complete site from scratch with it yet. Ugh, so much to learn. Anyway, great article as always, Annie. You are the best.
Nice post! This is a very good topic to read! This can help a lot for those who are blogging! It can help us to make a blog success! Thank you for helping us!
Wow this is the second problem you have solved for me :) I will be bookmarking this site for future reference!
Im currently using a magazine wordpress theme, its seems more reader friendly. It tracks penny stock newsletters, but sometimes the html messes up and it displays differently in different browsers.
Another problem solved! honestly your site is so useful for my blog sites. Please don't go anywhere
I've been looking for this. Finally, I already found it. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the good work.
Great! I've been looking for this. Thanks!
this blog saves me all the time. thanks for posting!
Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along.
its what i need for my long content blogs,thanks annie..
electric circuit
Thank you for the tip, this will be useful for my wordpress blog
Thanks for the great tip :)
Thanks man!
This was the website i was looking for some editing tips for wordpress.Surely gonna bookmark this page.You rocks \m/
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wow !
Thanks. looking for it !
Thanks for this, was having trouble with my ccs sheet
This is a really helpful tips! Thank you!
Thanks so much. I always found this tricky. Saved me lots of time.
I would rather suggest... instead widening it up, make it shorter and make it more easy for the readers to follow the text, the shorter the better
I was stuck with my current WP blog layout and wasn't able to customize the width. Thanks for sharing this detailed post.
oh, when you have got thesis on wordpress, it is far easier to create the wider section of your written content. You just into appearance and options, and there, you have it.
Well the posting section did get a little wider but now it is kind of getting in the way of some parts of my webpage. How can I resolve it? Thank you for the great tips!
Nice post and blog, I was having issues with spacing on my site, but the div command clears things up perfectly.
Just what we needed! That's an easy fix! Thanks for sharing.
If you use Blogger, bookmark this blog. I know I am. I've been thinking about trying a new blog using blogger. I haven't used blogger in about 4 years, so I can definitely use the tips.
Looked for this in Google and came across your site. Thanks for the CSS trick!
Nice trick on how to widen our post. Definitely helpful for some of us who'd like to tweak the width of our posts.
Thank you!
Will this widen the posts retroactively on all of your past posts or will just widen posts for the future posts? Either way, this is a sweet tip, especially for someone like me who is not a pro when it comes to CSS--thanks so much!
Michael Smith, Webmaster at
Sustainable Salaries
nice post, saved me a lot of time with some issues on my site