Blogger XML Template - Pink Stitches

This is a girlie template! It features:
- Label Cloud
- Stylized blockquotes
- Custom favicon
- Post, sidebar and footer section
- Post title image
And remember...

Blogger Beta,
Due to,happily, a steadily increasing readership, I'm not able to answer or solve all comments/problems. I do keep track of them and answer what I can as time allows. This is my attempt to balance home and blog.
To add a link in this comment, copy and paste this code in the comment window: <a href="URL">seen on post</a>
Change URL and seen on post. For instance, to have a link to BlogU, the code would look like this: <a href="">
To use the DOFOLLOW attribute on this blog, please remember to use the NAME/URL option when commenting rather than linking to your profile page for more exposure!
Is this 3 column template?
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Hi annie! I was wanting to use your pink chocolate template but it wouldn't let me download you know why? It is sooo cute and I really really love it!! And it wouldn't let me comment on its page so I decided to ask you about it here. Thanks!
@Amy, I don't know why you couldn't comment on that post. I tried just now and it is working. A little hiccup in the system I suppose.
You can download the A Day Without Chocolate zip file now. Another hiccup...
I don't think it is a 3 column theme... but it is a nice one for girls...ha ha ha.
Hi, I love this template but can you tell me why the background isn't showing up?
@Nat and Naomi, Apparently my limit has been reached on my webhost for this 24 hour period. It will come back soon.
omg.. this template is so cute!
It looks great. Very retro. Just the background I am looking for. I will edit it a bit on Photoshop and then see what other colors look great with pink besides green. Old rose I supposed? Old rose is a duller, darker shade of pink.
this is something which capture eyes.i have downloaded this but the background didn't show up.don't know what went wrong.
Very nice to have a post title image... pretty!
Annie, I didn't know that we can download your templates! it is incredible, thank you, do you also work on wordpress? because those templates I have seen on your blog look like templates for blogspot? am I correct?
@nowoczesne...yes, they are only for blogger. I don't do Wordpress.
Awesome template. Not a super fan of pink but this really works out. Thank you!