Backgrounds and Clickable Images (From My Inbox)
Dear Prof. Annie,
I came across your blog this afternoon and I must say, it's been a real help! I am rather a new blogger although I am pretty enthusiastic about learning a bit more - have just this minute managed to add a favicon to my blog and am pretty happy with it .
My question today, is how I can add small pictures which link to other websites ('badges', I think they call them) to my blog - there are a couple of links that I would like to have on there to show my support for some other websites and organisations and things but all I seem to be able to do is to either add another picture or else add a link list ... no way to add a badge/picture that is a link
Another thing is that I would really like to add the e-mail icon (email button) to my blog too - I've been to the site but I'm not sure where to put the HTML code back on my own template...
I really do appreciate your kindness in reading this and would be most grateful for any help
Warmest wishes,
Rev. Abhipanyo
P.S. Can you recommend anything for me in terms of doing up my template a bit? I'd like to add a nice black/grey picture background to it (perhaps some old scriptures) - I've been googling for a while now but finding any information on backgrounds and how to do them is really tough!
My response:
I am happy you came across my blog and that it has been a help. Your favicon is really good. I love looking at different favicons. Your blog is very nice...good work!
First question...
You want an image that also serves as a link. That is easy. This code inserts a clickable link and if you hoover over the image, a 'tool' window pops up with your text in it...a little something about the link.
<a href="This code comes from my blog, so you can see it in action by clicking on my "Chicklet Love" button in the middle column under "Random Sidebar Clutter". The sizes in this code is for a standard chicklet, 15 x 80 px. If your image is a different size, change the values accordingly." rel="alternate" title="Steal my button! BlogU...the best of the blogosphere!!
" type="BlogU">
<img alt="BlogU Button link" style="border: 0pt none ;" src="" height="15" width="80">
1. Insert the URL of where you want the link to go.
2. Put the text you want to pop up here....or leave blank.
3. This is like a place holder that describes what the image is (not necessary, but more HTML compliant)
4. This is the URL of the image where your image is stored (from your can see I use Ripway)
To put this clickable image into your blog:
1. Open your dashboard/ template/ page elements
2. Click on 'Add a Page Element'
3. Choose ' HTML/JavaScript'
4. Paste the above code into the window with your changes in place
5. Give this widget a title if you wish, or leave blank
6. Save changes
Or, if you want the streamline version, this will work, but not web compliant:
<a href="" >For some reason, Blogger doesn't save the <br>'s correctly when you re-open a widget to add another link. So, what I do is keep a fresh backup of the widget code on my computer. Then when I open the widget to add a link, I first paste the saved code into the window, then add my new link, then save the new code to my computer again. A bit bothersome, but not impossible. If you are wondering what the <br>'s do, they separate each image (I think the br stands for break). That way all your images are in a row...not piled up.
<img src="" height="15" width="80">
Queston 2...
Adding the e-mail icon...If you have the code you need from the link below my email address, then you do the same thing as what I described above to get it into your blog. You will create another page element using the 'HTML/JavaScript' widget.
Third question...
If you look at my other blog, Buttermilk Clouds , you will see a green striped background. That background is really an 81 x 81 px image that repeats. And this is the code that puts it in my blog:
bodySo, when you find an image or pattern:
background: transparent url('') top left repeat;
1. Save it to your webhost.
2. Insert the URL of that image in the code.
3. Add the code to your template in the CSS style sheet (between the and tags).
If you need image manipulation, try IrfanView to do simple editing of images. For more involved projects try GIMP ... both are free programs and well worth downloading and becoming familiar with. Not to mention lots and lots of fun!
I think this should keep you busy for awhile!! IMPORTANT. Save your template before beginning any template modifications...that way you can always fall back to where you began if things go wrong. Have fun with it...experiment.
UPDATE: 03/12/07 - Regarding blogger not saving the <br>'s correctly, DarkUFO so kindly left a comment telling me why. All I need is a little /. Instead of <br>, it should be </br>. I love simple solutions!!! Thanks, DarkUFO!
03/13/07 - This added information was given to me by Shelly ... the code should have the / following the br like this: <br/>. Thanks to Shelly and all my readers for all the useful information.

With regards the < br > not preserving use
< br/ >
Hope this helps
@darkufo, thank you sooooo much! Something so simple. I shall update the post!
You've updated with the correction typed incorrectly. It's not /br within the <> because Blogger won't let me use code here, but br/ within the <>. The br or break code does not have an opening tag, so the slash, then br is wrong because the slash first is a closing tag. Paragraph tags have opening and closing components: p and /p, for ex. Code without an opening component like breaks and horizontal rules (hr) have the slash after the letters. Or so it was explained to me. So, knowing the why of something can help one remember how. :)
Yet an other great thing from you Annie.
I wonder if there's a way to center the images and text below in the side-bar. I've seen it centered and it's beautiful. Any idea how to accomplish this?
Here's how I did it with your ling on my side bar
(a href="" rel="alternate" title="Steal my button! BlogU...the best of the blogosphere!!
" type="BlogU")
(img alt="BlogU Button link" style="border: 0pt none ;" width="80" src="" height="15"/)
(/a)(p)Annie a les meilleurs(br/)
trucs pour blogger(/p)(br/)
I used () to replace <>
You can see it at the top of the side-bar at Dimanche soir à Châteauguay
I tried the code for replacing the background with an image and it worked beautifully. I'll wait to find a great image before implementing it for good. I saved the code.
Thank you !!!
@zoubida, Thanks for the link! If you want to center that link here is what the code looks like:
<div align="center"><a href="" rel="alternate" title="Steal my button! BlogU...the best of the blogosphere!!
" type="BlogU">
<img alt="BlogU Button link" style="border: 0pt none ;" width="80" src="" height="15"/>
You have added this to the code to center it:
<div align="center"> and </div>
It worked Annie, and now I know what code to use when I need to center something.
Thank you !
Hi Prof. annie,
How do you add code in your blogs?
@anurag, open your blogger dashboard/ template/ edit html. You add the code to the window below (according to the particular code add between <head>and</head>tags).
I found your site yesterday and tried to add an image to the minima template, but gave up. I switched templates, anyhow, my question is, how can I change images in my posts so that I don't have huge gaps?
If you look at my blog, it's the wine tasting post that has me stumped. I would like to have the picture within the text.
Great blog and I have you linked on my page!!
@jennyMcB, it seems that you uploaded the wine pic differently from the cat pic. What did you do differently? The text wraps nicely around the cat if you upload all your pics in that manner, that should do the trick.
If you are like me, I sometimes use the blog post feature to upload the image, and other times I manually put the image URL into the post.
BlogU Students, up and running! Looks good, though
Thanks a MILLION!