U Comment I Follow
OK, folks. Why didn't someone tell me there was a movement in the blogosphere? I get sidetracked with my move to Florida, and someone started a cause. I love a cause. Any reason to get on my soapbox.
This one is worthwhile for all concerned. It involves link love and Google Juice. I've heard of link love, but Google Juice is a new one for me. Anyway, this movement allows comment links to be followed by search engines. Simply beautiful.Turn off “nofollow”. Show your commenters that you appreciate them.
Randa Clay Design
Originally, nofollow was created to stop comment spam. That didn't exactly work as planned. Spam still happens. And the only thing nofollow has stopped was link love.
Want to join the movement? First stop is Randa Clay Design to pick out your new badge. All good causes have a badge. This is no different. Here is the one I picked for my sidebar. Go on...pick out a purty one.

Next step is to remove the offending code from your template. Find the following code in your template and remove the code in red.
Blogger Beta (with widgets expanded):
<dl id='comments-block'>
<b:loop values='data:post.comments'var='comment'>
<dt class='comment-author'expr:id='"comment-" + data:comment.id'>
<a expr:name='"comment-" +data:comment.id'/>
<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><data:comment.author/></a>
If spam still concerns you, enable comment moderation. Problem solved.
EDIT 08/24/07: It was drawn to my attention by a reader, Laila, that I removed too many >'s from the code. I corrected the code in Blogger Beta, so what you see now is correct. But, I couldn't find a way to remove it from Classic Blogger to my liking. In doing more research, I found this post that states:
"It is impossible, at this time, to remove NoFollow from Classic styled Blogger templates. This is due to the fact that those templates use the variable {$CommentAuthorName$} which encapsulates the anchor link around linking text."
Until I find a good solution, I am removing the portion of the post concerning Classic Blogger. Thanks, Laila, for making me look into it more!
Are you sure we should remove the right (ending) tag which you have coded in red?
laila, Thank you so much!! You are right.
The closing tag > in the Beta code needs to be there to close off.
On the other hand, the closing tag > in the Classic code should be removed as it is extra.
I was half asleep when I posted this and for some reason every time I switched between the compose and edit mode, it made the entire bottom of the post red and very long. I didn't know what happened or why. Still don't. It took forever to get this post published. Does this happen to anyone else? Funky little annoyances when writing a post?
A glich in the system.
yup - 'i follow' very cool
"On the other hand, the closing tag > in the Classic code should be removed as it is extra."
I disagree. It needs to be there. The closing tag before it does not close the a href part, it closes the <$BlogBacklinkURL$ code which represents the URL. After that you also need to close the a href, before the anquor text code <$BlogBacklinkTitle.. begins.
(Hope my English is correct - not to say comprehensible :p)
@laila, Thanks again. I edited the post. I don't think there is a good way to remove it from Classic Blogger.
Thanks i have already made my comments field DOFOLLOW.
I have also created a widget installer which will install a widget which proclaims that the comments on the blog are do follow...
Simple Tricks
Interesting words. I love the sentence "U comment i follow". In my hand i think that it is a new way to comment in blogs.
I should do this. Thanks!
Its ironic that many bloggers talk about this but then they actually use no follow I have seen many blogs leeching off the dofollow movement claiming to be dofollow sites but actually use nofollow, they are worse than the comment spammers in my eyes.
I think that this is one of the best way to motivate users to comment, the bad of this is that u can´t know when a comment is a good one or not.
I like those follow movements, I have seen people get lots of comments and links after following.
Nice blog tho!!! I like it.
Thank you this post has helped me on my business at
HI Annie,
I have joined in the movement too...and even made meself a cute li'l badge. Do check it out and let me know if I should continue learning photoshop or just give it up..If you think it's good enough I am willing to give away the PSD so people can customize their own badges.
@BloggerMom, you did a great job! Very Zen like!! Photoshop is a force to be reckoned with.
While on your site, I noticed that you have attempted to put the BlogU Student's blogroll in your sidebar. When you get it up and running, let me know and I will add your blog to it.
I have removed the nofollow tag from all of my blogs and I think it's the best thing I've ever done! Honestly, I think the nofollow tag should be just completely scrapped.
I totally agree - this is a true way to show respect to the visitors of your website. I am going to adopt this too!
Thank you for sharing this with all!
You can always moderate comments as well. At least with word verification turned on, you'll block out automated commenting scripts that seem to be going around. They used to target guest books then moved on to include blogs.
Pretty cool movement. I also follow the links in comments (which are moderated), in Drupal nofollow is not enabled by default so there is no need for special hacks.
However thank you for helping Blogger users.
And as Bape said I've also found site claiming that dofollow and using nofollow in comments.
Hi guy. It´s a excelent idea remove the nofollow of the comments.
And congratulations for this great blog. You have win a new reader
@blogging rocks, welcome!! I'm always happy to have a new reader.
By all hi!!!
I from Russia. I am sorry for my bad English!!!
At me the question because of what events occurs increase PR of a site?
At me on a site PR-2 why so happens...
Whether it influences search???
Your Site's PR increases if you have many valuable Sites that backlink to you. A good site is one with PR 4 or more. Your Sites PR decreases if you link to banned sites or bad ones.
i love blogging.. this is a perfect idea for all bloggers.. i will participate in this movement, immediately..
I removed the nofollow from all blogs I run, and also from my website and from my forum. :)
Glad you joined this movement as well. ;)
Thanks Annie. I'm a strong believer this is a right thing to do. If people help create your content, it is just to do them a favor and give them some link love in return.
Peace, Misha
Live freely without nofollows, without Google's rules.
Live freely and blog freely.
I did not use nofollow anythime.
Thank you very much..
WOW! What a great tip! I'm a fairly new blogger and I love your content. Thanks for the great info!
@Mrs Guru, Thanks for stopping by! Glad my blog is being helpful.
This is awesome! After checking out some of these sites I see they are still getting quality comments!
May i will put this things in my blog too :)
BTW, will it increase technorati rank ??
I did the same on my wordpress blog. Nice that you found a way for Blogger. Good work.
i just took off the no follow tag :)
I Just moved to Florida too!!
Removing nofollow is definitely a good way to get more comments and as long as they add to the conversation then who cares what the motivation is?
Thank you! I will let my friends on mmmTalk know. I think they will be pleased as punch to see something like this.
Melbel's Post-a-Day
I’ve always despised the nofollow tag and never used it. I have the badge up so my readers know it too…
I just came across this, and I am so glad. I didn't know about the no follow thing. I've gotten it off one blog, and I am going to try to take it off another one. The other one has a blogger template, so hopefully I will be able to find it on there. Thanks for sharing.
I came across this kind of topic too involving link love and google juice. These terms are new to me but I know It has a good benefits. I support this movement in blogoshpere about promoting do follow attribute. More Power and hope to see some progress soon.
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Its ironic that many bloggers talk about this but then they actually use no follow I have seen many blogs leeching off the dofollow movement claiming to be dofollow sites but actually use nofollow, they are worse than the comment spammers in my eyes.
En güzel oyunlar
I have finally finally(!!) managed to turn off my no follows using blog spot. It wasn't very easy, but it looks to be working now
my blog. I wish google would give you the option not to use no follow.
I also removed the no-follow from my blog a month ago. I can say that the level of spam remained the same
This is great for the blogging community. All blogger should be doing the do follow!
thanks annie! i already updated mine and deleted nofollow! :)
When those browsing your Web site are given a link back to their site, there will be more user generated content. Everyone wins.
Thanks for this! My blog is now a 'dofollow' blog! It took a while, and some help, for me to realise it isn't the link in the comment that is 'dofollow', but it is the name/url option when commenting!
I have been blogging now for a while and I am ashamed to say that I didn't even notice the name/url option on the comments box! Even worse than this, I didn't realise what 'nofollow' was until I came across your site on Entrecard! So for that I owe you you a great big THANK YOU!
At least now I know and I can hopefully increase my sites rank!
Now a dofollow blog!
Thanks again!
@Sarah, glad you figured it out! And I love the little comment notice you posted. I'm using it in my comment page now also! Thanks.
I've been looking in to this 'do follow' thing for most of the day, but this is the first place I've seen the method for blogger.
Anyways I'm now a 'follower' on my wordpress site and thanks to your blogger tip I can do the same over there.
i'm now able to use nofollow on blogger to ... as i always wanted.. thank you
I'm using u comment i follow right now on my wordpress blogs. I'll make sure to add this to my blogger blog to! Thanks for the resource.
I think this is a great idea. Make no sense to keep that "no follow" attribute, specially if the user is gonna give you rich and original content.
I agree by moderating the posts you can prevent spam, there is no need for a no follow link and am currently in the process of implementing it on my blog
Cheers for making this a U Comment I Follow blog, I think it is a great way to create more participation.
I am also part of the community. Have around 10 do follow blogs of my own. Have loads of comment spam but some idiots just dont get it...
Thanks for explaining so well. I am kind of jumping on that train a little later than you all ;-)
Im planning on installing the plugin unfortunatly im having some difficuluties but im sure that enabling do follow on my blog will definatly increase the contributions in comment and could leverage and increase the traffic my site recieves
If everybody just turned it off there would not be anything Google could do. Some of the big guys that dont want to pass on some PR are responsible for this crap..
Its a good thing to make Ur blog dofollow
Interest code. I just added the dofollow plugin to my wordpress blog. and it seems to be working. My website provider also offers a more limited blog and to my surprise they turned off the nofollow tag.
Really how many blogs don't use comment moderation to avoid all the spammers anyway?
I wish more people knew about this or didn’t respond to me as if I were talking about little green men from mars when I say something about nofollow.
I know people are worried about spam, but spambots will leave crappy spam comments no matter if there is a nofollow comment or not. I think it’s great anytime a blogger joins in and shares their opinion and should therefore, when adding something of value, be allowed for somebody, at least google or another search engine, to view their site.
I've actually joined the revolution and made many of my sites "do-follow". I think it really opens up the blog to comments and helps invite readers.
Thank you this post has helped me
I always use the do-follow plugin for all of my blogs. While I do get some spam, most comments are insightful and I have seen a boost in comments recently because of the do-follow.
Imagine if everyone had on Do-Follow. Then, everyone would pass PR juice along, and no one would ever have to spam or anything.
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Great post, who doesnt love the Google Juice...Just as long as we dont see the Viagara spam, its all good.
thanks for article
nice thinking and a nice informative post,but how can we check whether the link is no-follow or do-follow.
Reason left blogger by google to wordpress Zerolove
@Blogger Templates,I think look at the "View Source".
Thanks so much.
Oyun Oyna
Of course removing nofollow will make your site become live as more and more commentors will interact. But it is good only till comment spamming is not happening.
Belgische betrouwbare bedrijden
Wonder whether you have a huge increase in blogspam ? Thanks for sharing..
@Eugene Chauang Garg, Actually, no. I do get my fair share, but not anymore than before. I leave comment moderation on just to weed out the spam I do get.
thank you so much
türk bayrağı
Very cool except the only problem is....you're bound to get a lot of spam :p
thank you so much..!!
Very cool except the only problem is....you're bound to get a lot of spam :p
Since I have added the dofollow to my blog the number of quality comments has really increased. I think it is only a good way forward - good luck with everything
dofollow is an excellent tool to increase the comments made on your blog. I have utilized this on several of my blogs to increase exposure and participation. One of the best ways to improve your blog IMO. Good read thanks.
thanks for this useful tip.
Nice idea. I think i'll try it in mi blog. I am worried about spam, but anyway I moderate comments. So, spam should not be a problem
Thanxx for this lovely idea ! loved it!! will be putting it on my blog
"U Comment I Follow" Stratigy is perfect way to make your blog more interactive and get much traffic
will try to do this for blogger..
really agree with this dofollow movement, and will apply it on my blogs...
Nice movement .
I'am loving new comment form of blogger.
Dofollow works great will follow this hack on my blog
Just want to advise anyone who this doesn't work for, as it wasn't working for me:
I was wondering if this had something to do with it, so I just now tried it with IE 7 and it worked!!!!!!
hank you! I will let my friends on mmmTalk know. I think they will be pleased as punch to see something like this.
I have just joined the community. I love the do follow movement as its a great reward for my readers. And also for me when I am a reader.
Yeah been doing some reading on this tonight and think i willalso install when i get chance.
will try to do this.. i hope i can find out how to do it..
it is a great oportunity.
thanks for this article
Thanks for everything dude, this 'no follow' thing is doing great injustice to many good bloggers out there. I have followed your instructions for removing this spiteful code and I'm already seeing positive results. Thanks again.
I agree with u!
I have some concern that this might lead to a lot of irrelevant commenting (or basically spam). And Google wants a good web experience so might stop this?
It's great to see more and more people joining the dofollow movement! Share the link juice people!
With proper moderation spam should not be a problem
Changing my blog from no follow to dofollow has drastically increased my comments. Most of these are however not worth publishing. There are pros and cons to the movement.
Very interesting. I've seen many blogs that seems to follow the same directions. I think that this could be a double-edged knife, but the commenters love this feature for sure.
There is any research to see how exactly impacts the dofollow on the author's blog?
Thanks and good luck!
I think that do follow blogsos very good, because they give more than just interesting information, but even a link to user. So, do follow blogs can increase an amount of blog-users!
i totally agree with this...i already change my blog into dofollow now :)
cheers 4 us
I recently updated our blog to "Dofollow", not many financial blogs out there that allow dofollow unfortunately.
Do follow blogs are the best, it always nice to give back to your users.
Canadian Real Estate News
yups... thanks
thank you for sharing :)
Thank you very much.
Thanks for sharing, keep up the good work.
Interesting title and post. I have to say though, the comments are the best of all. It's amazing what you find in comments these days.
Great post thanks. just joined the movement :-) WP plugins make it simple.
Great article...thanks for sharing it!
I will use it on my german blog too
I've added my http://stockmarketfunding.blogspot.com/ to the "U Comment, I follow" list.
The tide seems to be turning in favour of DO-FOLLOW/I-FOLLOW comments links now.
I've created a dofollow website that searches only dofollow websites. This makes it a little easier to find them and maybe you can find some related to your niche.
"i follow" realy good. Thank you
Ok- So, I just implemented u comment i follow on my real estate investing blog. I think this is a very important movement to get people blogging and leaving comments. I've been known to check out the page source on a comment page to see if they don't follow. Sometimes in spite, I won't leave a comment.
This is a new idea for me too, but I like it alot. Thanks for the write up.
thanks , now it is easier to appear in google!
I use a plugin on my blog, that do follow any link that is on my blog, and i think that that's better.This way, you attract people to comment.
say no to nofollow :)
yes me too have removed nofollow !!
Yeaaah I joining, thanks
Nice post by you
Thanks for sharing detail.
India salutes the heroes
Very nice post. I think google will crowl this blog twice in a week.
Hey, well done on deciding to join the do follow movement. I think it is really good you are wanting to reward your readers loyalty by giving them a link back. I installed a do follow plugin on my blog around 3 months ago after reading Randa Clay's post. It's a great idea as long as you have a good spam filter installed.
Great to see more people using the do follow movement on their blogs
thank you very much.
I too have joined the u follow movement.....now im just absorbing as much info as possible!
Does the NOFOLLOW attribute affecting ranking in the search engines or just the PR for Google?. When I search for my site(s) I find backlinks from sites that use the NOFOLLOW tag?. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?.
Very interesting post. Will definately bookmark this blog to check back later.
Nice post. Have added you on RSS to keep myself updated.
This movement is really helping a lot of people. So let's promote it and hope a lot of people join in.
nice post.get new knowledge about build link.many thanks bro
ı have followed your writing for a long time.really you have given very successful information.
In spite of my english trouale,I am trying to read and understand your writing.
And ı am following frequently.I hope that you will be with us together with much more scharings.
I hope that your success will go on.
I too have recently removed the nofollow tags from my blog.
I've also modified Randa Clay's original badge design for a 88*32 size. You can get the html code for the smaller badge at:
I'm a little late to the party, but I've just been converted to the U comment I follow side of the force. Thanks for the info.
Great movement! More bloggers should follow your example.
Thank you for making your page a NO FOLLOW where you practice sharing the love and spreading the links. I do really appreciate your kindness of doing this.
I liked the site, congratulations :)
Bloguniversity got #2 on my result at google for u comment i follow keywords. Congratulation!
@Tabloid Internet, Well, how about that? Wonder how I pleased the Google gods on this one! :-)
Thanks for the info! I have also removed the nofollow tag from the comments at my web-site, and actually see that people are more interested in reading articles and writing comments about the articles.
I have seen many blogs leeching off the dofollow movement claiming
yes,many blogs are claiming Dofollow Blog.i like do follow blog
thx for the article :D
yes,i agree with you about dofollow statement
visit my dofollow blog also
I love that my blog is dofollow....if anything it means more traffic, and I'll take that even though I get alot more spam too!
I've been trying various do follow/I follow plugins and schemes over the past two years.
Sometimes my site is over run by spam, while other times I seem to attract thoughtful and instructive comments.
Overall, I think encouraging comments is helpful to both the blogger and commentator, thus it is a true win-win situation.
Great that you are helping your comments with the u comment, i follow enabled on your blog.
Tks all bloger remove nofollow tags and let commenter make good comments.
Nofollow in effect stifles the incentive to comment and socialise. I noticed you have a 'u comment, I follow' banner. I think that it is great to advertise the fact that you have this enabled to encourage dicsussion. Would appreciate where to get this.
Thanks for sharing information regarding DoFollow. I made my blog as DoFollow, please take a look...
Cheers, frizzy.
Thanks for the article which is interesting. Thanks again keep it up.
Thank you for the information. A number of blogs are promoted as dofollow blogs but there comments do not follow. This article would show them how to fix their blogspot blogs.
We like it! We always like your advice here. We just remove the nofollow from our blog.
It seems that some of the "well educated'" will believe the most propostrous thing.
Great tips - I was wondering how to do on our sleeping blog.
Nice and very informative post that you have. Thank you very much. :)
Just this week-end have I heard the term "Nofollow". We have a real estate related web site that we have spent countless hours trying to improve in content & ranking. I have just sent an e-mail to our web guy to add the dofollow plug in to our blog. I think it will go a long ways to increasing the readership. Thanks for taking the time to share with the rest of the internet world.
This post is a good one for bloggers to learn about dofollow comments
Thanks a lot, I had no clue that my template even had this issue. Explains a LOT. :P Appreciate it!
thanks for the dofollow link.. :)
great information at your blog..
I think this is a great movement, and thanks a lot to those of you who actually are part of it. Helping each other out is what business is all about.
Thanks for the movement - keep it up! Rid the world of nofollow!!!!
I'm using u comment i follow right now on my wordpress blogs
Thank you for this wonderful information. :)
I like those follow movements, I have seen people get lots of comments and links after following.
I like it.Great blog. Will definitely comeback for more.
Great Blogging & commenting ideas got from your post. Interesting and helping specially for follow ups.
dofollow is a good for comment in blogs
hEY ,
Interesting and helping specially for follow ups.
Thanks for sharing,
I must admit, this is the first I've heard of this new movement. I still have a few concerns but I'm going to look in to it properly and probably dofollow all of my blogs.
Thanks for sharing :)
I also turned off "no follow" on my blog comments. I personally don't see the advantage of making comments "no follow". Thanks for sharing this post.
Thanks so much, this was very helpful!
I just created one post on EDU Blog that DoFollow. Hope this useful for all of your reader here. Here the link:
Free EDU Blog with DoFollowThanks.
I comment , u follow ?? .. XD
The dofollow plugin is great. I saw a considerable increase in my user comments after i installed it on my blog.. its kindof an incentive we give our readers :)
and i see a lot of the readers here dont get the href tag.. they keep posting the link..lol.
heres how its done :)
spyzooka case studyjust testing it :)
what is this site
Thanks for sharing, friend.
Great post! I have only been blogging for a couple of months and your advice here really has helped!
thanks for share this info ..
now my blog is do follow
I like do follow blog..:D
I am New To Blogging And Found this Article really Worthy. I Visit many pages of your Blog. And learn many things About Blogging. thanks for this Great Blog.
thanks for sharing this!
thanx for this post.
heloo ... my blog is dofollow to ..
This movement is actually a mutually benefitting endeavour. Good comments are like a jewel on the crown for any website.
my blog is dofollow 2 ;-)Thanks for the info!
Thanks very nice blog
This is great. :)
I will be joining in as well. And to everyone yes just get the plugin and you should be fine... I did not know that some blogging software makes comments nofollow at the beginning but i guess that is anti spam protection built in...
I also really like that there are a lot of plugins available with these blogging tools ( i am just a rookie starting out )
Nice blog btw and hope to read more of your posts :)
I'm glad to see that you have adopted this tool as well. I use keywordLuv on some of my blogs and my readers really like it.
Nice Blog :) Thanks for posting...
Good comments are like a jewel on the crown for any website. maç oyunları, maç oyunu
wow from the comments alone i got so many interesting tips..thank you for writing this article...
Thank you very much for this! I started new website and now I turned it to Do Follow. I agree, this is right way to show your commenter that you appreciate them!
Btw, you are welcomed at my website profitsfinancesite.com to leave your quality comment!
Great to see you join the dofollow movement. I use it on all my blogs and I love the keywords that keep on rolling in.
thanks share
I think read had a good idea of making your blog do follow because it will help you to receive a lot of traffic and real visitors.
I have added do follow plugin on my blog as well also keywordluv and commentluv.I have to say that comment spam is a really issue but Askimet is doing a pretty good job.
I really hope to see more blogs becoming DoFollow.