Remove "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts"
Love your new site. Is there a way to remove "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" from the bottom of the page. I'm creating a website with a menu bar and I don't want it to display the posts I use to link to the menu bar. Thanks.
Happily this is an easy fix. This also removes the Home link from the bottom of the page. (It is the #blog-pager part of the code.)
Find this code in your template:
#blog-pager-newer-link {And replace with this code:
float: left;
#blog-pager-older-link {
float: right;
#blog-pager {
text-align: center;
#blog-pager-newer-link {If, by chance, you wish to return to the original state, simply reverse the process.
display: none;
#blog-pager-older-link {
display: none;
#blog-pager {
display: none;

Wow.. thanks for the blogger tips. I have been looking for this tip before to use with my other blog. Now I can use this post as my resource. Thanks again.
It's me,
I was so excited to see that my my question was published as one of your posts! You were too busy as the time to answer my question, so I searched google and found the answer. Although it took some time searching it was very rewarding to finally discover how to accomplish what I was trying to do. I do, however, love your expertise and whenever I have a quesiton your site is the site I head to. I have discovered a lot of amazing things about blogging thanks to YOU. Thanks for all that you do to be so darn helpful to all of your readers. Now, I can refer back to your latest post if I decide I want to revert back or even create another website with a menu bar.
Then how can people can go to other posts without the archive help?
@luxury bedding, that is a design choice that the blog owner makes.
Hm, I'm having the opposite problem. My template doesn't have an Older Posts button in it, or so it would seem, and I've got no idea how to begin doing it.
@Jeff, simply add the first code back into your CSS Style Sheet.
And it didn't work. I'm going to keep playing around, fingers crossed.
@jeff...fingers crossed. You also don't have a post page. hmmmmm
Hi annie, I also got the same prob as Jeff. Pls help!
@Iz, I did some behind the scenes work with/for Jeff, and came to the conclusion that this is a quirk that comes with the Classic blogger templates. Alas.
Annie, does it means that there's no way to make that Older Post & Newer Post appear in my page?
Well, if you convert to the new blogger (otherwise known as beta). Then you can.
To date, I haven't found a fix.
I learned how to replace the "newer posts","older posts", and "home" buttons with images on my blogger!
Do you have a post or could you make a post about how to make a menu like yours so that when you hover over an image you get an effect like yours?
@Widgets for Blogger, Isn't that just the sweetest little piece of code??!! I absolutely adore it. Every time I come on my blog, I play with all 3 of the links. I hover..I go back...I hover...
I don't have a post, but I will make one soon. Next on my list.
I love my own site.Thanks for sharing the code of the helpful menu bar.I will edit for my site.
After long hours of work I created an image on my site so that when you hover over it the image changes. This took me forever to do! You can take a look if you wish, although I did not make a rollover image like yours.
I have another thought on my mind.
My template does not work very well in internet explorer but I think it works amazing in firefox. I really wish it would work in IE. :(
For some reason it only works sometimes now. Sometimes both images are displayed and sometimes it works perfectly.
I noticed that on your menu, when you hover over "HOME" and "about" the image shifts slightly. But when hovering over "RSS", the image does not shift at all.
@John Smith, Where is that image? I have looked and didn't see it.
I just wish everyone would use Firefox. It would make coding soooooooooo much easier. But alas.
My Home and About images were made by me. And the way I made them I had to place them as close as I could to make it 'not' jump. Those 2 were just a tad off...but I hit the RSS on the head. I'm sure there is a way to do it more exact than eyeballing it, but that is what I did.
BTW, I would love to know where you stuck the code for the images at the bottom of your posts (previous,next,home). I would like to do a post on that.
Thanks for the blogging tools I have been creating my first blog and the tools I have found here have been very useful. Thank you again
Hi Annie,
Thanks for the tip. I'm using WP for my blog and I'm new to blogging so I need all the help I can get.
If I can work out how I will join "U Comment, I Follow" and add it to my blog too.
Allan Barker
Allan Barkers Busy Blog
Can we put some other links at the place of "new post" or "older post" place... like putting some category suggestion or anything?
@Keyamoni, I will put that on my list of things to look into. I'm not sure if I can or if it is possible.
I think I have the same problem as there any way to add the "Older Posts" / "Newer Posts" links when using Classic Blogger? A little JavaScript should do the trick...
Great help, annie. Thanks!
Hi tehre,
We're using a Minima Black Blogger template, the new version.
Tried to find the code you mentioned, but it's expressed like this:
div class='blog-pager' id='blog-pager
b:if cond='data:newerPageUrl'
span id='blog-pager-newer-link'
a class='blog-pager-newer-link' expr:href='data:newerPageUrl' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_blog-pager-newer-link"' expr:title='data:newerPageTitle'data:newerPageTitle/
b:if cond='data:olderPageUrl'
span id='blog-pager-older-link'
a class='blog-pager-older-link' expr:href='data:olderPageUrl' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_blog-pager-older-link"' expr:title='data:olderPageTitle'data:olderPageTitle/a
How can this be changed?
Also, is it possible to have a worded alternative to "older post"? How to write it into the code?
Thank you so much for your help.
blog links are not displayed
Sir plz check what is wrong with them
Thanks, finally i got my question answered.
I wanted to do this for a Distance Education Blog(
Thanks a lot
NICE job its help me alot
Thanks for tip, it works perfectly:)
Hum, eu queria colocar esses botões no centro...já substituí o left pelo center, mas não foi. Como faço?
Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing this trick on removing newer and older posts at the bottom of the recent posts...I'm also looking for this one because I find it crowded if I can see a lot of links at the bottom of my posts..with this code, now my blog looks less cluttered and organized.
Also remember there's a difference between the traditional templates and the current templates. The original post pertains to the standard blogger templates. Those using the more current ones would have to delete the sections listed by "The Complex Days" comment above.
You may also have to click on the Expand Widgets Template box, hit CTRL-F, and type a portion of one of the above phrases to lower you searching time.
I just wanted to thank you for this. Over 2 years after this post, I was able to figure it out for the current blogger templates. I do have to admit, the original templates were a lot easier! Thanks for your help!
thank you so much this is what i was looking for a long time i really appreciate it.
this code is not there in html.
what to do now?
if i put this code to my blog,then how will visitors see my older posts?
i really would like to just remove the home at the bottom of my blog, but in my css, the code looks like this:
.blog-pager {
background: $(paging.background);
.blog-pager-older-link, .home-link,
.blog-pager-newer-link {
background-color: $(content.background.color);
padding: 5px;
how can i change it?