How to remove a border from around a photo
How to completely REMOVE the border that appears around a posted photo within a post on Blogger??
This is easy to change! You will look for the code that you wish to change, which is .post img code in the CSS style sheet.
This is the code in my template (a modified Blogger Minima template):
.post img {Or it could look something like this:
border:0px solid $bordercolor;}
.post img {Change this line to read:
margin: 5px;
padding: 5px;
background: $imagebgColor;
border: 1px solid $imageBorderColor;}
.post img {If you have difficulities in finding the correct code in your CSS template, keep in mind you are looking for .post img.
No more borders around your images!!

Or I could just change the number to zero like you did in yours. ;)
Thanks for the tip Annie! I had been trying to figure this out on my personal blog for too long yesterday. Didn't even know to look in the stylesheet, I was trying to do it in the image settings... anyways, thanks again for the tip!
the real question: how to make the images not clickable once done with the post (dont really wanna go back for all the 1xx posts and modify)?
is jquery working. is any javascript workin ever in Blogger...?
Hi Annie, thanks for the code to remove border fromt eh picture. But i want to ask that whaether the border=none or it will be border=0. Could you plz. tell the difference between the two. keep sharing some more good stuff.
Great tip, a lot of people I have come across in the past have struggled to work out how to remove a border so this will really help them!
Very well explained. I'm glad that I read this post, I will most definitely check out the other education posts on this blog.
Great post.
@mens...either way will work!
love to try, because i have loking that my website picture post still have border on it, and i dont like it...
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This was actually really useful for me because whilst I do own a few websites, coding has been a challenge for me.
I had been inserting buttons into a table on my website and the border kept appearing which looked terrible (and probably made my site look unprofessional). Anyway, I headed to Google and found your solution to the problem.
Thanks again,
Thank you for that post. It was really very simple and quick to remove the border following your instructions.
Very nice Annie. CSS can be tricky sometime and tips even simple like this one are of a great help for bloggers. Thank you Annie.
Nice and simple, just the job. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for html code it solved the problem I had with my photos. painting service
what lovely blog is it... i m really a big fan of you sir
The code posted here is very useful for beginners in the web design field too. However, you can use firebug to solve problems like this one. Practically, you will know exactly what to change to obtain what you need.
Thank you for this, i was looking arownd for it, didn`t expect to see ti here :P
Thanks a lot for you sharing mate, your article its very useful for me :D cheers . . .
Thanks for making this article.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!! I have been trying to figure this out for days...I am going to tell the world how wonderful you are :)
Thanks for the tip. Your tutorial is very clearly to understand. Thanks again.
Thats a simple way and so helpful. I like it so much.
I will try it now.
Thank you.
The code posted here is very useful for beginners in the web design field too. However, you can use firebug to solve problems like this one. Practically, you will know exactly what to change to obtain what you need.
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Thanks for the html help! I'm such a computer illiterate sometimes!
Thanks for the help. HTML is not too easy for me so this really helps!
Great advice for first time siteowners (or anyone really). This is awesome. From my first experience I learned that it is important at least you know the basic html.
Coding is not that simple. And I agree what you said. Exactly I got what you mean. Such a very insightful and informative post here. More power in this post.
I appreciate the information on removing a border from around a photo. This is very helpful.
Now I feel silly for spending the better part of this morning trying to figure this out. Very helpful and it worked (Yah!).
Thats really helpful....Sometimes n image in the post looks quite ugly with border around. I am gonna edit the css code of all images right away.
Thanks, I'll try the code. I like what your menues do when I hover over them. :)
Nice Collection.Thanks for sharing this post and the links as well..
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thanks for the codes. i will try using them.
Thank you! You just saved me days, trying to figure out how to do this (I learned HTML coding back in the good old days of tables only). Thanks!
Thank you for your tips! That is just what I was looking for!
Thanks for putting up this tip! I hate having borders around the pictures I put up. I'm trying this out right now! Hope it works.
I was looking all over on how to do this and I found the answer on this page. Thanks!
It took me a while to figure this out. I finally did it, thank you!
Hey guys. I have developed a wordpress website on my own and I really need an advice. The address is its a site for funny shirts, but some of the images have a white background color and the others have a black background colors and I get them from the same place - the shirt vendor. Any ideas why that happens ?
Also, could you please explain in more details what DOFOLLOW does ?
Thanks a lot!
getting rid of photo borders is soo quick and easy...thanks for this useful tip ;)
Thank you for that post... I really appreciate your blog..
sometimes i found a border i when i upload photo in a blog, maybe this tips is a great option to remove it,thanks
Thanks for the tutorial Annie! Why do blogging platforms have borders around photos on by default anyway? It looks bad!
Thanks for the solution of this problem, now its quite easy for me ...
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Your idea makes a photo looks beautiful...
I'd really like to keep the borders around some of my images, but remove some of them, especially the ones in my sidebar. Is this possible?
I would be so grateful if you could spare a few minutes to help me out!
Pretty good overall; I usually just use the border attribute but this is way more elegant and efficient.
Nice tutorial, Annie. The border can sometimes be good if you want to create a frame effect.
Thanks Annie. This is helpful. I use a lot of photos.
This is relatively a simple code, because the task is easy to solve. Resolving complicated tasks would be more interesting. Success!
Thanks, been looking for this code everywhere!
Thanks for the tip. It seems that with blogger one has to go into the template for more complicated tasks.
Really it's an awesome blog. I am pretty much pleased with your good work. I would really like to keep reading your blogs. Cant wait for the next post.
Ohh workable coding ... i just tried this and it works ....! great, now i think i am gonna check your other posts ......
nice info dude, coding works, i check some photos and border gets remove
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Wow, I had been searching for this solution for quite some time now and had given up on it. For some reason I got the urge to search once more and there it was.
Thank you!
thanks for this css tutorial.
I love it when 'geeks' come up with solutions that the site developers have never come up with an answer to. Well done!
Nice solution. That's the thing about CSS - you can stare at it for hours and completely miss what is actually a really simple thing to solve!
nice tips....
this is very hard...
thanks for share...
good job!
Removing Border is quite easy. I like the way you do this.
It worked! I didn’t know it could be this simple. Thanks!
Wow, I had been searching for this solution for quite some time now and had given up on it. For some reason I got the urge to search once more and there it was.Web Hosting Solution
Interesting article. I often removed a border from a photo. Thanks...
That's the great thing about CSS: you change a couple of lines and you get all the images on your blog prettier!
I've been annoyed by this problem for a long time. Thanks to you, it is fixed now.
I just use the border="0" attribute and it works fine. Luckily today for most problems you can just type it in a search engine and someone has the answer! Thanks.
I knew two other ways, but it takes me a bit longer than your method. Regards.