Join the BlogU Students Blogroll!! of April 2011, the blogrolling site is no longer in operation, so I am removing the blogroll.
It seems the majority decided that having a blogroll for BlogU Students is a good idea! This will, of course, be on a voluntary basis. If you have learned how to personalize your blog from reading posts at BlogU and want to have your blog added to the BlogU Students Blogroll, now is your big chance!
First, please add the blogroll to your blog. I'm giving different options for presenting this in your blog.
Option #1 - Full blogroll:
- For Classic Blogger - put this code in your sidebar where you want it to appear ~OR~
- For Blogger Beta - Open Dashboard/ Template/ Page Elements/ Add a Page Element/ HTML/JavaScript and paste this code in that window:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=" #2 - Full blogroll with button:
Follow the steps for Option #1 but use this code instead:
<a title="Students of BlogU" target="_blank" href="">Option #3 - Expand/Collapse blogroll:
<img border="0" src="" width="80" height="15"></a><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="
First...Put this code in your CSS style sheet (between the <head> and </head> tags). Note, if you already have the Expand/Collapse code set up for your blog, skip to the third step.
.commenthidden {display:none}Second...Put this between the <head> and </head> tags, but not in the style sheet:
.commentshown {display:inline}
<script type="text/Javascript">Third...
function togglecomments (postid) {
var whichpost = document.getElementById(postid);
if (whichpost.className=="commentshown") { whichpost.className="commenthidden"; } else { whichpost.className="commentshown"; }
} </script>
- For Classic Blogger - put this code in your sidebar where you want it to appear ~OR~
- For Blogger Beta - Save template then open Dashboard/ Template/ Page Elements/ Add a Page Element/ HTML/JavaScript and paste this code in that window:
<a aiotitle="click to expand" href="javascript:togglecomments('blogustudents')" title="Students of BlogU">+/- BlogU Students blogroll</a><br><br>Option #4 - Expand/Collapse blogroll with button:
<div id="blogustudents" class="commenthidden">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="
Follow the instructions for Option #3, but use this code in the third step. (Note this option is not like what is in my sidebar. I opted for the button outside of the +/- and not on the inside. This option shows the button only if you click on the +/-.)
<a aiotitle="click to expand" href="javascript:togglecomments('blogustudents')">+/- BlogU Students Blogroll</a><br /><br>My personal favorite option is #4 because you get this very artsy button
<div class="commenthidden" id="blogustudents">
<a title="Students of BlogU" target="_blank" href="">
<img border="0" src="" width="80" height="15"></a>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="

- Include the title of your blog
- Include the URL of your blog
Join the BlogU Students Blogroll!! in Chinese
I love this Idea.....I want to be part of this program.... I'm A BlogU student now..... :)
God Bless you....
woo hoo - BlogU Student blogroll is going to be my first blogroll! Love your work, Annie, your site has been exactly what I was looking for :-)
@anne, happy you found my blog then! Enjoy personalizing your blog!!
I must be losing it because I cannot get the blogroll to appear on my site. I would like to have the roll on a page that I then link to from my sidebar. Is that possible?
Well, there are two ways that I know of off the top of my head.
1. Look at this post Build a Blogger Mini-Site which show one way. (You can see a working example for my ::PowderPuff Geeks::)
2. Put the blogroll in a post .You can even give it an earlier date like about the time you opened your blog. Then it won't show up as a new post (unless you want it to). Link to the post, which is what I did for the link you see in my sidebar for the BlogU Students Blogroll.
Let me know when you get it up and running, and I will add your blog to the roll. Or, let me know if you need anymore help.
Am a newbie and I was looking to tweak and do so many things to personalise my blog...but did not know where to look....Glad i found BlogU. Have the blogroll up and running.
@bloggermom, awesome job! You have been added!!
I moved my expand/collapse code to a new widget box and it stopped working. I've now tried to start over, removing the elements and putting them back in the template, to no avail.
i have this just below my 'variable elements':
.commenthidden {display:none}
.commentshown {display:inline}
which I assume is in both the style sheet _and_ between the "head" tags.
I have "togglecomments" code right above the closing "head" tag, which I assume keeps it out of the style sheet section.
It bears repeating that this is how I had it set up before, and it worked -- I even leveraged the code to expand/contract another blogroll and furl bookmarks.
Sometimes the flickr badge javascript "stops working" and replacing it solves the problem, but not this time with blogublogroll.
Any ideas?
@John, take a look at this Locating the CSS Style Sheet. I think that your 'togglecomments' code is probably under <b:skin><![CDATA[/*. Try putting it immediately following the <head> tag, but before <b:skin><![CDATA[/* . That should fix it.
Code can be very particular on it's placement.
@annie, thanks for the quick advice. I have moved things around and still no joy. I have a ton of hacks in there, though, and as I have said sometimes things just stop working. At present the blogublogroll is expanded and not collapsable (opposite of before) so I guess I'll just let it sit for now. Even so, this is very vexing :)
@John, now I'm completely baffled. I don't know what to say. Maybe try a different option. Like: Option #4 - Expand/Collapse blogroll with button and see if that makes any difference.
Like I said, code can be so particular. It could be a conflict with another piece of code.
thanks again. i have so much hack code it's amazing anything works, actually. i'll be going with the flat file i guess.
I'm using wordpress platform, any help to do this?
@Alexis, I've not worked with Wordpress, but it seems you would just option 1 or 2 to your sidebar. Let me know if it works for you.
I hope you won't get upset about me changing the code a bit. After all, it just means I'm an advanced student.
But when I put the code on my blog (right now it's an expandable button within the 'buttons' expandable button), I realized it's text, and that when I expand it I get to see the nice button. But I prefer to have a button expand, rather than a text, so I changed the code a bit. Unfortunately, Blogger won't let me put the revised code in the comments here, but you can probably see what I did there).
Please let me know if you don't approve of me fooling around with your code (I also took out one of the line spaces).
Otherwise, thanks. I'm a proud student.
@People in the Sun,
Heavens, I don't mind...I love it!! As a matter of fact, I will probably do it on my blog and do a post about it when I find a bit more time. Email the revised code if you don't will make my life easier. And when I do a post I will credit you for the revision!
And, welcome to BlogU Students!! I've added you to the blogroll.
Sent you a mail as was required. Making sure to bring it to notice. Hope to be listed as a student. :)
@Sanyukta, I haven't received your email yet. Send it after you have added the blogroll to your sidebar, and I will add you to the list!
I read that last comment from Sanyukta and just wanted to make sure you received my email (two emails, actually).
@People in the Sun,
No, I didn't receive any emails from you! What email link did you use? Did you use the email link in my sidebar? I just did a test run and received the test email from myself. So I think it is working. Maybe a glich in the system for a few days.
Send another when you get a chance just to see if it is coming through.
I just sent the emails again. I used the address you have on the button and on this post, but I didn't use the button because it only works with mailto:
I hope you get the email. Please let me know if you didn't.
@People in the Sun, I didn't receive them. I wonder what is wrong. I sent myself another test email, and it delivered. When I get back home I will have to figure out what is happening.
I sent the email gain too. Hope it got delivered. However, you can see the blogroll up and running as required, on my blog Serendipity. the blogroll is in the sidebar.
@Sanyukta, I have added you to the blogroll! Welcome!!
I really don't know what is going on with the email. I didn't receive any. And I tested the link and address. I don't understand it at all.
Thanks :)
Hi there,
This is some pretty cool thing you got going here. Gonna check out the remaining site pages to see if there are any updates. ;)
Cheers! :)
Thanks so much for your site - I want to make a blog for my mom's store - a clothing store that sells sustainable fashion - and so I started another blog so I can learn how to blog before I really get into the "fashion blog". I am fiddling with technical aspects of blogger and wondering if we need to go to wordpress and host on the store domain.
I have worked out a focus for the store blog - instead of a fashion editorial where I'd have to write stuff about articles of clothing (!), I want to make it a photos-mostly "street style" blog, showing photos of real people with style, looking and feeling good in ethical clothing...
So that's my goal, any advice would be much appreciated!
Thanks again!
@Anna, Welcome to BlogU Student's Blogroll!
What an excellent idea. And doing what you are doing is probably the best way to learn.
I would suggest seeking out other photoblogs to see how they are set up to get some design ideas for your template.
And I strongly feel that Blogger is every bit as good as, if not better than, WordPress. Blogger is extremely versitile. But, that is only my opinion.
Dear Annie:
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement!
I have run into some obstacles - my mom doesn't feel comfortable taking photos of customers - she has a point: she feels it would change their shopping experience and maybe make them feel weird about coming in again. So I will be practicing writing articles about fashion in my blog, getting ready for the day we feel ready to post to the "real blog" and have a link from the store!
I have a funky jeans background now - wishing I could get the expandable post thing to work but I can't figure out where to paste code! Not a big deal tho - will keep trying! Thanks again for all your help - I love your cooking blog too!
Oh - the main reason I was writing - would you put my new blog name "Window Shopping" on the blog roll please? Thanks so much!!!
@Window Shopping, What a lovely blog!I have added you to the blogroll.
Hey Annie
It's Miranda. I changed my blog address from MommyMe to
Attached at the Hip Do you think you could update the blogroll list?
BTW, love love the new look :D
@Miranda, Done!
I sent you this info:
I added your blogroll into my site on the right sidebar.
Here is my info:
title: Best Blog Widgets for Free
I was wondering if this will increase my technorati count or not?
(when my link is on the blogroll)
@John Smith, yes it does. And at the very least, you get link love and probably new visitors to your site!
So my technorati count should increase the same amount of people in the students blogroll??? (that is approx.)
@John Smith, I'm not sure of how much because I'm not a technorati expert.
@John Smith & Annie: Technorati changed their method of calculating ranking more than a year ago to no longer count links that appear in Javascript. So being on the BlugU blogroll will have no impact on your Technorati ranking there at all. Here is a recent lament from someone who just made the same discovery:
@John C Abell, thanks for that info. I didn't know what their policy was anymore. But, that is interesting.
Annie, you can remove me from the blogu blogroll. I am no long a memeber :(
I'm trying to clear out my sidebar.
-John Smith
Hello Annie.
I'm a new student at your blog. I love the idea (and your blog, where I had learned so much).
I have already put the roll at the side bar (option 4 expandable/collapsable), and a logo link to your blo at the footer.
Thank you.
All the best.
Luis J.
Web Dois Ponto Zero
@Luisj, have been added!!
Good day Annie
lucky thing your BlogU doesnt have a closing date for enrollment. i would like to enroll into your class. found many tips to learn about blogging yet to get to learn everything. im not considered as a newbie in blogging, but i am considered one when it comes to html. i get lost sometimes writing my own codes. lol.
anyway, my link is
be sure to spell blowfly as b-l-o-v-v-f-l-y =)
i opted to go without the one without the button cause the one with button makes my blog werid looking =x
thanks alot for allowing me to enroll and have a good day.
@Blowfly, Welcome!! You have been added to the blogroll.
I join the blogU Students Blogroll
I have added at my blog
@BambangOke I will add your name as soon as the blogrolling site is back functioning at 100%. They were having problems.
I liked the way you have given a unique and simple template for your blog. Would you be interested in link exchange just drop me a mail ;)
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