Optimize your blog for mobile devices
Does everyone know about the mobile version for your blog? It is really pretty cool. And since many viewers will use a mobile device at some point to view your blog, doesn't it only make sense to optimize it for them so it comes up readable?
Now the good news. It is incredibly easy. No code. No CSS. No HTML. This is what you do:
- open your dashboard in the "Blogger Draft"
- click on the settings tab
- click email & mobile
- in the 'Show mobile template' section check Yes, On mobile devices, show the mobile version of my template.
- save settings
Now everyone can easily view you blog in a simpler mobile friendly manner.

Thanks for this, I use plugin for my wordpress blogs and didn't know it is so easy for a blogger based blog :)
It never occured to me to optimize my blog for mobile view eventhough I've been blogging from over 3 years. Thanks for relating the procedure so clearly.
I much rather use wordpress, but mobile optimization it crucial for a successful website. Everyone nowadays surfs the net on the phone. Don't forget there are great ways to monetize your main site AND mobile site!
I use wordpress for my blogs and it has a great plugin to create a mobile version of your blog. It is cool that blogspot has the option embedded into the platform.
Thanks for your information your post sharing and your information wirdpress blogs i like it.
thanks, it works
Thanks for this info. =) From audio books, E-reader here comes mobile optimizing which is useful enough in the technical times. Hoping to hear again good news from you. =)
Users of iPhones, iPads and mobile devices are really on the increase amongst users accessing my site, I am so sure it is going to rocket in the coming months so this tip is much needed!
Optimizing your blog for mobile devices is a must. Easy tasks with great results.
Well this a nice way to explain the things. Could you please describe the procedure for wordpress also...To be frank I never paid attention to this matter before...but now I did it first and then writing these comments. Thanks and cheers
Louis Martin Thanks for the chance to blog on such a professional page. I love the chance to get decent links.
Nice, i didn't know that blogger have already this kind of feature, bloggers will definitely be happy on this.
This is interesting, you know I have been wondering how some blogs in my area of practice(udlejning lejlighed) are able to do this.....now I know. I think I was a step behind
You know when there are things you know you should do and have been thinking about for a long time and you just dont do it? Well, this is one of those things. I think this post pushed me just far enough to get it done; especially since it is so easy to do. Thanks for the tip, very helpful!
Yeah, nowadays mobile devices become more and more popular, and I think they soon will be the primary way people access the internet. So it's a great idea to optimize your blog for mobile phones.
Using a mobile version is very important as it is becoming very common for people to read blogs in their smart phones. I know for me, I do most of my blog reading on my iphone and prefer it when the blog has a mobile theme.
Yeah, that was definitely right and mobile computing was in demand nowadays.
thx for keeping me uptodate
I've used blogger to jumpstart my blogging adventure but have since then migrated to WP.
Your posts have inspired me to start projects for free using the blogger platform. I t hought Google has neglected blogger but I'm willing to try it again.
Love your blog, Annie, and regularly link to it.
Could I just mention the missing 'r' in the title of your last post? "Optimise your blog...."
In case you missed it.
Oops! Forgot the protocol in the link. Sorry.
Thanks for the inside tips and I think some of those problems you have felted on your own skin.
Brilliant post. Very usefull.
What a great information.
Thanks for letting me know about this, maybe i should go do exactly that for my own blog, as i know many of my readers are reading it from a mobile!
thanks. great post. i was looking for this because i wanted to make my blog viewable in mobile too
I think that all new mobile devices should be able to show any kind of site without any external plugins.
@Bob, thanks for catching the spelling error!
Thank. This is what i find.
I have also seen a number of good plugins for mobile as well. I think Pluginbuddy has one.
Awesome! My Galaxy S will be so happy with some of these :)
Many people do not take into consideration mobile devices but they are so widely used now that it would be a mistake to not optimise for them. Great post!
Very useful post. thanks for explain!
I couldn't agree more... with the increase in mobile device, utilizing all techniques to inform user id very important. more and more people are blogging and reading while commuting or away from home based computers.
wow.. .good idea,thanks for share guys.^_^
I've just gone and built my first ever blog on Wordpress. My friends were all saying use blogger, but an expert said wordpress. Do you know if its possible to put wordpress blogs onto mobile? My bg image is pretty huge.
Thank you for this post. I have been searching for information about how to view blogs on mobile devices. I am a reader of problogger and he uses a certain theme on mobile devices that is sleek and easy to use. Any ideas (if its even possible) to download mobile themes and apply them to your website?
I also run a health product website buy venapro and virility ex are my latest posts.
Thank you for your time
Thanks, I didn't know about this. It will be real handy.
Thanks been working on targeting mobile devices for my website.
I have always used wordpress for my blogs but I have been experimenting with blogger now too for awhile. It's getting better I have to say.
Great great post by the way
Nice one! I use a Wordpress plugin to let mobile users read my blog in a user friedly way.
Do you know how i can optimize my wordpress blog for mobile visitors? You only talked about how to do it for blogspot.
@Health and Fitness, I only work with blogspot.
I really liked this post. It’s very informative in a constructive way and so very helpful.
great info this seems to be the way forward thanks
This is one thing I always forget while blogging with blogspot
Thank you very much.. blogger always give many facilities for a million blogger in this Earth
Oh, man! Thank you for telling me, I didn't even know how to do this. :D
I thought it went mobile automatically! xD
It's so important to remember about mobile devices in todays society.
It's a really nice feature. I do often find Blogger far better than Wordpress for useful in-built functionality like this.
This post is highly appreciated! It never once crossed my mind for my blog to be in mobile devices, its a wide opening idea.
I'm putting your button on my page. I've already written a post on my blog about yours:
What do you think? :P
"Short And Sweet" Thanks for this useful update
Very useful information & I think Pluginbuddy is also a good one.
This post is highly appreciated!
With more and more people using mobile devices this becomes more important. My website raw diet for dogs is run on wordpress and they have mobile plugins. Some phones and Ipads work quite well just with the standard view.
really fascinating stuff.
Hi, that's great now we can have access to mobile too. All this will lead to increase in traffic and visibility. I am definitely going to enable mobile option of my blog.
Excellent! Providing mobile versions of sites has been on my mind recently. It looks like easy-to-use automatic solutions for this are starting to pop up more and more!
Freddy K
This is my first time i am visiting your blog..this is very nice and thanks for sharing. Actually i was searching....how to setting blogger for smart phones...and i found here and I also going to enable mobile option of my blog.
Great article do you have any advice on how to make a message board mobile ready?
VIP Travel Boards
Going forward, I think we can look forward to more and more viewership of websites being done via smart phones. On the flip side, if only they had magically enlarging screens. Maybe Apple can pull out some alchemy in this realm.
I think that the future is for mobile marketing. If you know how to exploit mobile devices to you advantage, then you'll definitely dominate. Thanks for sharing
So funny, i have like 5 Blogger Blogs and i didn't even know there was this option be4 stumbling on this post. Obviously a must. Thx for the insight!
As always its useful to visit this blog. Every time i visit, i get new information.
Thanks a lot for the information. I tried it on my blog and it worked wonderfully
blogger now try to make a mobile version like wordpress and i hope blogger have many template for mobile version.
Wow that seems so much simpler than the Wordpress way.
so simple like that..?..i've been blogging since 2008..just now i get a new info useful..thx 4 the article..
Very informative and useful post. Keep up the good work.
I am going to my site right now to make this change. Appreciate the information as everything is mobile
i have been using the internet since 2002 but now i got the very useful in formation
Thanks for tips, definitely gonna give this a go
This is great for iphone and phone user.
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I find that many times the mobile version dont have as many features as the standard version, so most times i actually prefer the standard version when im using my phone. I dont know if its like that too, with the Blogspot blogs..
Great post exploring some ways one could optimize their blog for mobile devices. Thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks for the quick tip! More and more people are using their phones to access the internet these days. So it is vitally important to allow them to access your blog to.
Awesome blog post! keep it up!
This is the best option for the blogger using iphone. Thanks for sharing a wonderful information.
Actually It's very easy thing with my busy schedule.I'm posting everyday with my Blackberry playbook Thanks for posting.
Hello! Many thanks for your useful hints and tips - thought I'm used to using Wordpress this seems fairly straight forward and the logical next step. Many thanks!
nice blog babe keep rocking..!
I'm looking for something like this to make a mobile website on a normal website. I wish everything was as easy as using blogger/wordpress
thank's nice info
This page is great. Useful tips more often.
It's nice to see a dofollow blog now and then, it makes a change from those spammy blogs.
Hi there,
Thanks for a great blog with many interesting posts!
Best Regards
Classier Corn
i need to buy a smartphone to prove this feature
Mobile version sounds great. i have been bloggimg for last few year bt was not known. thanks for sharing.
It never occurred to me to optimize my blog for mobile view even-though I've been blogging from over 3 years. Thanks for relating the procedure so clearly.
Wonderful !!!
It is another way to increase the visitors and popularity of our blog. It is petty cool idea. I have followed it. Thank you so much for this.
I came across this site by an accident and I am glad I did. Your site is a very user friendly site. This article has helped me a lot I have blog ForexStrategiesNew.com
and using word press. Got a good insight. Very happy to be here.
Cheers for the info!
HELP!!!!!!! how do i get my website using joomla to be mobile ready????
what kind of phones does it support? I am using blogspot all the while.
Thanks a lot for this info!
We currently are developing a CRM software..New buzzword is Mobile CRM Not only blogs are needing to be mobile device ready but anyone creating websites and software.More and more power is coming in mobile sets.
CRM Software
Thanks for the info. I'll have to set this up on my blog too.
Do you know if this allow's iPhone and iPad users to switch back to the full version of the website?
Thanks for the tip!
I was loking for this for a while... Thanks a lot! :)
Nice... its important to have mobile versions of your site for people reading your site on Android or other smartphone platforms. This is increasingly the way so many people are surfing the web.
You have some amazing posts which have helped me throughout. If I can contact you directly i would like to take some help on themes from you.
Thank you, a great post for new bloggers like myself :-)
Do you happen to know a way to do this for other blogs (specifically wordpress)? I run a blog on Dish Network called the Side Dish that I would love for people to be able to read. Unfortunately, I'm not really good with the back end stuff. Thanks for your time.
Sorry...I don't know the workings of WordPress. I only have used Blogger.
Love this blog, thanks for all the great posts!
Thanks for this info...i know internet searching through mobile devices really is the future. I never knew it was so easy to optimise my blog for mobile.
hi its seems like you have done a hard work on it. I have got lots of information from your post. Really appreciate your work.!! It was describe very nicely keep us doing good work..
I run quite a few sites on Blogger. I didn't know this. Apparently, having a mobile version of your site allows you to rank higher in mobile google.
well i rarely leaves comment on any site but your blog is really so amazing that i can't stop myself from making comment on it...
Great Information for bloggers.
Thanks for this! Always good to keep up on the mobile side of things.
This is so simple to do.. Thanks for sharing this with us. Now my blog can be accessed by mobile.
just wanna share with you this related website
This is some great information! thanks for sharing!
It was quiet interesting to read this optimizing tips and It helped me a lot to optimize my blog and to get good traffic from mobile also.
This issue becommes more and more valuable. I think that the mobile SEO will be pretty much the same as the usual one.
oke i'll try it now..
Wow, this is great, never knew about this feature. With the relentless rise of Iphone/Ipad and Android phones, more sites will need to get mobile versions.
What I'm looking forward to is high speed smartphone networks, so that I can use PNG files without compromising speed.
Neat! I have several blogspot blogs and this will surely come in handy.
Its a fact that Users of iPhones, iPads and mobile devices are really on the increase amongst users accessing my site, i know internet searching through mobile devices really is the future.
Mobile SEO is still in its nascent stage and that means, you need to follow the same SEO best practices as closely as possible. Both Googlebot and Googlebot-Mobile give importance to meta title, meta description, H tags and that you need to use them as carefully as possible.
Informative post indeed! This will surely help bloggers out there, especially those who aren't aware of these changes yet.
Its an interesting and useful piece of information and will be benefitial for all those people looking for such work.
great post, thank you. but i am happy if i can keep up with maintenance for plain browsers, no time for mobile browsing. but i'll have to as more and more people will do it i guess :)
It never occured to me to optimize my blog for mobile view eventhough I've been blogging from over 3 years. Thanks for relating the procedure so clearly.
I think it would be interesting to know how much percent of your readers actually come from mobile devices! good read tough!
Thanks - I didn't know how easy it was!
Great staff, thanks for sharing!
Love your website.
Mobile devices are a sure focus for the future. Any business that ignores the mobile world will lose out in the very near future.
Hi Annie, Daniel here again. I just wished to thank you for this post since we have started 3 blogs related to different niches on blogger and will apply the trick for mobile devices. However, our company blog runs on Drupal CMS. Will need to find out if there is any such option in here.
Daniel from Idea2result
If you have wordpress it only takes a matter of activating the WP Mobile Pack with a click of a button.
Optimizing for mobile is easier than ever.
I am unable to optimize my blog for my mobile device. i am using wordpress blog.
Is there any way to optimize my wordpress blog for the windows mobiles, android and symbion?
Really this is a good news for me. Now I can use blogs in mobile. This is very much useful for me. Thanks for sharing.
This was probably one of the top 5 most truly useful posts I've seen in the past few months. When will we get to read new tips??
This Infographic shows some strong reason to consider optimizing our blog for mobile devices, but how to make my WordPress blog Smartphone.
This blog is super helpful to me for ideas even though I'm using Wordpress. My website What Google Suggests will certainly benefit from your ideas. Thanks!
I have just done it, thanks!
Its working for my blogspot blog. Very good way to optimize your blog in mobile device.
Every website (blogs included) needs to be prepared for accommodating mobile readers.
With the smartphone & tablet expansion lately, there's a chance that a few years from now, the balance will have reversed and we'll serve special versions of our blogs to PC's (that's if we'll still remember what they are called by then :) )
I get quite a lot of traffic from mobile users.
Every website (blogs included) needs to be prepared for accommodating mobile readers.
It is very true that websites need to optimize for the mobile readers. After all, wireless usage has increased more than 30% each year.
i have seen your post for mobile traffic, now i will going to use it.
Now that everyone is using their mobile phones for net browsing,it is necessary to make your site "visitable" to all. :)
It's a nice share
Ill gonna use this interesting trick :)
Cheap eBook Reader
I have been blogging for two years and I had no idea that a blog could be monetized for mobile users.
I've probably seen that option a thousand times, but it never occurred to me to select it.
Thank you for the tip and thanks for explaining it so simply and concisely for a non-techie like me!
Great info! Will aply it to my blogs!
Hi Annie, it's been awhile since I last visited your blog but I am glad you are still publishing posts. I've learned a lot from your online university. Thanks! :)
Thanks for a great blog with many interesting posts!
This is very timely for me and my blog. Thank you! I am just wondering if it also works for wordpress.
Everyone who wants the best for their website must do this. Thanks Annie!
Hey, this is an alluring information and very useful, too. I strappingly look forward to browse the internet using my phone, so far it never occur to me to optimize my blog in this way. cool:)
Good article now a days, most of the people access internet through mobile, and so do blogs. So we "http://www.quality-web-solutions.com/" really happy and impressed by your thought.
Thank you for your sort. I got a lot of information about optimization for the mobile device. It is really impressive. Keep it up.
Wow! I never knew this feature in blogger existed. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for sharing nice blog post, i like it so much
I've learned a lot from this blog. Indeed this is a university. :)
After reading this article I had to check my site P-pille.no on a mobile device. I was surprised about the results and working on a mobile version now!
Great site, added to bookmarks :-)
I honestly like your post. I find it very informative. Thanks for sharing the information that mobile devices can be used in optimizing a blog. Lisa from Guitar Made Easy
I tried this one Annie and my website looked better over my mobile. Thanks!
I was not aware about the feature and I am definitely going to get benefit of it. Thanks
Wow. It's this easy in Blogspot!!!
Tested :) Working well
Thank you very much for the article. It is quite true that now a days most of the people access internet from mobile. Your article gave us the view which was not given that importance while posting blogs.
Thanks a lot, I must say great deed.....
If i can use this, i will very happy :) Thanks.
I have a couple of blogs on blogspot and I think I would use this mobile plugin. Now, the future is internet on phones and we need to keep up with.
Thanks for a great blog with many interesting posts!
I super enjoy this change on my blog. Thanks to your help it easily loads on mobiles.
I would like if you post for wordpress also :)
I think that today's mobile devices will not be difficult to display "full" version of the page. But still it might come in handy)
the post helped me a lot. thanks!
Here's my opinion - If you aren't already optimizing your website for mobile, you are far behind the game. I run a wordpress blog, and by 2 clicks of a button I installed a plugin that converts my site into a mobile version for Iphones, Ipads, blackberries, etc. Great post, this subject needed to be addressed.
Another one added to my lists of must do's from this site. Thanks! :)
Thanks for this very useful post about Optimizing your blog for mobile devices. I have only just started using Blogger and this is a really easy way to allow people to view your blog on mobile devices.
Thanks - Keep up the great work!!
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Good Post,It never pass my mind to me to optimize my blog for mobile view. I'm new in blogging so maybe later i will give a try
Wow really nice one post for website optimizer. if some one want to learn more visit: Jungle Torch
Awesome feature by google... will implement this on all my blogspot blogs.. wish there was sthg similar in wp as well
The good thing about blogspot is that it has always come up with healthy updates which are user friendly.
Thank you for the information. I'm new to blogger and could use all of the tips that I can get to make more blog more accessible to readers. Definitely, I'll make sure to make my blog mobile friendly. Again, thaks for your blog post
There are several ways on how to optimize your blog such as link baiting, keyword research, blog commenting and link exchange.
A tip very simple but very useful, and not everyone knows.
Thanks you for this.
Thanks for the tip, though my Blogger in Draft looks a lot different than your screenshot. But with the info you provided, I was able to figure it out. I just went to templates and there it was, the mobile option. I could even select from different mobile templates. How cool is that?
Good Post,It never pass my mind to me to optimize my blog for mobile view. I'm new in blogging so maybe later i will give a try
Hey Annie, I love this blog post.
I didnt know that blogger blogs can be optimized for mobile devices, I thought it was only possible with wordpress. Its a good thing to optimize it now when there are so many ipads out there.
Thanks for telling us, such a nice feature. I hope it comes to wordpress to.
Now a days,the number of mobile users are increasing.There are using mobile devices to search anything.So we should also work on our websites as well as blogs and make them mobile crawler friendly so that it can appear on mobiles searches easily.
Anyways,thanks a lot for sharing a very good knowledge with us.
I would like you to keep up the good work.You know how to make your post understandable for most of the people.I will definitely share it with others.Thanks for sharing.
Very informative thank you
More and more people are surfing the web and browsing blogs on their smartphone platforms like Android and iOS…myself included — I love Android, personally.
I would like to thank you for sharing these awesome tips here with us.
Good Post,It never pass my mind to me to optimize my blog for mobile view. I'm new in blogging so maybe later i will give a try
So much information here, no wonder its busy. You have made complicated issues very easy. thanks much!
will have to be back here often to keep learning
Thanks for telling us, such a nice feature. I hope it comes to wordpress to.
Thanks for the tip, though my Blogger in Draft looks a lot different than your screenshot. But with the info you provided, I was able to figure it out. I just went to templates and there it was, the mobile option. I could even select from different mobile templates. How cool is that?
A tip very simple but very useful, and not everyone knows.
Thanks you for this.
Thanks for the mobile tip. It's the way the world is going now!