Entrecard - Social Networking...with a twist

I love finding new blogging treasures, and I finally checked into this little widget that I have seen here and there across the blogosphere. It is called Entrecard, and it is a new twist on the social networking aspect of blogging. But, what is that twist exactly?
Let me explain it to you as I see it. If I owned a business, I would certainly have a business card. Why? To pass out to possible clients. It is a mini advertisement. My product and /or business will be seen.
Being seen. That is what it is all about. Visibility. Enter the Entrecard. A simple little digital business card for your blog or website. It capitalized on the already popular 123 x 125 ad size.
Create your own ecard, submit it to Entrecard and begin networking. I modified and spruced up my Blog Aid badge to make my Entrecard. (See it on the right?) I still want to do more work to it, but this will have to do for now.
It uses a point system that is explained on their site. To simplify it, you earn points that you can use to buy ad space on other sites. Clicking on the logo on someone’s Entrecard widget is called dropping your card, and points are earned each time you drop a card. If someone drops a card on your site, you also get points. It is a win win situation.
This is a fun, easy way to build traffic to your blog. I have already found a couple of interesting places that I may have never seen with Entrecard.

Social networking is always a good thing.But I have never heard about Entrecard.This is new.
EC has introduced me to some of my favorite blogs and I'm pretty sure that I'll be adding yours to the list :)
@A Girl, that is really what I had hoped would happen with EC...reaching readers I wouldn't have before.
And, I've found some awesome blogs through EC also!
Entrecard is a great way not only to get to know generate some traffic but also to get to know other bloggers in your niche. Of course with all the drop backs its good for your ego as well since the stats go up.
Thanks Annie! The frames were just some digiscrap I had around the computer that I thought looked really pretty with your header design. I just changed the color to match with Gimp. I saw on a couple of posts that you use it too, I love that program.
I joined entrecard, I saw it your post on it, then was noticing it around the web and decided to join up :)
I've been part of EntreCard for a few weeks.
I ahve been using Entrecard for about 6 weeks now, and have enjoyed more traffic. I now have more RSS subscribers than I did be Entrecard.
There is some debate on whether Entrecard traffic is good or bad. I think for new blogs trying to establish a name for themselves, Entrecard will definitely help.
I like the idea, but do you really think it's going to take off. Just having a business card to help networking. I mean to give someone a "business card" its pretty much the same as asking for a link. If they put it up good for you. If not - no link, no exposure.
@John Morgan, I think I'm looking at it from a different angle. I'm not hoping to get links from there, but simply more exposure. And, that is certainly the case for me...more readers!
Is this kosher with Ad-sense?
@James Christensen, I did some research before signing up, and couldn't find anything to indicate a problem with adsense.
If anyone knows any different, please let me know.
Entrecard is a great way not only to get to know generate some traffic but also to get to know other bloggers in your niche.
I ahve been using Entrecard for about 6 weeks now, and have enjoyed more traffic.
Entrecard just got $1.1million funding, and some servers that worth half a million dollars. With this money they can fix all the bugs.
I get about 400 hits/day from Entrecard. I'm not sure why my blog receives so many from them but it does.
I know alot of people usually only report 50-100 hits per day. I know that usually I'll drop my 300 cards a day on the same 300 sites. Maybe that is the trick.
Is it easy to customize to display your site's logo?
@twinklemom, I didn't have a problem making mine...it was fun!
Social networking is just great for Blogs..Thanks for the tutorial.
I know that usually I'll drop my 300 cards a day on the same 300 sites.
I've been thinking about using Entrecard for my reading blog as well so thanks for this very helpful post. I've also started a profile on Stumbleupon.com and plan to "Stumble" a page or two of my site where it makes sense.
oh annie u've really influenced me to join entrecard, and u're right it's just so fun!
it took me a while until i know how it works, but once i get to know it i'm addicted to it :D
i think this can be used to get free traffic for blog
Nice post to read, well yeah that is true, this can be used to get some relevant and free traffic.anyves good to see this
I always hear and see entrecard on other blogs that I've visited before but I didn't really mind it...in fact, I don't even know what it is..only now I've learned what it is and what it can do for your blog's traffic..anyways I think it's a nice addition to my blog, so I will also go and put it..:) thanks Annie for sharing this idea!
Thanks for post...
Nice idea.That banner or your blog must seem to look like a kind of a visit card.That makes you a nice image I should say.Sounds like a nice idea.I'll try to make it alive.
Interesting site. But if my blog or site is not in English. Can I use Entrecard?
Jeg har været tanker om at bruge Entrecard for min læsning blog og så tak for denne meget nyttigt indlæg