Inline Comments for Blogger!!!
Oh, happy days!! Blogger, in it's infinite wisdom, has decided to give us inline comments!!! I have waited and waited. Tried hack after hack, but couldn't get any to work. Now it is there for the clicking!
If you have a straightforward template the change is extremely simple. You must got to the Blogger in Draft dashboard. Go to Settings | Comments | Comment Form Placement. Then select Embedded below post. Save and that is it.
For those of us that have done extensive customization to the template, there are a few more steps. First, follow the above instructions. Then do a quick check on a post page and see if the inline comment form is in place. If not, this is what I had to do to my template. Remember each template is different, and it may take some trial and error. Save your template before beginning.Go to your Dashboard | Layout | Edit HTML | Expand Widget Templates. The key word I looked for to get me where I needed was comment-footer.
Side note: did you know that in Firefox you can go to Edit | Find in This Page... That will open a little bar at the bottom of the window. Type in the word you want to search for. In this instance, I typed in comment-footer. Then click next. Each time you click it, you will be taken to the next instance of that word or phrase in the page!!
<p class='comment-footer'> <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>Post a Comment</a> </p>
Change to:
<p class='comment-footer'><b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'> <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/> <b:else/><a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>Post a Comment</a></b:if> </p>
Your template may be tweaked differently. Basically, this is the line of code I had to add which made the inline comment form appear:
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'> <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/> <b:else/></b:if>
Now commenting has been taken to a whole new level on BlogU and blogs across the world! It is quick and simple for readers to leave a comment without leaving the page.

Hey, Annie! Thanks for this information. I found the "comment-footer" portion, but where do we add the second line of code?
Thanks a lot for the information. I had to patch it manually, too. But it worked immediately after I added your Change-to-block. In my case all the visible text pieces are even in German by itself. Very nice!
@Two Kayaks, you don't need to add that second line of code. I just put it there to show you the line that was added if the first part failed.
great tip annie!
Hi! Annie,
This is what every blogger is waiting, Thank you for the tip annie..anyway, off the topic -- I know you're busy but i passed you the arte y pico award please read; You deserve it.
Have a nice day!
@Iris, thanks for the award!
thanks Annie.
Merci Annie! Thanks for the information provided above your Post a Comment Form.
Hello Annie: Great tip. Also, I was very impressed with your classic hide/collapse element post done quite sometime ago. It is still the best I have seen so far. I have been successful in utilizing it in my blog and writing this positive comment to you is an honor for me. Thank you so much.
Vow what a useful piece of information. It worked immediately after I added your Change-to-block in my blogger. Thank you so very much indeed!
When I comment on a blogspot blog I prefer to use the Name/URL option in the Choose and Identity, obviously better for SEO, but also means readers don't simply get directed to my awful Blogger profile page.
But, how can I set things up so that Blogspot remembers my Name/URL combo from site to site?
Any advice most welcome.
David Bradley
@David Bradley, I use Firefox, so I don't know about IE, but it remembers what is typed into a link field and I select from my little list.
hey again, annie
This news is just plain awesome.. This was one of the main things I purely despised about blogger when it took you to a different page to comment. I think sometimes it used to put people off form commenting.. so this is rather good.
btw I had a question..
I'm using "border-bottom:#ccc 1px solid;"
for my a-href links.
do you know how I can adjust the distance between the line and the hyperlinked word? I think it might be line width or smtn but i'm not sure.. and also under "post" or "body" or where?
@dabloggr, I'm not sure right off hand. And I'm on vacation right now. But, I will look into it when I get time.
Just switched to inline comments and loving it! - Thanks
testing's great.
I've tried to add this to my blogger blog and it opens in another window...
What I'm trying to say is: The inline comments show you have it here, but it's not directly below the blog post. I click on the comment link and it opens the whole blog post again in another window. Got any ideas for me?
@Hootin' Anni, I would start fresh and do it again. Try putting the code in a different spot maybe.
hi annie,
i was the one who sent you an email. after i tried this, my social bookmarking button won't appear on my new posts. i checked the code, and the "add this" code is still there. i reverted to the not-inline comment option, and still the "add this" button does not appear on my latest post. i sound confusing and confused, lol. hope you can help me out! thanks
Thanks a lot for all the information provided. The classic hide/command collapse element.
Thanks a lot for the information..i am working at inline comments and truely loving it....
Thanks for this tutorial. I don't know why it doesn't work on my test blog. Blogger gives me an error (bX-5jexeh)while I save my html changes. I tried both on customized template and on the uncostomized minima. What happens? Please, help me. Thanks
Hi Annie,
Just wondering if I make the switch to Firefox, from your previous post, will all of my bookmarks be transfered over? I have so many of them!
hie annie,
i cannot seem to make it work for my classic blogger template. issit compatible or not?
just checking.
Thanks a lot for the information and tips Annie.
@Hostmonster, I think this doesn't work with classic blogger templates.
I make the switch to Firefox, from your previous post.
That is new idea but I believe that many will not like the style.
I tried following the codes but it doen't work for me. I can't find the option under Settings.
@Hye Munar, did you go to the Blogger in Draft?
annie, I love it. thanks, jonathan
You are so much dedicated with changing the blogger theme change. It would be so difficult(actually impossible for us) to change things in that way.
Finally, eh? :-P
This is why I don't bother with Blogspot/Blogger or whatever you want to call them. It takes them forever to get with the show!
it doen't work for me. I can't find the option under Settings.
@Poet blogger, to each his own!
@Bookmakers, Did you open the Blogger in Draft link in my post? That is how you access this.
Not sure why but it doesn't work for me either. The form came and disappear as well. My layout is customized. I tried to put the codes manually but I can't get it to work either.
hy annie, i just found your blog earlier today, you're great! i didn't even know about blogger in draft, and your favicon post was very useful. keep up what you're doing&thanks!
Hi Annie! Please Help
I did everything as said in the post but it gives me this error:
"More than one widget was found with id: HTML3. Widget IDs should be unique."
:D Thanks in advance
@Lisa, This is an easy fix. Go to your template (don't expand the widgets) and find the widget(s) named HTML3. Then rename one to a number that is not being HTML10 or HTML8.
Is there any way to center the entire comment form to the center?
like it naturally aligns to the left.
but can it be in the center of the posting?
how do add an icon only to the "POST A COMMENT" ,which appears above the comment form?
@anonymous, Look at Pretty up the Business end of your Post!
@anonymous, I'm not sure! I will look into it.
Thanks Annie, I have learned many things from here. Hats off for you.
Just this past week an issue arose with the inline comments on our website -- once you comment it collapses the actual post so you can't see it. You have to reload to see the post and comments :(
Anyone else have this issue?
@Eden, I haven't seen that yet. Did you report it to blogger? They work on such issues.
This didn't work for me although I followed the instructions to the 'T'... and neither did instructions to change the blog author comments. I have no idea what the trouble is. Oh dear!
Got it! I finally figured out by comparing the template with my test blog that I had a bit of code missing (or deleted, if you insist) :D Thank you.
Hola Annie,
Thanks for everything. I really do learned a lot from you.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Greetings and lots of love from Malaysia.
Hiya, I customized the template, and the embedded comment form is unable to appear as normal. Can I fix that by adding the code of second line you offered? If yes, where shall I put it? Thank you~
thanks Annie, u're awesome :D
i've been looking for this!
thank you very much.
Hi Annie;
I have been following your blog, which is very interestiing indeed and helps me in all aspects to make my blog look and work effectively.
I have one problem and hope u can help me at the earliest. I have added OPACITY in my blog-template with makes difficult to read lines in the embedded post-comment form below the posts.Please Help me..!
I find it time consuming to post comments and be directed to a different's good that you've shared with us some ways on how to make the comments appear on the same page...I just hope that many site owners can get to see and read this post of yours so they can also apply it on their blogs.
hey Annie,
thanks so much for this! after reading all the info available...yours was the most clear and worked 1st time. invaluable stuff! keep up the great insights. cheers
A very good detail.i would like to try it.really good one.thanks for sharing this information.
Hi Annie! I can't believe that Blogger has decided to give us inline comments! Thanks for sharing it to the netizens. From now on I will leave my wordpress and transfer all my stuff to Blogger.Thanks and Advance Happy new Year and more power to
Thank you so much. I didn't know that blogger supports inline comments.