Add "Subscribe to Comments (Atom)"
In each Blogger template, below the posts, is a link that allows readers to subscribe to your posts Atom feed. Remember when I wanted to put this feature back in my template, but couldn't figure out how? Well, I finally found out how to restore the Subscribe to Comments (Atom) feature.
Here is what you need to do if you have *ahem* misplaced yours like I did. Open your Dashboard | Template | Edit HTML and check Expand Widgets Templates. Find this code:
<!--Post feed links -->Replace PUT NEW CODE HERE with:
<div class="post-feeds ">
<b:loop values="data:posts" var="post">
<b:if cond="data:post.allowComments">
<b:if cond="data:post.feedLinks">
<b:include data="post.feedLinks" name="feedLinksBody">
<a href="">Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)</a>Put your blog's name in, and change TYPE to full or summary.

Thanks! This post helped me a lot.
Yes,very informative, for new bloggers
wondering why they can't post on my my blogs i don't know why please help me i tried the at the top what you said but can't help what can i do please help me thanks
Thanks for posting this, its really useful and helpful, and your post is quite informative. I have being looking for this for a while now because i didnt know how to do it, you just saved me...i think i have to be visiting often maybe i could get more information
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Thank you for your share, this is what I was looking for and it was easy to implement.
thanks for the useful post, useful info i found on your article.i bookmarked this article.
Thanks. I input the code and it worked for a while. Now suddenly it's not working again.
Thanks for the "do follow" comment links! I wish all website owners were as progressive and thoughtful as you. Google truly created a monster with this silly attribute!
hey Annie, I had to go back to check whether I have the Subscribe to comments option or not.
The result- I do not have!
the other thing is that one one of my blogs I created a blog-roll, where I have the links to 5 blogs of my interest.
I would like to have the blogroll only on the home page, not on every page of my blog, do you know how to do it?
I wish all website owners were as progressive and thoughtful as you. Google truly created a monster with this silly attribute!