A Round-Up of Free Blogging Icons!
These are some icons I found and thought I'd share. What a fun way to pull together your blog!! And best of all...they are all FREE!! You can download each set from the link under the image.

These are some icons I found and thought I'd share. What a fun way to pull together your blog!! And best of all...they are all FREE!! You can download each set from the link under the image.
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Wow.what a nice post!!!Really so important tweeter.I like it.Even i love to use theses.Thanks for sharing this in your post with us.
I just changed the RSS icon on my blog a week ago. These are truly cute. I'll keep them in mind for when I get bored with the one I have. Thanks.
Cool icons.
Im love "Several wild RSS feed icon sets"
Great stuff! I will difinitely use some of the icons on MuZui
hey pretty cool icons ... very nice thanks :D
i very much liked "Bottle Icon Set (cute, cute, cute!)"
Cool icons....
Annie what would we do without your blog?
Great icons! Very eye catching. They sure help to add some variety and hopefully interest to blogs. Thank you for sharing them with us :)
I really love the bottle icons. I really wish I had a site where it would be appropriate to use them on - D'oh...
well ... these icons are really cool...All are amazing but ... bottle and glossy boogy icos are best of them .. cause these are totally unique and have nice designs. thanks for this nice post.
The icons are really soooo cool. I will give them a try in the shortest time for the future project
Real cool!
I am going to give them a try right now! :D
Very cool, thank you. I especially like the apple/rss feed icons near the top, I am going to have to use that one. I am finding lots of helpful info here on your blog, even though I use wordpress instead of blogger.
The apple RSS Icons were exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
Icons are very much important it describe many thing in a short and simple manner. A rich collection of icons over here.
Very nice selection of icons. Found this site while researching launching my own blog - if I can work out how to use these icons I'd like to give them a try... :)
cool icons. thank you.
Thanks a lot for this icons!!!
Oh cool! These are really cute icons! it will truly make your site look more interesting and fun...anyways thanks a lot for sharing these cute icons...now my site will look more cute than ever.
Great selection of icons! They should come in very useful. Thanks!
I really like the rss feed icons. I'll have to use them on my blogs. Thanks so much for sharing.
Great range of icons, they will definately liven up any blog or website including mine!
Sweet icons man. Very cool.
Those are what I'm looking for!!! So thank you a million!!!
I can't find time to updrade my pc and to make it look fun.
These are really very nice set of icons. I like the icon with three orange apples for RSS feed the most. Being the Apple lover both from gadget-wise and fruit-wise, i like it the most out of all.
This is a nice list of icons. thank you for sharing.
You usually have to pay a premium for these, these are very useful and look great.
Great! Thanks for icons!
The theme looks pretty nice too!
My first blog
Those icons will be of good use, thank you!
I love the valentine set, but I'm not sure what they are all supposed to mean!