Adding a Favicon
This was more fun! First, let me explain what a 'favicon' is. See the little icon next to my URL in the address bar that looks like this?

That is my favicon. I happened across it at MpP . They have a wonderful collection. Delta-Tango-Bravo was another favorite site. Both have extensive collections. Or, if you have your own graphic, several sites have favicon generators. The one I enjoyed playing with is Favicon from Pics . Once you find (or make) a favicon, you must save it as an 'ico' file. A great graphic viewer (free I might add...I'm all about free) is IrfanView. Now, upload that ico file to your webspace. I use Ripway. This is a free web hosting and online file sharing service.
To get the favicon on your blogger, you need a code to add to your template, and this is it:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
<link rel="icon" href="" />
Replace "" with the URL of where your webspace stored your ico file, & paste the code between the head tags of your blog. The favicon will now appear in most browsers address bar and bookmarks. (Not sure about the rhyme or reasoning here, but some do...some don't.) Added bonus! If you use Mozilla Firefox (why wouldn't you?) it will also show up on the tabs!!!!
Update: Favicons only appear in IE if the site is in your bookmarks. If the site is not bookmarked, I have discovered a little trick. Left click on the 'e' in the address bar and jiggle it a few times. The favicon will show up!
12/29/06 - the head tags look like this: <head>and</head>
1/8/07 - it was brought to my attention by a reader, T.M., that the favicon can be saved as a 'png' file and it will work as well.
12/5/08 - Blogger has done things to our favicons. Bad things. But, there is a fix. Read about it: Fix for Broken Favicons

hi annie,
thank you very much for this great instruction on how to set up a favicon. i just did it on - however the e explorer still causes troubles. bastards ;)
cheers and thank you again!
I just took a look at your favicon. Good job! I like how you took elements of your header and made your own specialized favicon.
Thanks a lot for this tutorial, Annie. I implemented it on my (non-English) blog in Firefox. [Don't know about IE as I don't use it.]It works like a charm. Thanks a lot.
Me too!
I was always thinking about a favicon, but in the end, your instructions kinda persuaded me. :)
can u suggest a site that hosts ico files?
@ą¤ोą¤”ą¤øाą¤³, It looks great!
@Alastor, I can be persuasive!
@Anonymous, I use Ripway to host all my images, and they host ico files with no problems.
I wonder what's wrong with "harbor" template. It seems to me that almost every hacks can't work properly with it. Including this one.
@Thomas, it will work with the 'Harbor' template. Are you using Internet Explorer? If that is the case, a favicon will not show automatically. It will only show when the site is bookmarked. You can force the favicon to show by placing your cursor on the 'e' in the address bar and jiggling it a bit.
Thanks for this, it was really useful! I had a vague idea of how to do this, but your instructions made it wonderfully clear, and my blog now has a working favicon. Thanks again!
thank you - see my favicon of terry leahy (tesco CEO) at:
@shut up, sit down & tesco-complaint, yeaaaaaaaaa!!!! Glad it worked
lol - i love the jiggling trick. it worked!
@letti, it is the little things that amaze me!
Hi there! Thank you so much for this little tutorial, I got my favicon working now. It's so cool! Thanks again. Later.
@jan, Glad it's working!
Hi, nice to meet you. A question: "paste the code between the head tags of your blog": what are the head tags? Where are they? Thanks :)
@Filip, the head tags are incases in little 'arrows' <head> and </head> . The first one is almost at the top of your template...the second one is towards the middle-ish.
Thanks a lot. The favicon didn't work though. Anyway, I guess I'll live without it.
I've got another question but wasn't sure where to ask. I want to remove the sidebar of my blog and stretch the body of the blog across the page. I removed the Links, the Profile, the Archive and everything, but the sidebar remained empty. Can I somehow shrink it or turn it off? Thanks :)
@filip, this is what you need to do to remove the sidebar and make the posts larger.
Remove all of these from your template:
#sidebar-wrapper {
#sidebar {
padding:8px 0;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
/* Typography :: Sidebar
----------------------------------------------- */
.sidebar h2 {
font: $headerFont;
.sidebar h2 img {
.sidebar .widget {
margin:6px 0 12px 0;
line-height: 1.4em;
.sidebar ul li {
list-style: none;
.sidebar ul {
margin-left: 0;
padding-left: 0;
<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'/>
< /div>
Change this:
#main {
padding:8px 0;
~~~~~To This~~~~~
#main {
padding:8px 0;
After you get that done, we will work on your favicon. OK?!
Thanks for the quick reply :) I made my blog look just the way I wanted!
About this favicon...I tried to upload it to, maybe that's why it didn't work.
@filip, I just had a thought. Some image hosts don't allow ico files. I don't know why. But, you can change the file extension to png or jpg and upload it. Just copy the new image URL to your template code.
So, what did you do with the annoying "XML tag error" that doesn't allow me to change the template?
@ellohir, guess you figured it out because I see your little rolling favicon on your blog!
Thanks for this Annie. I've been looking for how to do this for a while now.
I've discovered in Firefox that it doesn't even have to be an ico file. I used a jpeg and it worked like a charm. Of course, IE ignores it totally but I've got no problem with that. Gotta love Firefox.
thank you....very easy to do with yer instructions!
Thanks so much for the tip
all i now need is a favicon that's catchy, simple and representative...
mucho easier said than done.
Thanks Again
Thanks for the instructions. I was able to set this up very easily.
@jenni, Thanks! I work hard to get my instructions easy to follow and error free.
thank you so much.. it works!! cheers
Could you please tell me where I am doing this wrong? I have been trying to follow your directions to the best of my ability..(Sorry for my ignorance)
I've tried pasting the html in many different places between the head tags but when I save it will either change the html and put rel="shortcut icon" at the end of the link string or it just doesn't work. Where specifically between the head tags is it supposed to go?
@anonymous, here is what I have in my template:
<href=' MY FAVICON URL' rel='shortcut icon' link height='16' width='16'/>
Apparently, Blogger changes the code after it is pasted in because I pasted what is in my post with I added the height and width attributes.
So, try it again, pasting the code as in the post. Put it immediately under the <'head>' tag.
If that doesn't work, copy and send me your template and let me take a look at it.
Are you using IE by any chance? If you are, the favicons won't show up unless you have that site in your favorites. The work around is to 'jiggle' the 'e' in the address bar where the favicon should be. (right click it and drag it a little bit.)
Thanks for you blog and especially to this post : I was finally able to add a favicon !
If I can give you a piece of advice, for future useful posts like here, it would be to explain where to put the HTML exactly.
Lots of blogs tell you to "post it in the template", but for HTML blog rookies like me, it's sometimes hard to know where in the template I'm suppose to paste it.
Thanks a lot !
@zhu, thanks for the tip. Actually I did have this in the post:
...paste the code between the head tags of your blog...
I will add that the head tag is
for those that have problems finding what I mean exactly.
This was one of my earliest posts, and I've learned alot about tutorials. I think as time went on I became more specific!
Thank you so much for that - have spent about three hours trying all sorts of different codes without success until I found yours!
I used Irfan View to change my file to .ico and Ripway to host it - they seem to work fine and now I have my own little favicon :)
@hesitant scribe, I love it when a plan comes together!
Thanks a bunch for the favicon tutorial! Sweet and simple!
You can check out the end result here if you'd like:
I also added your link to my blog :)
@edwin, good job! The 'dp' favicon echoes your blog title so well.
I love your sketches. I use to do ink drawings, but have gotten away from it. I'm feeling the urge to start again. I have been seeing blogs lately that are inspiring me to pick up my pen and pencil again. I do know that the more I did it, the better I got.
Miss, because of I'm not sure if ICO files do really work on Unix machines I used PNG and it did work as well. You could mention this somewhere :)
@t.m. I will mention this in my post. Thanks!
Wow, I've just been in the other room and comming back my suggestion is already been used!
thanx.. ^_^
Thanks, thanks a lot!!!!
I´ve spent many hours trying, till i've found your explanations. It worked really fine, and, mostly, it was very easy to do so!
( The jiggle tip was precious : )
Now, my blog address is great!
@dora, I'm glad it was easy for you. That is my make changing your blog something that is easy.
The jiggle thing tickles me, too!
Hello from Chicago. Your explanation is really good and I've gone through the steps and I'm about to paste the code in the template.
But I'm wondering about one thing. In the code there is a space at the end
..." />
is that space suppose to be there for the purposes of the example? Should I remove the space or leave it?
@mr. brownthumb, leave the space...if I remember right,it makes a difference.
Thanks for responding just wanted to let you know that it did work and that I've faved your blog on technorati and I've added links to your blogs in a blog post on my main blog. Thanks for taking the time to share your information.
I think I did it! Lol! Thank you so much for having your page to help all of us! I should give credit Mr. Brown Thumb as that's where I found the link!
I'll get to the link lesson next!
Thanks again!
I have tried doing this like a million times and your instructions were the first to actually work!~ Thank you.
I just found one free favicon generator.
, Free and easy to use online tool that can create a favorites icon (favicon.ico) images for browser address bars, favorites and tabs, from pictures, logos and other graphics.
I am having a bit of trouble here. I did just what you said to do, my favicon shows up in my preview but not when I save it and then go to view it!? Any idea why it is doing that? I recently changed my blogspot address to my own domain name. Is that maybe why my favicon isn't showing up? Please help if you can. Thanks!
Hi, thanks a lot for your tips, I made a blog post about it, hope you can chec it out here
my blog at:
Many thanks,
I made my on favicon just following youe tips.
And it looks great.
See it at:
Thanks agains, keep on going ...
What an invaluable resource!
We have a travel blog at and thanks to you we have a nifty little green icon.
Readers, browse the site and SUBSCRIBE!
Every once and a while we feel generous and award $100 to people who can guess where we are, all for fun! (Paid through with PayPal). Subscribers get first dibs, of course!
And, if you have an active travel blog, make sure you check the bottom of the page!
Thanks for this article. I'm familiar with webdesign but I'm still adjusting to the blogger interface itself. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know about a good favicon generator site for textual icons. It generates them online and is very easy to user. The site is
You can specificy text and color. If you want to see an example you I used it at my blog.
@cz231, thanks for sharing that link. I added it to the Software, etc link group.
Thanks a lot for this, now I'm finally rid of Blogger's favicon!
I'm really happy to have discovered your site. I was just able to have my favicon show up in Firefox!
But nothing seems to change in Safari. Do you have any suggestions or ideas for me & other Mac users?
@linda, I'm happy you discovered BlogU too!
I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with Safari at all. I can hardly keep up with Firefox and IE (IE being a major pain in my side). But, I do know a few tricks to get it to show in IE which may work in Safari also. Worth a shot...clear your cache; bookmark your site; put your cursor over the area the favicon should be (in IE it is a little 'e' in the address bar) and sorta drag it a bit. A jiggly motion.
That is all I got. Hope it works.
Hi Annie,I'm having some problems here.I tried your instructions but it still doesn't show.Please help me.Thanks!
@hermitgal, it doesn't show well in IE. Firefox has no problems. But, if you give me the URL to the blog you are have the code in, I will tell you if it is correct.
Hi Annie,thanks! My blog(
It's so frustrating using IE,I can see ur favicon but for sites,it doesn't show.
Wow! I never knew that adding a favicon is easy, you rock Annie. :D
I've tried this over and over and I keep getting the same error message at the edit HTML template page:
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Element type "href" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
Any suggestions
@Custom Blog Designs, I don't know. It has the closing tags. Things have been weird with Blogger this past week. If I figure it out, I will comment here again.
Thanks for your help! I just added favicon to my blog site!
Michael Gass
thanks, it was the best tip among i searched for few.
That was really another perfect post with great tips. I very much appreciate your help on making people prettier blogs. My blog about page ranking will also benefit from this :)
Yippee... I got it to work! Thanks, Annie!
Hi, great site with excellent tips.
I would like to add a favicon, but where can I upload *.ico files for free?
Photobucket does not allow it.
University of Maastricht Blog
@XY, how funny you should ask! I just this very minute finished making a new favicon for BlogU!! And I used a png file to do it. I use Ripway for all my images. It is free and I believe you can upload ico files.
Thanks a lot Annie!
I will try that out. ;-).
Wow, that was a quick response.
Hi Annie,
I've uploaded my image to Ripway:
But it won't appear on my blog:
I've inserted the code in my template in between the head tags to no avail.
Any suggestions?
@JRK, I do have a suggestion. On my blog, in the upper right portion is a Firefox link that you can use to download Firefox. After you install it, you will see your favicon.
I can see it!
Hi Annie,
Have Firefox already.
I tried the code from this blog and it worked:
I'm not sure what the issue was, but for some reason it wasn't working trying your method.
Thanks for the quick reply though!
@JRK, I'm glad you got it to work for you. code is strange and picky, so there may have been a conflict with some other code in your template.
Hi Annie,
I followed you previously given advice and it kinda works (the favicon).
However, when I bookmark the page (, I still see the blogspot Icon and not my favicon. How come?
Thank you.
@speakum, I see it! I use Firefox. I don't think it shows up in IE unless you have it bookmarked.
Thanks so much! worked like a charm, but one part - it doesn't show up in my Firefox bookmark - yours does, but when I bookmarked my blog to my bookmarks, the favicon is not next to my bookmark - but it does show in the address bar and on the tab
Can you tell me what I'm missing?
I knew how to do this before, but lost my instructions.
I've just upgraded the design of my blog with a new theme, and need to overwrite the 'theme' favicon.
So, I was looking for the favicon steps to take, and... here I found the answers..
Thanks you so much!
@Cheryl, I'm not sure why that is happening. I just checked my bookmarks, and the favicons are showing for all sites except blogger...which have the generic orange 'B'. I'll try to figure that one out.
I cannot see anything if i klick on the link is it normal?
@CRM Software, Which link is that?
Super it works really i am suprised thank you very much :-))
Thanks a lot! I spent a while searching for an easy way to change the favicon on my other site, and then I came across this. Thanks for all of the great posts! Keep them coming.
Thanxx a lot i never thought that this was possible on free blogger blog! i have 2 blogger blogs.. actually changing the favicon will be a nice idea. but when i try iot says blogger error with a code
Thanks so much... Your code works well with blogspot.
I've been too many websites and their codes didn't work, but yours did.
Hi help please! Your link is the only one on the whole internet that I was able to work to add my favicon here:
but if you can see, the link for the favicon heart is now at the top of the blog. What can I do to remove that link?
thanks so much.
@Sully, I took a look at your blog and saw the favicon in place as it should be. I don't see a problem. Sorry...
've tried pasting the html in many different places between the head tags but when I save it will either change the html and put rel="shortcut icon" at the end of the link string or it just doesn't work. Where specifically between the head tags is it supposed to go?
@security cameras direct, paste the code right after this: <head> If it puts rel="shortcut icon" at the end, just let it do it. Maybe change your ico file to a png file.
Thanks for the information. These are the best instructions I have found anywhere on the net.
I hope you display an image in your article because it would really help alot. I will be creating my own on my test page. Anyway, it is a nice instruction.
Money Making and Blogging Tips
@PALS, the image is there...see the little orange heart? That is my favicon.
Thanks for the simple instructions on setting up your own favicon. They do make a site look more professional as well as adding interest for the eye! Others will definitely find this helpful. Cheers.
thanks for the information the simple instructions.
Awesome! Worked like a charm. Thank you :)
awesome..thanks 4 the tip..also i wanna dd that you can get it animated but it will work only on firefox..but on ie it will be shown as static icon..
how to do it?>>just create an animated favicon with the ext. .gif and use it in the code as
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Thank you so much for doing BlogU. I have used your blog to help me so much. I think the first Idea I used from here was the cloud tag which I love and I just made the favicon for my blog. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
favicon is not working since yeaterday :(
My favicon was also working up till about a week ago. I'm wondering if blogger has done something, but I see other blogspot blogs with favicons. I can't figure out why suddenly it stopped working.
Hello, sorry for my poor english...I don't know why my favicon doesn't work with safari but your does! If I test your URL on favicon validator the "blogger" favicon doesn't appear but mine yes... thank for your answer! cuc
@bad amicale represent, please read this post: Fix for broken favicons.
thanks... but the problem is worst than that: I can't delete link href='' rel='icon' type='image/'/... any idea?
@bad amicale represent, I haven't had that I don't know. If I find something, I'll post here about it.
Great post. I definitely will add a favicon. It makes it so much easier for people to find your site when they have a huge list of bookmarks to scan.
hey annie thanks
here's my result -->
Good post, thx a lot ;-)
It works fine for me...
So I am new to this, but there is A LOT of stuff between < head > and < / head > and when I put it right after < head > it did not show... Am I missing something here? I have a blogspot blog if that helps...
Thanks a lot. I was wondering how to do that :)
Thanks for a great guide.
This is very helpful. Hopefully, it still works with the fix from December. Will be trying it out tonight.
HI Annie, Stumble upon your website while googling some free favicons and step by step insertion of it. Nice to read your article, very helpful.
Hi annie
cool favicon, thanks for the share, might use it sometime next week.
I use a the arthemia wordpress theme and there is a function for adding a favicon, it´s so easy.
Nice idea to add a favicon. Its really helpful and quite helping idea.
I am still struggling to add one like this to my site.
That seemed pretty straightforward. I always thought that was a lot harder especialy since mostly big sites have their own favicons.
Thanks Annie you are really doing a great job now favicon is no more problem for newbie blogger like me
Annie, Thanks for tutorials. They always prove to be of great help to me. This favicons tutorial is also great.
This works great. I appreciate posts like this one on learning how to make blogger not look so blahh.
Nice article, I normally just use .gifs for my favicons. They seem to be of a similar quality but I might have a go with some .icos on some of my new designs.
Thanks for this informative post keep up teh good work
Really helpful
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the great information. I have added a favicon to my website and blog with some of your information. Check out my bean bag furniture favicon at buybeanbagfurniture.
I love vaficon to use on my blog. Well I do not know how to use img alt tag on my blog picture. Can anyone please help me?
Great , I was using favicon dot cc but these ones are great. No more searching all around. I found a book as favicon for my site. Thanks
Hawkner Ltd.
Really thanks for all your help. Where can I find high PR blogs to comment on?
Thank you very much, I have been wanting to add a Favicon to my site for ages now but were unsure how to do it, I have tried other tutorials but failed.
It's funny, this is first time to actually stop and read about favicons ...
Thanks for the tutorial Annie. This was a lot of help. It made my site a lot more professional.
That so called favison must be an interesting thing to deal with...
Thanks for the advice a lot!
it made my site so professional
thanks for sharing the piece of information. very useful.I will be happy to have a search engine that finds and organizes the answers..
Dental Implants Bristol
Thats a very useful favicon tip, i used it, thanks and keep posting
Finally I found your blog and now I can put my own favicon for my blog. Thank you very much. Looking forward for other fresh tips from your post.
Thank you soo much, I always wondered how to add a favicon.
Great and really wonderful. i found this site really awesome.
Thanks for this, it was really useful! I had a vague idea of how to do this, but your instructions made it wonderfully clear, and my blog now has a working favicon. Thanks again!
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thank you.
Thanks friend I have changed my favicon with your help.
Can you help me more here?
How to change big B appearing in blogger Navbar, with my favicon?
my blog -
Great Tip, eassy to follow
Hey Annie!
I have followed your instructions (and read most of your comments to see if there's anything else I'm missing) but I can't get this to work! And it's irritating me. Yes, I use Firefox.
Finally my search is over, I have been looking for info how to implement it. But I just could not find any information on it. This because I did not know how its named. SO I ended up googling for hours.
Thank you for this info. Now i can implement a "flavicon" too.
Nice tutorial, having a favicon gives an identity to a website/blog, i use it everytime, thanks.
wow, that's really easy. thanks for the tutorial. i had no idea it would be so easy.
That was really useful. I'm going on a favicon frenzy now with my sites. is already done but my others need attention
Great post I am going to add a favicon to my blog!
Excellent! Made one for my site just now n got it working. Thanks very much :)
I have used favicon many times and it loos good for your site as it displays the logo of the site. Thanks for sharing to know about it with others.
Cool post very informative I just found your blog and read through a few posts although this is my first comment, i'll be including it in my favorites and visit again for sure
Hi,Thanks for this nice post it was really useful!
I think it made my side more professional.
Thanks a lot for your tutorial. Very good.
I really like your blog
Thanks for this Annie. I've been looking for how to do this for a while now.
Did that! thanks a lot for the info. Didn't know you could actually do it on free blogs like blogger.
- AS from HindiGuitarTabs
Very nice trick. However, you could post a tutorial extended about how to create the .ico image. I couldn't knot that is so simple to insert a icon in your website url bar. Thanks !
Your favicon is not showing up on my copy of Internet Explorer: 7.0.6002.18005 running on Windows Vista Enterprise Service Pack 2 in the Netherlands.
I've been meaning to add a favicon to my blog for a long time and you have made it look a bit easier. Thanks for taking the time to post this.
Thanks Annie. I'd noticed other sites using these but never got around to checking out how to do it before.
Finally my search is over, I have been looking for info how to implement it. But I just could not find any information on it. This because I did not know how its named.
Nice blog thanks very easy to do with you'r instructions!
This sort of thing make me sit back and ponder how much things don’t work out the way whe thought they would. With all the high hopes and promise of the internet bringing the world closer together and promoting mutual understanding, in reality, the internet has given us the ability to put ‘bacon’ on anything…
I think all the favicons look great in my bookmarks toolbar. Now I just need to design a great looking favicon for my site. I found some handy favicon generators, but I can't stop making fun grid patterns.
I think your code can work well with blogspot !
Info in your blog is very Great.
removals Edinburgh
I really wnt to thanks to you for such a great post.
Its amazing how quickly a favicon has become a standard element on most websites now - although some of the 'older' websites are taking a big longer to catch-up - a sign of them becoming out of touch and slow to respond perhaps.
Your site has lots of knowledge and information!. I've been looking for an answer to my blog problem for the last 1 hour. It really worked!!
Will be using this code on my new site - thanks
Great Blog..!!!! Keep Blogging.... : )
I like also favicon. Favicon of website should be related of website theme... ...
May be peoples likes favicon of your website and make fans of your website. I like it...
Yeah fav icons are pretty cool, You can use them to save image icon bookmarks on your toolbar for quick access to bookmarks
Using yahoo small business web hosting and i have tried adding favicon but it is not displaying. anyone?
This is an awesome trick. It was really helpful.Your instructions made it clear, and my favicons now look great in my bookmark toolbars.
I already copied the code. Thanks a lot!
Great tutorial favicon. Ico
Just one question when you create the favicon image format is that image quality would be for our favicon
a greeting
Great post, never new about favicon till i read this, great site you have too
The favicon looks modern, great complement to a nice browser
It is very simple code to add and it adds a professional look to your site. Worth the effort IMO.
Very useful information. I have added favicon to one of my websites by following your instruction.
thanks so much, this really helped! much appreciated.
Tegs xx
thanks i like your "love" favicon .It's look very friendly
Thanks for posting, just added a flavicon to our website. Nice blog!
Annie, Thank you so much for your blog. I have read so many and yours has truly helped me grow my site the most.
what are the podcasting options that you would recommend for wordpress blogs? how would you do it and what plugins would you use?
Hi Annie. .
Thank you for writing this post. This solved some of my conclusion and i have applied this on my BLOG
Hello Annie. this is one of the simple post but most usefull post for bloggers. one more thing is I liked the favicon used by vijay on his blog
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