Add Your Blogger Post to Twitter

If you have a blog and you tweet, this is for you. Automatically tweet your blog posts! Head over to twitterfeed. It is a three step process:
- Create an account
- Add your feeds
- Track your feeds

Step 2: Add your feeds. This is actually a two step process.
- First, make sure twitter is in the little drop down box. Then click on Connect your feed to your Twitter Account. You are then swooped away to Twitter where you are asked...Allow twitterfeed access? Click allow and you are then returned back to twitterfeed.
- Now for the second part of step 2...Give your feed a name. I called mine BlogU. Then find your feed. Easy. Go to the Blogger Dashboard | Settings | Site Feed. Your feed URL is in the box by Post Feed Redirect URL. (Do you need help with getting a site feed? Read Setting up a RSS Feed.) After you get your RSS URL, paste it in and then test it by clicking on the little button. If all is well, you will get a message saying
Feed parsed OK . Now click on the Create Feed button.
Step 3: After you clicked that last button, you will be taken to the page where you can track your feeds, edit them, delete them, or add another feed. I also clicked on switch to plain list view. It just made my options seems cleared to me.
TA DA!!!!! You are not blogging and twitting almost simultaneously. Welcome to the 20th century.

believe it or not, i did plan on expanding to twitter but after seeing so much spam there i decided not to. there are very few people on twitter that are actually there for tweeting.. most of them are just marketers trying to sell something :/
Annie its indeed a great application to automatically update readers who use tweeter. This application is pretty fast in delivery feeds on time!
I have also mentioned about it in my post Twitter Recent Posts Widget
I would recommend it to anybody. Twitterfeed has also updated their website and now the service is even more better.
Author:- My Blogger Tricks
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful information with us.
twitter feed is a simle module that displays configure number of updates based on twitter search engine.That result is a powerful component that enables you to have a great deal of control over which updates are posted to your website.
Hi.. I am from Indonesia. I found your blog in search engine. Nice post and this is a great information for me. Thanks for sharing.
I use wordpress with the WP to Twitter plugin. It is nice because it automatically shortens URL's with and you can also tweet page add/updates.
Really very helpful...Thanks for making this post i was looking for something like this from ages and finally got it here...Thanks again
Good Day...
I am a blogger too but not like you, so creative. Nice blog that I found. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Great stuff you have hear... I read many places that many of the big time Internet marketers such as Harlan Kilstein uses twitter to make a lot of money.
I don't really want them to Tweet automatically. I like to let them sit for a while before publicizing them. It's really not hard to do manually anyway.
As always a very imformative article. I have a blog and it would probably be good to sign up for a twitter feed with all the hype about twitter. Thanks for the post!
Recently I open Tviterr account, link it with Facebook and with Digg, so it became good. Now I am searching for some engine that supports multiple video uploads on web, bur I can find any to do that. Greets!
Wait... what century am I welomed in? Gosh, I am sooo far behind the times, but thanks to you I am gaining with each blog which I can simultaneously tweet.
Article given here is always useful and hence this blog has all useful information...
Anna Nida
This is really helpful from social networking point of view. Thanks for sharing it.
Not sure exactly how I found your blog, but thought I would stop by and say hello. I myself have not really got into Twitter - Yet. But my friends keep telling me about it. I guess with all the other day to day stuff on my plate and trying to run a Home Based Business
, I am just trying to find the right balance in my day.
Look forward to reading more of your blog.
Thanks Annie for the information and make it a great day.
I'm so lucky to find posts like this. This post is the answer to prayers. Now I can automotically tweet my blog posts. Yay! Thank you for sharing this.:)
Very interesting, I didn't realise this could be done.
Very useful but I use Wordpress, will this work with Wordpress? Thanks
this what i've been looking for. as always, you write a great post Annie. thanks....Bytheway, i'm from Indonesia.mengembalikan jati diri bangsa
I like twitter, but unless I want someone to follow a specific (and useful) stream of info its not the best marketing tool.
What a great blog you have. I just found it. Yahhhhh! Thank you for sharing your know-how with those who love blogging and don't know-how....yet!
Blessings back at ya for your generosity!
Thanks for this Precious Article.
I was searching for some good articles related to Twitter and I found it here.
Thanks you
I love twitter but I prefer to tweet my blog posts more randomly. I try to make it apply to something that someone is already tweeting about so that it doesn't feel spammy.
What I really would love though is a way to bring my twitter posts into my blog once a week or so. I know that it can be done because I've seen others do it but I haven't found a plug in or code or anything.
I will try..
Very nice tutorial,I'll surely try it , because I have a blog too ! Do you know ... it works with wordpress blogs ? or only blogger?
I love visiting your blog for i am learning latest updates specially social media.
thanks for sharing information
To be frank I hate twitter as there are many spammers on twitter. But it will definitely help us in the future. Thanks for the share :smile:
Thanks for giving this nice info m gonna try it bcoz i love tweeting
YES! exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for this. Now my followers will know whats up with my site.
Hey, nice post. Thanks for introducing to DO FOLLOW attribute too! :)
Page bookmarked!
I love twitter but I prefer to tweet my blog posts more randomly. I try to make it apply to something that someone is already tweeting about so that it doesn't feel spammy.
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I love it , when it is combine with my blog also.
Very nice tutorial , I use blogger,I use twitter too , I will follow your steps. It works with wordpress blogs ? or only with blogger?
I've been working on linking my social network sites together, but hadn't found an option quite like this before. Thank you for providing us with this information.
Nice little service, I was looking for something that I could use to automate this task for me..
Thanks for the helpful point in the right direction!
This is such a great way to increase word of your blog posts. Great info :)
It’s great to meet experts who are willing to share both their experiences and knowledge to other people.
Good info. I'll try it.
That looks like a real good service. Looks like a time saver.
On the paper it looks so easy, a few steps and that's all, and how it is in reality?
I still can't solve the no follow tag. I'm such a mess...
Good info, continue...
hey thanks for this i was looking for a stuff like this now i m using this tip
It's a great service. I saved a lot of time with it...
Twitter is the best!
it seems much interesting but what you think people spamming in social commumities will it help them too??
Another bit of advice, make sure you personalize each post on Twitter. If you just connect your blog with Twitter it will post a link, but no description. Give your tweet some character and entice readers!
Informative Article!
This is why I love this site! It's perfect! I had tried migrating a Blogger blog on a free host but never get success. I'm planning on starting my blog now, and this is just what I needed to get myself started, And this was very informative.
This is a great post for those who are bloggers and that uses Twitter. It is something that can be very helpful. However, I a pure breed blogger, that's what I do. Twiiter is just not my thing. I must say, however, that this is a helpful post.
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Ok!!It is a great sharing thats have to indicate us a nice way to add your blogger post on twitter..
My name is Scott and I am a Chiropractor that is trying to learn how to blog. I have tried to twitter chiropractic information but can't seem to grasp how to connect it to my blog. Any information would be helpful.
Nice article... I'm new to tweeter and still look for such this tutorial. The twitterfeed will be my target so i can optimize using my blog and tweeter :) Thanks for the article... Success always to you.
i hav twitter but i hav no idea yet
Just another article about things that should be obvious for anyone that is trying to earn anything from web activity. But I think that this is not unnecesarry. I think that there should be more such articles because it is priceless information for anyone that is not very advanced in blogging. Good and handful post for the beginners.
Yeah, I just discovered that you can Tweet you blog posts automatically myself! Thanks for the advice. I installed a plugin for my Wordpress blog, and it goes both ways, so whenever I tweet, it posts on the blog as well. Technology is crazy nowadays! Now I just gotta get some more Twitter friends :)
This defenetly is a nice social networking tool
This tactic is used by so many member on Twitter, that it looks like spam already :)
'Might as well try this one. It sounds easy and fun!
essay about myself
Nice post. Actually i have twitter so this is all very important to me. Thanks for posting this.
If your familiar with twitter you know that the messages you get are separated. How can i copy one, the entire frame. and post it on myspace. (copy paste wont work neither does highlighting etc)
I would not use it... it's more like spam in future there might be sandbox for it!
I think i wouldnt use it too.
But thx for the information anyway...
Thanks - spot on! I was looking everywhere for these instructions...
one of the main things i have discovered about twitter is that no two users using it in the same way.Almost every twitter user i have come across tells me that they have different objective when it comes to using it and are benefiting from it differently.
I currently have a twitter and started one only because it was the new thing to do. Then I got word that you can use twitter to optimize a web or blog site. Thats all fine and dandy but now I really dont see the point in a twitter....
"what's happening?"
'Well I'm at my 9 to 5 job working... and then Ill be home'
The truth is I dont care what other people are doing 24/7 and I'm really not that interesting enough to be posting all the time. I do the same thing every week and sometimes go out and thats it. So my point here is... why waste your time on Twitter at all when you have and can put all your effort into your own blogs? And if that is the case, why bother adding your twitter to your blog?
Thanks for this nice post.I am new to twitter and this post helped me out on how to use twitter effectively.
I want to use Twitter.......
nd I think it'll help a lot to me
Thanx for your informative article.. really good..
Thanks for this informative blog. It really contain great information for promoting website and i m happy to know about this. Even i used full service advertising to promote website. It helps to build business online and it really helps in growing sales.We can sell our product online through it.
Twitter is the greatest web marketing tool ever. I would even say that it is the very essenece of marketing and was made especially for bloggers that want to gain more traffic to their sites.
Hi Annie, That is great tweak to publish tweets on tweeter automatically whenever you post on your blog. Thanks.
- Herman Swan
This is a cool feature that I didn't know about. Now my friends on Twitter will always see an update whenever I make a new blog post!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful information with us.
Great article. I will definitely have to try it out!
Finally first.
This sounds very good and interesting.
This may actually finally get me to actually get a Twitter account.
Thank you for this.
Thank you for the information on twitter, even though I was never a big fan of this service.
I have syndicated it with other services that I use more often as they provide more space and less spam.
Have a great new year :)
Jo from Personal Development Business
Personal Development Business
Adding blog posts to twitter is the best way to launch your blog and gets a lot of readers. It helps increase traffic to your blog. A very nice thought. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Thanks for the useeful webstite. this should help my rankingsdate an asian girl
I've never really used Twitter seriously. I might give this one a try. Thank you!
That's pretty cool,
I still haven't maximized Twitter in my SEO campaigns but this bit of advice is definitely helpful and will undoubtedly get used when I start it up.
Thanks for the 2 min education piece.
Do you have to pay for this site? I'm sure there are others out there that are free if you do.
this article is so interesting. I hope I can get more visitor coming to my blog.. I will try it.. thx Annie..
This is a Good post. I will have to thank the poster. Lots of blogs out there but only some are useful and helpful, this is one of them. Keep posting. :-)
Nice App, it can bring more traffic to the website, i gonna use your strategy for building more traffic to my website as this is indeed a good plan for me. Thanks for the idea.
Hi Annie,
Just thought I'd go completely off topic and ask you two things.
1) Am I allowed to mess around a bit with your blog template. Making the images come out of the box etc, just want to make sure you won't count it as plaguarism.
2)I'm currently trying to adapt my meagre wikitemplate-html skills to css, and am running my experiments from While trying to add the widebar/sidebar/sidebar thing, I have managed for teh first time to get all the sidebars in position, but as usual below the post box.
I've scoured all the css to find where i'm going wrong, can you please have a look over and see what needs to change? (probably some spacing issue I've missed/forgotten about)
Thanks, love the site :)
@zilenserz, experiment till your hearts content! That is how to learn!!!
How is it you make your blogger navbad (the one at the top) collapsible.
and how do you know that the blog is fluid?
@zilenserz, It is fluid because I use percentages in my layout versus a fixed amount. For example 25% vs 70px
To find the fix for the navbar, click on 'navabar' in my tag cloud.
seen on post
This really saves time...
Twitterfeed is very handy i have both my Facebook and Twitter accounts connected with my blog.
Feedburner is also offering the same service now and its as easy to connect.
Well there are two main way to get maximum traffic. These are twitter and facebook. I have also connected my blog to twitter and i am getting very good results. You should also do this if you need something.
this is dofollow blogs?
huhu..thanks for it..may God bless u
how to make blog dofollow?
what should i setting?
I think dofollow blogs are that which Google put in ranking up and doesn't contain nofollow link so you can make your blog dofollow by not containing and not allowing nofollow links.
thanks for your article. that's very usefull for me....
Thanks for the tip. I've been trying to figure out how to use the twitter feed.
Your blog definitely rule! There's a great number of helpful tips. I use twitter feed with my blogspot site and twitter account and it work great. Cheers!
Nice post - I really like these tools and wish you the best of luck with Twitter.
Thanks for the step by step. Ran across your blog and find it very useful, thanks!
It was a very nice post! Just wanna say thank you for the information you have shared. Just continue writing this kind of post. I will be your loyal reader. Thanks again.
Thanks for this information. I always knew that threre had to be a way to do this.
Thanks for proving me right.
Ahhhh what a relief! great tip, I'll be putting this together now!
Yup. Thank you for the share. I was looking for these tips. Never found with step by step information. Thank you for you kind tips and hope saves my time.
So I can use this for my wordpress blog!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful information with us.I have also connected my blog to twitter and i am getting very good results. You should also do this if you need something.
Thanks for the information. Great tip.
Great for getting some extra traffic but Twitter is starting to suspend accounts that only post from an rss feed.
Thanbks for the information.. now i can post more.
that's great information ant the great post twitter is starting to suspend accounts that only post from an rss feed.
I love twitter..its the new medium for up to date info
Thank you very much for this informaion!! I've been looking fo a clear explanation for days, andI finally find it!!! I'm going to add a twitter
I am still trying to understand twitter and what to do to harness some of it.
Very interesting, I didn't realize this could be done.I was looking for these tips. Never found with step by step information. Thank you for you kind tips and hope saves my time.
I like twitter, but unless I want someone to follow a specific (and useful) stream of info its not the best marketing tool.
Thanks for sharing... I will try it :)
Thank you for the invaluable tip!! This will be particularly useful for getting my blog posts out and for providing substance for my "tweets."
Twitter is a great place to market your website and get known by most people, this tip will be useful for me.
No idea why people think Twitter is a good marketing tool for companies.
Personal use it is fine and great but to market your company is a different story
Great information thank you for sharing.
Now i will try to make my twitter profile.
I actually enjoy using twitter now. I mostly follow people who use it as more of a link sharing service than micro blogging, meaning I frequently follow links from the posts to interesting things. It’s like Digg, but more personal.
Ah, didn't see this one comming. But i don't think you'll get to much traffic from Twitter... i don't think anyone whant's to read a blog post from twitter.
This technique is actually pretty nifty. Now you would only need to worry about your post and let it tweet itself. It's so nice of twitter to have this feature. They really do keep up with the times.
i have been using Tweeterfeed for years. its very useful tool
Thanks!for your valuable tips.I always use this tips to my website to improve traffic.
I added my number to my twitter account and I just don't know how to send messages from my phone.
Thanks for sharing the great source of knowldge, I would really like to add my post to twitter it will give a real exposure and will attract many visitors to my blog.
I really like twitter. Its amazing how something so simple can be so powerful! Now everyone is using it. It is great to use to get traffic and brand yourself
Thanks I mostly follow people who use it as more of a link sharing service than micro blogging, meaning I frequently follow links from the posts to interesting things. It’s like Digg, but more personal.
Great tips & such a time saver having to update my blogger page and twitter every day this take sthe heat right out of it. I just love the way social media sites are working together to make our lives more easier.
NICE, thanks a lot for your information, it's really helpfull. keep going man =)
I use word press with the WP to Twitter plug in. Now you would only need to worry about your post and let it tweet itself. It's so nice of twitter to have this feature.
Thanks for sharing the great piece of information with us, this will make it very easy for us to link between the twitter and our blogs.
Cool tool, this will definitely save some time. Thanks!
This application is pretty fast in delivery feeds on time! It's so nice of twitter to have this feature. They really do keep up with the times.
I've just rebuilt my blog after accidentally deleting the database for it (oops) and as part of the move to wordpress ive installed a twitter poster... fingers crossed im up to 200 subscribers and things are going well... i just need more things to tweet about lol.
I would like to thank you for the information, and the clear tips. Keep it on!
It's so kind of you.
twitterfeed is really convenient. i have both Fbook n twitter accounts linked up with my blog . Feedburner is also offering the same service today n its easy to connect..
What a great blog!!!
this application is pretty good work with
This blog is very nice and informative. It is pretty hard task but your post and experience serve and teach me how to handle and make it more simple and manageable.
Thanks for the tips… Best regards.
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I have not know this tehnique ,seems to be used by a lots of marketers...
I have to admit that I only use twitter to link back to blogposts, or new sites I've created. It is a great tool for friends to use together, but people do need to realize that there's lots of random spam getting tweeted.
Here's a basic rundown on how to build a blog
This is really helpful from social networking point of view. Thanks for sharing it.
Mohamed Adam Jr
Thanks for sharing, i'm new to twitter (very behind in the times i know!) and articles like this prove to be very helpful to those that don't know what they are doing!
THanks again Annie, awesome help. )
Good tips, it's very useful for many marketers out there with blogs.
I was using Twitterfeed for a while and then ran into issues with my feed being duplicated. I ended up switching to It's basically the same thing as twitterfeed.
Thanks for help! I am wondering how were the blogs before Twitter, facebook, google buzz, etc... How were the tutorials then?
Thanks for share nice information with us, this will make it very easy for us to link between the twitter and our blogs.
This is one of the best applications I could find on the internet. Right now the place them in my blog so that everything goes according to plan flowing ... buahahahaha :) :)
amazing- been doing this for years and never knew. thanks!
Thanks a lot working good in my blog. Thanks for making it in simple steps.
twitter is tweeting every where:) its happy to see that every one is only looks for twitter . Nooooooooooooooooooot.
Nice information, this really useful for me. There is nothing to argue about.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thx.
I have done what you tell,you are great.Thank You
But our problem now is how to get follower. Maybe you would share with us how to get follower. ^^ hehe just kidding. keep your post like this, You help me so much. once again, Thank You.
Thanks for the useful info You have, Every body loves it. keep it up.
twitpipe helps me to filter spam tweets..
Very good site. Thanks!, I like your blog so much.
Thanks for sharing! Your blog is as great as twitter!
Thanks for sharing the great piece of information with us, this will make it very easy for us to link between the twitter and our blogs.
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The good thing about your information is that it is explicit enough for students to grasp. Thanks for your efforts in spreading academic knowledge.
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Thanks. Very useful post. I put You blog in memoryzz
Great post! Thanks for advice and instructions!
Very useful post i think... I added you to my bookmarks.
The good thing about your information is that it is explicit enough for students to grasp. Thanks for your efforts in spreading academic knowledge.
Through this article we got to know about three simple process to have a blog and for twitter.The article is good & informative.
Very useful post.Agreed
It's taken me absolutely weeks to link up all my retouching blogs and social networking widgets, but it's all starting to pay off. Trying to get my Twitter above Page Rank 2, I set myself monthly targets :)
This is a great feature. You guys just keep getting better and better.
thanks for sharing this. I was looking for something to do this exactly and the article really helped out. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the guide on how to add blogger post to twitter i am going to try this hope it will works for me..
Thanks. Very useful post. I put You blog in memoryzz
The information given by you above is outstanding and resourceful.
Hi Annie,
thanks for sharing the trick. Twitter is indeed a gr8 tool to increase visitors to blog. Another way to automatically tweet your published posts is via Feedburner. there is an option in Feedburner that make it possible. Just login to your feedburner account and go to Publicize/Socialize, give your twitter details and you are done....for more tips on blogging and mobies read DiGi-PASSION
Your blog is fantastic. Described steps really work. Help a lot.
Make sure twitter is in the little drop down box. Then click on Connect your feed to your Twitter Account. You are then swooped away to Twitter where you are asked. Allow twitter feed access.
Big thanks for helping out with the twitter feed set up. All the best
its really helpful to promote website and blog with Twitter and other networking site, so helpful
thanks for sharing
I've been wondering where to get that twitter feed logo for weeks now. Good thing I cam across your blog and this post. Thanks and more power!
Any tips for managing all network sites at once? I think there is a niche in the market for this somewhat...
It takes so much time to update so many sites all the time I will and up having no time to do photography!
Twitter offers us a new way of networking with friends, fans and friends-to-be. With tweets integrated to blogs, there is an assurance that readers could follow our blogs even in Twitter and they too can easily re-tweet posts.
Good job, Annie.
I've been working on linking my social network sites together, but hadn't found an option quite like this before. Thank you for providing us with this information.
Thanks for sharing this, I have been looking for ways to promote my recent blog posts and get the word out as I am still a bit of a novice at some of the more advanced blogging stuff so this should help.
Hi, there thanks for sharing this. I love your blog. But yes I know what you mean with balancing time with home and blogging! I do get carried away sometimes too.
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Thanks, your blog is always a great source for inspiration.
Great blog post... I hope he updates this frequently? additions boston
Great Tutorial!
I am going to start using blogger myself as well as wordpress and this is a great little tutorial to get started with.
Have a good day.
wow great post
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
Thanks for sharing knowledge with us. I read your blog and i like it very much its a nice blog to learn anything about twitter, facebook and creating blog.
Thank you for getting me this information. Its very easy to create a blog from your thread.
Lots of thanks to help us in making blog and twitting them great blog.
Th for share ...
I use wordpress with the WP to Twitter plugin. It is nice because it automatically shortens URL's with and you can also tweet page add/updates.
I have my twitter and facebook linked. I like it and it has brought me more followers, but I find a lot of it is spammy stuff. How do you get your blog seen on Twitter with so much junk? Do you choose your followers in a certain way?
thank you for your post, it helped me setting up my twitterfeed account
Twitter already helped a lot for traffic. Now I got new vision to use it.
too many twitter apps these days. I see repeated information everywhere.
PageRanks just got updated and my retouching blog got a 3 :) I'm sure integrating my twitter and all my other pages has helped a great deal.
The post is good & helpful as it gives information about Add Your Blogger Post to Twitter with very easy steps.I like the article and hope to see more of such articles.
Thanks for the awesome post, Keep the good job!
From now I will come dialy to your blog, It's awesome!
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