Unobtrusive Sidenotes
Have you ever been blogging happily away, only to suddenly, and much to your surprise, have the desire to write a footnote? But, who really likes footnotes, let alone actually going to the trouble of scrolling to the end of the text to read the footnote and losing your place? But, you have to admit, if there was a better way, you might become a footnote writing genius.
Well, I admit it, I'm one of those people. And today I found something exciting! It is called Unobtrusive Sidenotes. It is the perfect thing for when my thoughts wander and I'm off in left field, completely off base. Or, it can actually fill the shoes of a footnote by giving a more in depth explanation or reference to the topic at hand. It is the cutest little thing.
Unfortunately, the original code, in the above link, didn't work in Blogger and some other platforms. But, the people at arc90 corrected the problem with A Simpler, Hosted Version of Sidenotes.
The end result is simplicity at it's best. You see a block of pink text...look for the corresponding pink block. You see a block of blue text...look for the corresponding blue block. You get the idea.
To implement visit the links above and read more details about this script. I found I had problems with the code as they wrote it. So, I slightly revised it so it would behave with Blogger. I'll walk you through it. First this bit of code goes in the after the <head> but before the <b:skin><
Morning Annie~
Thank you for another great informative post!
Hey, I had a there somewhere on BlogU where you have instructions for finding out how you've added the "Popular Posts" category? I've checked your achives and can't seem to find anything. I currently have a "widget" on my blog for this purpose, but it's slowing my download time and I'd like to remove it.
Thanks Annie...enjoy your weekend!
@Ron, I use the link widget and add the links myself. I keep an eye on various methods (google analytics, Feedjit to name a couple) to see what is viewed most often. Then I will add that link.
I had another widget from feedjit that I used for awhile, but it didn't seem to update. I may try it again at another time.
What widget are you using?
this is awesome!! thanks so much for taking the time to not only post the links to the original scripts but to also figure out the blogger tweaks... :)
@Ron, nevermind, I found what you are using.
And you are is slow to load.
Hi Annie~
Thanks for your reply! Yes...I too used Feedjit and I agree, it never seemed to update.
I will try what you suggested here. Once again, I thank you for your advice!
This is SO awesome..and perfect...many times I like to quote someone's quote, or verse, or just any little information and this should save me having to go ALL the way to the bottom to create "Source:" notes...thank you for sharing this!
I have set up a blog to test this--its a Blogger blog. Love the idea of being able to use the sidequotes!
I kind of got it working but its seems like the alignment might be an issue, depending on template used. Want to set up a blog where I go through a book--kind of a review kind of commentary so don't even know if I need but a one column type format. Obviously, will be lots of text! Could you take a look at my blog and suggest what I might be doing wrong? Just seems that there's little control over the actual placement--then again, I'm novice-level
Love your blog.
@Stang, That was one problem I had when I tested it. I found that it wouldn't work if you added a sidenote too close to the end of the post. I couldn't figure out why.
Maybe see if lab.arc90 offers a solution.
The idea is neat, makes your blog look more like a magazine layout. But, I think it would also make my page look more cluttered. I'm already trying to battle that. I will be thinking about it though :)
Thanks for all this good trick on blogspot
One question:
How can i insert a NEW FOOT SECTION with 3 columns on this kind of template:
thanks for your counsil.
@anonymous, You should be able to. May have to tweak it a bit more. I would really have to sit down and play with it to tell you for sure but I don't have the time right now. When I do, I'll see what I come up with.
ok thanks Annie, I will wait until you have time. See soon here back
@anonymous, I gave it a try and it needs more work, but here is the link to a test blog. If you want the xml file to work on further, email me.
Did you mean by unobtrusive side note as a mix or combination of javascript and CSS?...I've haven't tried using it...It looks like complicated to me...although this is useful for those who wants to quote from their favorite authors.