Scroll Box
...What I would like is a place to put widgets, links, webrings, etc in a
box which shows a little of the content and then can be scrolled down
to see the rest. Just like the thing on my site from Technorati, but I
want to add my own content, not just links...
Laura wanted a way to organize her sidebar...something more than the now famous Hide/Show hack. What she wanted was the classic scroll box.
Here is how you do just that. Open your Dashboard | Layout | Add a Page Element | HTML/Javascript. Add this code in the window:
<div style="border: 1px solid #000000;background-color:#ffffff; width:200px; height:250px; overflow:auto; color:#555555;"><p> ADD TEXT OR CODE SCRIPT HEREYou will adjust these bits of code for width and height. Each blog will be different, so play with the numbers until the scroll box fits in the area you want. You will add the code you want displayed it javascript or plain text. You may want to put a <br/> or two between lines of code to separate the items.
If you use a Classic Blogger template, instead of putting the code in a widget, you will put it in your sidebar area amongst the other items that live in your sidebar.
So, go ahead! Gather up all your little do-dads and put them safely in the scroll box and be happy. Have a cup of coffee and admire your work!

Thanks a lot for this one, Annie! I will try this on my test blog too! How is your daughter and enjoy your vacation:)
@sunshinemom,My daughter is doing great...healing nicely from the surgery. We were able to get out and enjoy ourselves much more than I had expected. Here is a link to some of my photos: Seaside Sharon. I did a post a day highlighting what we did.
I am working a new blog and this is going to be very useful for me. This is what I've been looking for. Thanks for this.
It is great. Makes everything tidy and tucked away.
Thanks for the advice on how to utilize blogs!
it sounds quite helpful..i will surely give it a try ;)
Thanks for the information on how to utilise blogs. Im working towards it...
I am also doing a new blog and the information provided above is going to help me immensly.Thanks
Thanks for checking out my site. I'm so glad you like it. I really like the 3 column layout and the label cloud. Your template was my favorite by far. Thanks again for compliment. Means a lot coming from you.
Thanks for checking out my site. I'm so glad you like it. I really like the 3 column layout and the label cloud. Your template was my favorite by far. Thanks again for thecompliment. Means a lot coming from you.
From time to time I look over this site with its well written contributions. I am pleased about the interesting contributions and would like to express my radix complement in addition! Greetings from Germany!
it is a good idea to change the default design. I always try to do this. I shall follow this instruction.
Thanks for the great tips about blogging. What's equally important is that you're a good writer and that keeps visitors coming back.
Quite useful tips for bloggers. Thanks all the way.
Help! I can't get this to work with an existing widget. Any pointers?
Awesome blog by the way! Thanks.
@de, try it again. I saw a funny space in the code that I removed. Don't know how it got there...I copied and pasted from my test blog. Sorry! And remember to adjust the sizes indicated in the post to fit your sidebar width.
@annie, works perfect now! Thanks so much! I love your blog, I'm happily addicted!
Was searching the net trying to find how to do this. Thanks for the post, now I can fix the site and head to bed.
Thanks! It works! Very handy :-)
I came across your blog via an article on EC. I have been trying for a while to compact some of my sidebar stuff. This works really well and was easy to complete. Needless to say you now have a new subscriber.
Thank You.
Awesome....great a treat...many thanks
Anyone know a good custom scroll script?
I checked your other website Annie and was totally mesmerized, your photos are the most amazing work of art! I especially loved that photo you did whilst sitting on the dock and made it my wallpaper.
Muchas gracias, me ha resultado de gran utilidad.
Thank you for the code(^.^)
Thanks for this post.I learn a lot and now started to implement this in mine.
Do love your way of telling us your stories!
Thanks for the post and sharing your feelings.
From time to time I look over this site with its well written contributions. I am pleased about the interesting contributions and would like to express my radix complement in addition! Greetings from Germany!
i dont use Blogger anymore. But the code snippet works like a charm in many cases other than Blogger.