Blank title widgets
For some strange reason, Blogger, in it's infinite wisdom, once again has decided to do something bizarre with the templates. It is now making us put a title in each widget/gadget title field.
Why? Good question. I wish I knew. But, until the person in charge of Template Management on the blogger team wakes up and realizes the error in this way, I have a work-around. And, thankfully, it is a simple one.
Every time you edit a gadget that had no title, or when you create a new gadget that you don't want a title on, put this code in the title field:
<h2></h2>For the time being we have fooled the gadgets to believe there is a title in the field.
I hope they realize that this behaviour is just plain silly and put it back the way it was.

THANK YOU!! I was so frustrated and you saved me a ton of time trying to figure this out. Blessings!
Thank you so much for this. I edited a widget today and had an error and couldn't figure out why.
I just noticed this yesterday and the only thing I could think of was adding "." to the title.
Thanks man! Appreciate you looking out, keep doing what you do.
I just use <.none.> minus the periods.
I just found out about this when I tried to edit an untitled widget.. it's weird yes!
Thanks to you, I can edit it now :D
btw, may I know why this should be < h2 >< /h2> ?
just curious :)
It's been three hours trying to figure out how to remove my big title in the widget area, and this post helped me a lot, thanks!!!!
clever, it's just as easy as putting a blank tag in the field. good work.
Luckily for me, I use Wordpress. And I think you've got a really great blog.
Nice tip - had never known how to fool that gadgets while creating them.
You're helped me a lot!
very clearly explained
Thanks for that advice. It helped me a lot on my blog. Thanks again for all the advice I have even had help with my vinyl lettering website.
I've been trying to figure this out for hours... until I came across this blog. Thanks for the tip and the comments here have helped a lot!
Good article for beginners, thank you so much for trying to share help for everybody.
Thanks for the tutorial. I'll try it. Glad to found this blog.
wow nice post i am glad to left comment here
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I think that this is very nice trick and I will be utilizing this skill in my blog. Keep posting more of this kind so that I can be able to know more of this.
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I too have a blog for my website using wordpress. I was always in search on how to change the title to make it look like completely ours. I think this post will greatly help the developers.
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You are SUCH a lifesaver! I've been trying to fix this all day on my company's blog to no avail! I'm a personal trainer in CT and keep a blog of clients' (anonymous) improvements! This was a huge problem to come home to today, what a pain in the a$$! Check out my blog if you'd like, you'll find the (very long lol) link at Horizon
Blogger being owned by Google I think it is safe to say the reason is related to making it easier to identify where paid links may be placed on blogs.
Forcing you to enter a title will surely fool most into entering something like "Sponsors" or the like into such a gadget. Won't surprise me if next you are forced to enter a description for the gadget as well.
I smell a conspiracy theory here :)
Thanks for the helpful tips. There should be an option to not use titles if a blogger does not want one.
also updated the widget, now has a blog like a better work, thank you for your work!
Thanks a lot
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!!!!! I have turned my blog into my business website and didn't want to have the titles of my widgets showing. So thankful for your help in making my blog beautiful!
Thank you for this valuable information. This definitely made things a whole lot easier for me.
Thanks, this helped me a lot on my blog!
Thanks for sharing this information with us.I hadn't known that until I read it.
I don't understand the reason too?
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they addressed it on their forums. its not supposed to be like that, they are fixing it within this week!!
Thank you for your tips that help a lot of people.
I have heard that they are working on fixing it or already fixed it. Anyway very clever your move :)
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great advice. that was really helpful for me specially im just a beginner in creating website
I have already done this work. Great working.
Thanks for the tips! While I am not new to blogging, I am new to actually trying to grow my blogs rather than just blog and see what happens. Your info is helpfull
Dude thanks nice trick.[solved]
Luckily, I use wordpress which is very flexible, so i do not have to bother about editing widget titles. But your post will have been quite useful to blogger users, i am sure. Is there a reason why you and others choose to stick with blogger? By the way, your design is quite attractive.
Thanks for this. It really solve some of my problems in my blog..I hope to get more ideas from you.Thanks a lot.
Great point, I had issues with blank titles before. Cheers for this.
PPI News
Thank you for your useful information. It cleared my mind, i think titles shouldnt be nesesary for the blog to be posted :P
you know, it's funny when sites make changes that make it seem like they could care less about the ease of use, just recently did something similar with their new version that is coming out soon, when will they learn??
Thanks for the info. Nice trick.
Very interesting! Thanks so much for the info.. Great site.. I use wordpress as well..
I'm thinking to try make a blog in blogspot and your article has help me alot thanks
This is a really helpful post! There should be an option not to use titles if the blogger doesn't want one at all.
I know sites do have to evolve, but I do not always embrace change. Especially when I do not understand the reasons why.
Thanks for the soloution to this one.
Thanks for this workaround! It makes simply no sense to be forced to put a title in the widgets...
Very informative post. I have been trying to learn more about blogging successfully to promote my website. Thanks for the article.
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I wonder if you could just put in a <span><span$gt; tag if it would do the same thing as the h2 tags. It's just that I'd rather not use h2 tags as they are not styled as inline, but rather block instead as default.
@Devin...I don't know. Give it a try :-)
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great post i really like it.
keep posting stuff like this
Some nice workaround and have very useful information to share its truly amazing ...
Thanks for the work around Ann.. and also for posting this issue. Hey admins wake up!
Nice post, I also use WordPress, it is always nice to find posts that makes a person life just a little easier.
Honestly, I haven't noticed on my site just yet. But since I was able to drop by on your post, I think I'll take note of it. For whatever reason blogger has, I hope it should be a good one. Anyway, thanks for sharing. I don't want to end up just like the others trying to figure out how to remove that title on any widget I'll add.
Thanks for the tips. Just wondering, why use h2 tag? Can I use h3 tag also? Anyways, thanks for sharing the cleaver and helpful tips with us. I'll try it very soon.
Nice Information. the different tags are available for specification and importance of content.
keep writing..! go..!
Silly tricks isn't it, but this is very useful. When I want to add another gadget in my blog it has always a title, I thought it could never be remove. But this tricks make this possible. Very excellent idea, thank you. Oh, by the way I try this to one of my blog...thanks for the tips.
I use wordpress and they also make us put titles for everything. It is silly because I'm not sure what to call certain widgets nor do I want a title for everything.
This may be a silly question, but why would you use H2 tags instead of h1? I had made the same mistake on my blogs such as DesiChords and once I changed them to h1, traffic jumped +50%
Very clever!! You're a lifesaver. Until I read your post I was adding ` and hoping for the day when I would be able to have a blank title bar. Thank you for the simple but much welcome solution.
Good article for beginners, thank you so much for trying to share help for everybody.
Very thorough, well-written lesson. Very good for beginners. Its a good skill to learn. Nice work.
Thank for article
thanks for advice. information is explained in detail manner that is useful.
H2 tags is used as the description of the h1 tag.
Thank you so much! This was very helpful!
It does seem quite pointless forcing a title on every widget, I don't see the benefit of doing that. At least you've come up with a work-around, though.
Jake Ruston.
thanks for this post
I think, the search engines did not find any h1 tags. So, in that case, characters between h2 tags become the title. If you replace the h2 tags with the h1 tags then you will observe the same response.
Haven't come across this problem before but have noted for future reference.
thank you i will try it on my blog.
I wish I knew. But, until the person in charge of Template Management on the blogger team wakes up and realizes the error in this way, I have a work-around. And, thankfully, it is a simple one.
This tutorial is great. A blank title bar gives me more room to customize the look of my blog without unnecessary words. Thank you.
Nice tip, I had been trying things with no luck at all for days !
I will drink a good glass Meursault in your honor !
Thank a lot,now I can edit it now ^^ great tip
Cool! Title is not really necessary in widgets. Thanks for teaching us how to remove it.
I have found this information is useful. I will try this.
Thanks for your hints on how to set up widgets properly. I have used your hints for my qigong blog and will use them for my blogspot blog as well. Please keep posting hints!
nice tips..thanks for this post
I will try this.
I was getting so frustrated with that, whats the point in adding a title to the widgets, thanks for telling me how to get rid.
I tried it but its no longer working. I think they have disabled that one as well. I had to remove the title from the "edit html" section...
h2 headings help to add relevance to your blogs and posts, so it's better to put something meaningful there unless you really need it blank for some reason.
Haven't come across this problem before but have noted for future reference.
I have been uesd dis I didnt get any errors.I have edited the HTML and just saved the file.
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Blogger for me works well and I find it more flexible than Wordpress. There's just too many things one cannot do in Wordpress unless its self hosted.
these tips of yours are highly appreciated.
Indeed, this technique is now well known and creating empty title has saved us from big head aches, still lot of new webmasters and internet marketers are finding it hard to solve this problem, as its part of their learning curve.
I'm new to the site and would say its a good one. I really had a good experience going through it. Thanks!!
Not a fan at all of the latest new templates. Why can't we select some of the old template options??
Thank you so much! I had been trying to figure this out all week! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Josefina Argüello - Traducción Web
I was always in search on how to change the title to make it look like completely ours. I think this post will greatly help the developers.
its a useful information. its nice and good info.
You have no idea how long I have been looking for this for my own blog. I have been stuck with the one that came with the wordpress theme I chose.
Hey, thanks so much for providing a fix for this. I decided to keep the titles but edit them to something useful as it helps the SEO of the site.
It may be time to use wordpress it is incomparable at this present time.
this is very useful indeed!!
Thanks for setting me straight on this one thanks
I hope they realize that this behavior is just plain silly and put it back the way it was.
thanks for this post
I will try this !
Great!! I have been looking for this for my own blog since a long-long time. I really appreciate your research and glag to have such a good stuff.
Great post! Thank for advice!
thank's for your tips, it's help a lot of people
thanks for nice info....
nice indeed thanks for sharing it and your blog is to good.......:)
well according to something i read google does read tags and ranks them in their crawl.
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me out with putting a border around the pictures in my widget. I do have borders around the pics in the body of my post, but I created a Gadget at the top of the body of my blog and put a picture there and it does not put a border around it liek it does for the rest of my pics in the body of my blog. Is there a fix for this? Thanks! Sheila
Thanks for your tip. I'm sure it will help me!
Hola I'm just in the process of setting up a blog its all a bit technical but i'm sure i'll get my head around it sooner or later.
I hope they realize that this behavior is just plain stupid and put it back as it was. I was wondering if someone could help me put a border around images in my widget. I have borders around images in the body of my message, but I created a gadget on top of the body in my blog and put a picture there and it does not put a border around him as he does for the rest of my photos in the body of my blog. Is there a solution for that?
This post will help to developers those who are not aware to change the title. best digital camcorders
thank you for good article, I am new to Blogger, so it helps!!
Thank you so much for this. I will edit my blog widget thanks for giving such a great information
I have a frame around the images in the body of my message, and also sentenced to what came with WordPress selected. but I created a gadget in the upper body in my blog and put there picture and put a frame around it like the rest of my pictures in the blog. I really appreciate your research and regulation is a good thing.
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three hours trying to figure out how to remove my big title in the widget area, and this post helped me a lot, thanks!!!!
This is a great subject, Thanks for the helpful tips. There should be an option to not use titles if a blogger does not want one.
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Actually, those heading tags are useful for search engine optimizing. Though forcing them to use seems a bit much. ^^
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