HTML Code Box
I did a Google search on how to put a box with html code to "grab a button" in a blog post or somewhere else on the blog and yours came up.
I see that you have just what I am looking for close to the bottom of your blog (under the posts).
I have a button and all I need to do is put the code into a box so that people can copy and paste it to put the button on their blog. How can I add the same thing to my blog?
Your help would be very much appreciated.
Occasionally you want your readers to be able to copy code. Just how to get that code on your blog with out it doing it's little html magic first? Put it in a little box like this:I'm a visual person, so the best way for me to explain this is with the exact code that I used for the above box:
<center>Grab this button:</center><center><img style="border: 0px none ;" alt="BlogU Button link" src="" title="Steal my button!" width="80" height="15" /></center>And here is the code showing what you need to change:
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="28" name="code-source"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a></textarea></center>
<center>TEXT EXPLAINING WHAT IS IN BOX</center><center><img style="border: 0px none ;" alt="LINK TITLE" src="IMAGE URL" title="LINK TOOLTIP TITLE" width="XX" height="XX" /></center>The pink code is where you can adjust the size of the box. All that is left to do is place it in a HTML/Javascript widget!
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="28" name="code-source"><a href="LINK"><img border="0" src="IMAGE URL" /></a></textarea></center>

I just tried it out and it worked a treat.
Thank you so much for that!!
@Gerri, WOW, that was fast! Good job!!
Thanks for this. This is always a difficult one for people to Google since it's a fairly convoluted description.
it really works
thank you very much for the information
creating this HTML code is easy but how to create such button and in varius colour and design
@siddiq, not so sure that can be done. At least I know that I don't know how.
Worked perfectly! Thank you very much! Great instructions!
Thank you so much for posting this- I am a complete novice-but to my surprise IT WORKED!!! THANK YOU!
Thank you so much for the code!
I'm new to blogging too. This is very useful for me to share some codes without having it appear on the page. Great sharing.
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! Works great!
thanks so much for posting this trick
works perfectly for my badge :)
u're always my source for Blogger tricks :)
Thanks so much!
Yeah, that's nice!
Thank you for the code.
great, thanks for your tutorial, it completly HTML code box tutorial. great, keep post. your blog design is awful
@menjgmbalikan, LOL!
this completly HTML code box tutorial. great, keep post. Give me information about HTML.. Very thanks.. success for you
I think I love you. Thank you so much for the fantastic tutorial!
I just wanted to let you know that I freaking love you!
I was trying so hard to figure this out and you made it so simple - headache free!
Thank you so much!
It sure is amazing what you can do with html and javascript. Definitely what I love the most with blogger. They made it so easy to customize blogs with their add gadget feature. Its one of the many reasons why I did not change blog platform.
How can you do it without the box?
Wow thanks for this code. Its a big help. Thanks for sharing!
THANK YOU!! I looked all over for a "how to" for this! I Googled it, but, wasn't sure what it was called. You can only imagine what I got by my errors. LOL Anyway, of all the directions on how to do this that I did find, yours is by far the best and the simplest! (One had us changing the HTML code for the entire blog!)
I just want you to know that you are wonderful in my book! LOL
Thank you!
Thanks for this wonderful post. You just boosted my confidence in my project that I'm doing right now.
Great information that I think will really come in handy in my own blog. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you SO MUCH for this tutorial. I looked and tried for about two days before stumbling on your instructions. It worked on my first try...please feel free to pop on over to see that I gave you credit immediately following my button. YOU ROCK!
Great mini tutorial. The colour coding makes it easy enough for even people like me to implement.
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this helped a lot the colors really helped me out figuring what code meant what. thanks
This is very useful thanks. This code will help share code with users on your sites but without the code actually doing anything on your site. Cheers
Awesome!Your article was really useful to me!I didn't know how to adjust the size of the box.Now I know thanks to you ;)
Nice work, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the share.