Where to put the blockquote code
where to put the code?
I had a question regarding where to place the blockquote code from this post, Pretty Blockquotes.
You insert this code within your post where you want the blockquote to appear. (using the Edit HTML window).
<blockquote>PLACE QUOTE TEXT HERE</blockquote>.

I think this is very helpful and easy to practice,Thank you!
Annie, thanks for the tip... Do you know of any way to change how the blockquotes look? Maybe change color or size, etc?
@maryland, yes...check out this post Pretty Blockquotes.
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You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about half an hour. I am a newbie and your post is valuable for me.
Thanks for this. I have thought those were pictures inserted. This was far easier than I thought.
Very cool little code tip that I am sure will come in handy to many bloggers. Thanks very much for sharing.
Really great work , keep it up man
blockquotes are a good way to format text, i use them all the time on my blog.
Never knew about this before I read it here. Nice info!
Blockquote is one way of doing it. Blockquote by default inserts margins. An alternative to blockquote is cite and q.
Simple and easy but useful tutorial
I'm using the large quote that floats in one of my blogs. Your original post gave me the idea to make the quote recede in the background of the div.
thanks. -sean
Thanks for the heads up. With css3 out, there is so much styling and customizing you can do its simply incredible. Rounded corners and gradients can now be controlled or created in css3.
Really admirable post. Theoretically I could write something like this too, but taking the time and effort to make a excellent article is a lot of effort…but what can I say….I’m a procrastinater. Excellent read though.
Hello Annie! Thank you for this tutorial. It's very useful. Blockquote can also be used as a design to our websites.
Annie !!! Will this work with jsut any wordpress theme ??? Thank you very much :). Pease keep on posting good tips !!!
Hi Annie,
Thanks for the quick tip! I already use them often but i'm sure many people will be glad to learn this, it definitely makes quotes more easy to read and spices things up a bit. :)
When I was running a blog all this sort of stuff was confusing. I used blogger, I will have to bookmark your site for help in the future.
Great work man!
Annie, thanks for the tip. Is there a way to, say, shrink them a little?
Thanks for posting such a good piece of work. I wish I could do something interesting and helpful like this post
It looks far better with these big quotas in my opinion, and it also make the quota stand out. Great.
Nice trick posted. It's the first time when I've see how are made these quotas. Usually, I was thinking this type of quotes are made in Photoshop somehow. :)
well, it reminds me of ezinearticles.
thanks Annie, I guess you need this code when you work on platform like the one quoted above.
Just what I was looking for :) Thanks Annie!
I like your post! Thanks for the useful information and code!
That was great! I am rest assured that your post will really give help for all the readers who have no idea of using such block quote. the fact that block quote is one way of formatting text.
Thanks, just the answer i was looking for. im new to blogging and really dont have time to learn everything myself
A little detail that appeared to be very useful for me, thanks)
awesome post
Well, blockquote is good to write some quotations.
I often use this.
Hi Annie thanks for the tip, will give it a go.
Great article, many thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the help with that. It's handy when someone knows what they're doing!
Thanks for the tip. Shame I couldn't test it in this reply.
I love these little tips - easy to digest and over time you find you suddenly know a lot.
The article is really helpful, I like it very much. I will keep your new articles
Thanks very much for sharing.
nice nice nice man thank you
A small but briliant tip!! thank you so much for pointing it out. Do you have some more text formatting tricks like that?
great tip, thanks for sharing
Great little bit of information, thank you
Short but meaningful. I always fond using blockquote in my blog. Maybe there are still some bloggers who doesn't no the importance of blockquote and thanks to your blog, it can give them idea already what is the purpose of putting blockquote.
Thanks for the post, I do try to use it but often forget. I will make sure I use it more in the future.
Nice tip, Keep on writing
simple tips, usefull. thank you.. ;)
I thought this was an obvious answer to an obvious question until I tried it, then I was grateful for your advice.
Question- How do you make the code look different from plain text? I did exactly what you said but for some reason my blog's platform editor is automatically interpreting it as plain text.
@multivariate testing, I'm not sure why...maybe look in your template css and find the blockquote section. That may give you a clue as to why.
Thanks to share great information.
Very useful information. Good Post.
Care4air luchtreiniging
This is a great blog and many thanks for the tricks!
Hmm.., it only move the text to the center.
I'm a new blogger and love learning HTML. Unfortunately, the blogging site I use (Wordpress) is so user-friendly that tasks like adding block quotes are simple and easy. I"m thankful that they're there but it makes me lazy to learn HTML!
Nice post . But need to know you cannot put quote for php script code. Anyway thanks for sharing . Get free online
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thanks for the good advices nice blog
it is a very good idea, I like your idea, so, thanks a lot.
I like to use this blockquote not for quoting but for the first word or sentence of a post. It just looks nicer!
I am on the process of learning this codes, I really find it hard at first but with continuous use of these codes you'll learn it by heart
Never really used blockquotes unitl recently. They really do help display quotes and information on your site. I was very surprised to see how you can manipulate them as much as you can with CSS, adding backgrounds and such to it to give a really cool affect. Good read
thank you!
had no idea that by inserting this easy html code you can get these pretty blockquotes...where have i been ?!:)))
Ughhh... I still can't understand a thing.
-Runna http://teenfitnessblog.blogspot.com/
Thanks. This post is very useful.
Thanks for sharing this!
Foe newbies it really helpful
Cool. I never thought it's that easy. Your blog has been helping me since the day I have first seen it. It is very informative and very easy to follow.
Hi Annie! Thanks for this short code, it made my quotes look a lot better than just the copying and pasting I used to do! Makes it easier to read too!
I am a newbie and your post is valuable for me.
I was here to read about a half hour. I am a newbie and your message is valuable to me.
I had heard about it earlier but got clarification here. Now understand it clearly.
Very useful post. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the useful tutorial. Nice site btw. Looking around now.
This post was useful. I am new in this field, so found it very useful.
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great work!
- John Devis
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Wonderful blog. Thanks for posting this article. I appreciate your work. Web Hosts
It is helpful to know how to code quotation marks, thanks!
This is a short but very useful post. Thanks for sharing! I hate it when bloggers elaborate so much about a specific action yet the code is so simple. You make blogging easier.
I don't blame you for not having enough time to answer every single inquiry! hehe.. You have some really nice tips to keep a very flavorful, creative, and fancy looking blog and website.
I tried to use the blockquote in this post for starters, but it wouldn't accept... I'll try it out on my site.
Auto, I totally agree. The simpler the better cause some of us are laymen as well in the field.
very very creative !! :)
keep it up.
Thanks for the helpful tip. I definitely know that when I first started working with blogs and websites, I found even the easiest HTML codes to be confusing. Now it's much easier, especially with little tid bits like this all over the web.
Thanks for sharing all those wonderful codes. I was just wondering why there are no new posts for codes here. I can't wait to try your new codes. :)
Hey I like what you have up there..thanks for the tip..will remember!
where you want put it.its depends on u.
Thanks for the info. It helped me a lot.
thanx for the tip. for a newbie like me this helps!
Nice,valuable and informatics stuff about code tip in the post which is simple and handy for many bloggers. Thanks very much for sharing...
Keep it up regularly plz......!
very very nice article .
keep it up.
I have tried that things and it doesn't work, the html code should be encoded, maybe you should give it a try. I don't know if you're still sitting on Blogger editor, but it takes me almost halfday just to figure out this thing and it's based on my experience.
Thank you for providing information to people reading your blog site.
VA Locksmiths
Nice to share it.
I guess you can place the blockquote code anywhere you want to? The Pretty Blockquotes post was very helpful Annie, thank you.
Very simple... Thanks for posting the code snippet!
Absolutely great site! I'm new to blogging and I've learned so much from you. Thanks.
Thank you so much for providing this high quantity and great quality icons for us to use and create with!
seen on post
Thank you for your help ann. I have always wondered about this!
This was easy to do for my Wordpress blog but for some reason, I can't get it to work Blogger! Please HELP!
a good article. thank you for sharing it!
Thanks for posting this information. I am going to my blog right now to implement this immediately. It's going to look great.
This is really an interesting article, nice points. In fact, i bookmarked your site co'z i find your site very interesting..
Thanks for sharing this. I have been trying to add links this way to contributors of my site. I still need the link to their logo tho correct? Thanks
Great blog, I'll give this a try on my website to see how it fits. It looks to be really effective in the example tha you've provided.
seen on post
Very good for the starters. The blockquote is a useful tool but it's more useful if it's customized via CSS.
I tried using html code to put my logo around the blocks but it wouldn't let me. haha
Nice,valuable and informatics stuff about code tip in the post which is simple and handy for many bloggers. facebook fan page
I have to admit the original post was probably really confusing for novice HTML learners. The idea of inputting CSS code in one place and having it effect an attribute in another place (or really any other HTML that is linked to the style sheet) is a difficult concept when you're just starting out. Good luck to all the beginners out there!
very nice blog. . . thanks for sharing
greeting from mas raden
You deserve kudos for helping out so many people. I'm new to most of this and it looks like greek to me, but I'm picking up bits and pieces as I read more info each time. Thanks so much. Margaret
Very good for the starters. The blockquote is a useful tool but it's more useful if it's customized via CSS. starting was really confusing but later end and middle was good
most of the comments in this blog are really useful. thanks for sharing such a great information.
simple tips, usefull. thank you.. ;)
a good article. thank you for sharing it!
I've found that changing the styling of blockquotes really helps in the user-experience department. With just a few styles you can really jazz up what was once plain.
Cool code! Thank you!
You deserve kudos for helping out so many people. I'm new to most of this and it looks like greek to me, but I'm picking up bits and pieces as I read more info each time. Thanks so much. Margaret
I really love your blog. I am looking to start my own and have bookmarked your site for help. You give so many helpful tips...thanks.
Thank you for all the tips and help. I am getting ready to launch my blog and you hav helped me so much. Love your blog
Thanks for sharing this information .This is good blog .
Blockquote is one way of doing it. Blockquote by default inserts margins. An alternative to blockquote is cite and q.
Cool. I never thought it's that easy. Your blog has been helping me since the day I have first seen it. It is very informative and very easy to follow.
thanks man!! very helpful!!
The article is really helpful, I like it very much. Thanks a lot. Keep blogging.
Great article, thanks for sharing..
Great post. The codes are so easy to forget .I have bookmarked your site for future reference
hey! That's a great way to open an image in popup.
Techno Blogger
Really easy to do. Thanks so much. I am kinda computer illiterate and I was so proud I did it. Your site is so helpful. Thank you
I am starting a blog and I have bookmarked your site and copied so many codes to use. I just really wanted to thank you for helping all of us out here learning.
Thank you! I get this blockquote thing messed up all the time :D
Good info! Thank you for the post. I really love to read such articles for you share different body of knowledge that people should know.
blockquotes are a good way to format text, i use them all the time on my blog. Thank you for sharing the useful information with us. Keep blogging.
This is helpful for coding. Thanks.
Thats great, thank you very much
blockquotes are a good way to format text, i use them all the time on my blog. Thank you for sharing the useful information with us. Keep blogging.
Very nice.. thanks
I am interested very much in the subject matter of your blog. It’s my first visit. I like very much your way of presentation. Keep blogging.
interesting post. very helpful Greetings and success to you always
Thanks Annie! I was looking for this. I know all the other codes but not this one.
Can anyone tell me how to make the blockquote become a link? and pass the validator, too.
Ann this is great blog honestly. Keep blogging!
Thanks Annie! Interesting post and very helpful
thanks for telling abt Where to put the blockquote code. now ill be more educated in using it! great post!
This site has been a Godsend for me. I started a blog to help people quit smoking, but it's grown by leaps and bounds, with a TON of help from blogger university. I can't thank you enough for all of the valuable information this site contains.
Hello my friend! I want to say that this article is awesome, nice written and include almost all vital infos. I would like to see more posts like this .
Can you give me the full codes?
Wow, this site is awesome. Thanks so much for all the detail help you've shared with us. one word: wow!
Thanks for an insightful post. These tips are really helpful. Again thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.Keep up the good work.
I like very much your way of presentation. Keep blogging.
I have just found your blog, as a newbie I am finding this great and will try the block quotes - thank you for passing on your knowledge so people like me can make our blogs better.
Fantastic blog, very insiteful. especialy for new people to coding i have found your solutions very helpful. Many thanks.
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the blockquote code works, nice. thank you
Mihaela Copertine
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Great litle code hint, comes in handy for newbies looking for help like this.....
Republica Dominicana
great tip !! keep them coming
great one,
really informative
keep it up
hey its nice and amazing post...i will try this ...its also a nice website
Great litle code hint, nice written and include almost all vital infos
Why should you use it? I can't imagine the situation when you need it.
Good information, I really appreciate sharing this great post, tnx
This is just a best one line coding where I can just put the block quote. It is really a very nice sharing. Thanks for it which make me clear about executing quote.
This is very simple blog but useful one.Changing the block quote has different ways.i.e we can change the size,colour and format the text. drupal web development
thanks for the HTML coding, it reminds me the code. thanks a lot
Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work :)
Great post. Easy to use cause I can actually copy and paste the info right into my html code!!
Thnaks for the handy tips
Thanks Annie!
Interesting post and very helpful!
Great little bit of information.Thnaks.
I was looking for this information. Thank you!
you can customize the blockquote by editing the code. Search for ".blockqoute" ,you can change the bgcolor ,borders and whatever.
you can also customize the blockquote. Go to blogger-> Design->Edit Html->search for "blockquote". you can customize there
Thanks for talking about this. It was very useful in solving my problem. Thanks once again.
Thanks for sharing this little code. It is quite useful in blog.
Thanks for sharing such a nice and informative post
Blockquote is most of the time in the middle , as it gets more attention.
This quickly grabbed my attention.
attractive one , it make us to read whole so that we are got attracted towards the sweet
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Excellent information on BlockQuote code. I was not ware of this. Your post really taught me and gain much knowledge through your post. Thanks.
But I don't understand what is the use of putting a block quote around some topics? Any importance for block quote?
This is the new quote I have found from your post. I will use in my blog post further.. Thanks for shared about the blockquote..
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great information here
That was awesome, just tried it on one of my blogger blog and it so cool! Looking forward for your other creations..
Great post. Easy to use because I can actually copy and paste the information right into my html code! You teach me something new every time! Thanks!
I second the comment above - I come back to your blog once every two weeks to pick up more tips
So short - So simple - SO EXCELLENT! I followed your instructions and succesfully added a blockquote to my site! Thank you Annie! Please keep the tips coming! You're ROCKING it!
I have to admit the original post was probably really confusing for novice HTML learners. The idea of inputting CSS code in one place and having it effect an attribute in another place (or really any other HTML that is linked to the style sheet) is a difficult concept when you're just starting out.
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I really like your quotes !
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nice tip, it's hard to find such excellent short tips for blogger,
Thank you so very much for the help.
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More great content for us newbies. Keep it coming and thanks. I have literally searched for hours to figure out how to do some of the things you teach on your blog.
I second the comment above
Thanks for this piece of coding.
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