How to Change the Post Text Size Only
Fearful of running this subject in the ground, I'm at it again. Reason being is I'm on the edge of OCD and this is what I do :-) In BlogU I explain changes I make to a template. And I like things to be written out in no uncertain terms.
While designing Pink Stitches I wanted to change the post font size only. Not the date font size or anything else tied into that code. So, I modified the code from this series of posts:
<Variable name="postfont" description="Post Font" type="font" default="normal normal 78% 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif" value="normal normal 113% Verdana, sans-serif"></variable>Next find the post section of the CSS style sheet.
.post {Add this line to it:
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor;
.post {Save your template. Once again go back to your Dashboard | Template | Fonts and Colors. There will be a new listing in the scroll box called Post Font. Now changes can be made to the post font with only a click!
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor;
font: $postfont;

hi, I am one supporter of yours; i'm italian and I don't write very well in English...because I have not written in English for a long time (a translator is now helping me).
I am trying to use your suggestions to improve my small blog...It seems me that the link "Choices for Post Body Fonts" is wrong.
this is my blog
@massimo, Your English is wonderful.
I tested the code again in my test blog and it worked. did you follow the instructions exactly?
Excuse me, but as you can see, I have not been clear.
I spoke of the link number 1, that send to other post and not to "Choices for Post Body Fonts".
Thanks for all.
By the way,the code works perfectly.
@massimo, I see now. Thanks! Link fixed.
Great tips.. I can use them to personalize my template. I am having an issue there because the font is too small. Thanks for the help.
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Though I did know about that but i was little bit confused. Now i know that. Thanks for the information. it really helped me.
I am looking for a way to use a font that isn't one of the listed fonts (Specifically I want to use Acoustic Light for the post titles and Bell Gothic BT for the post text). I have seen your posts on how to change just the post text and how to define and change the post title font, but it still works within the allowed six fonts on the template. Can you use totally different fonts? Your descriptions of how to make changes are clear and great!!!
@Courtney, Not that I know of. I will look into it and if I figure out something, I will post about it.
Thanks! You're the best!
Thanks! ^^
Can you explain how to reduce the size of the text in a sidebar widgit while leaving the post body text size alone?
I know another blog that does tutorials like this. She also has a variety of downloadable templates, headings and link buttons. Only your instructions are a lot easier to follow and you do reply back when you are asked a question. Great job Annie!
I am having same issue.i hope i can fix that problem.thanks for your tip.
Thanks. Worked extremely well. My site was suffering from poor bounce rate simply because of the font size.
Thanks again. It worked like a charm.
Please help me. I tried everything. even ur post.. but it says that the "code is not parsed properly." my website is and the problem is tht the text size of the post page is small even when i change it in the "template designer".. help!
really helpful, accurate info thank for helping menzy...hmm whatever your name......i love you
Hey Annie,
Thanks for the help, I searched for this topic in the web and finally stumbled into your BlogU which I found is the best blog where I could get the right Info.
Great Work & thanks for sharing this awesome stuff.
Cheers !!