Change "Post A Comment On:" Text
Hi, I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I've gone way back into your archive. It's been a huge help for me. Thank you! I am writing however because I can't figure out how to edit the "Post A Comment On:" page. See this link for my specific example.
I've been creating a wedding website based on Blogger and have only allowed comments on the Guestbook "page" of my site and I've changed all references to "comments" to read "entries" or "guestbook entries" or "sign my guestbook". The only exception is this page which I can't quite figure out how to modify. Do you have anysugestions. The wedding site is:
Brian, first you must open your dashboard | Template | Edit HTML and check Expand Widget Templates. Search until you find this code in the template:
<p class='comment-footer'>Change the code in red to the code in green:
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
<p class='comment-footer'>That should do it! And congratulations to you and Flor!!
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>Sign my Guestbook</a>

Now in Blogger, This is automatic = Settings - Comments - Comment Form Message
Sorry for my bad English
I am spanish
Your blog is very good
Yay, I came from the CLIQ widget!
BlogU needs an avatar for the widget -- and feel free to add it (or not) to your blog.
I was so excited to see you there!
@sbpoet, I didn't know an avatar was an option!! I put my avatar in!!
Hi, Annie this is a question.
Is there anyway one can tweak the blogger template to include wrodpress like footers, for recent comment tag cloud and featured articles. Like here.
Thanks for being as helpful as usual.
@omodudu, not quite sure what you mean. Something like what I did on the bottom of my blog...the cellar? That is nothing more than 3 columns of widgets in the footer. I'm planning to do a little post about that soon.
But, is that sorta what you had in mind?
I'm also trying to make a blog.
Hi I tried to follow the instructions you posted about changing "post a comment" to something else. but it didn't work. all i really want to do is change the font of "post a comment" from times new roman to verdana. Do you think you could help me out? your help would be greatly appreciated!!!
For Free or Close to It
thanks for the info... i badly needed it now :)
it works like magic :)
cheers! ^_^`
how did you add the little heart next to the text that says "Post A COMMMENT"?
@anonymous, Pretty up the 'Business End' of Your Post.
This is great man!
Web Hosting
Good how-to. Thanks.
adult web hosting
This is great man!
I tried to blog and this article helped me a lot .. really thanks ... greetings to all ...
Do you have any experience with wordpress blogs?
Thank you for this useful info. I've been trying to do it without success - thankfully, your post has helped me change it :) keep up with your great work !
This is great information for me. I was looking for it from long time. Thanks for sharing. I also i really want to do is change the font of "post a comment". How will I do ? Can you please help me in doing it ?
thanks for the useful post, useful info i found on your article.i bookmarked this article.
This is all great information and very useful. Thank you so much!
One of those fixes that you realize is so easy after someone shows you how to do it. Hah. Thanks!
Nice blog! I like the layout style as it's easy on the eyes. The info was quite helpful as I'm almost ready to start blogging and it's good to see where others were having trouble and to avoid this when starting out. Thanks!
Easy to understand. You just put it simple. Great!