Change the Post Title Font Easily
Hi Annie,
A possible tip for you:
To change my post title font I added a new variable called
posttitlefont at the top of my code. Then I modified the h3 section in
the Post wrapper in the CSS section. To my surprise Post Title Font
now shows up as an option under the fonts and colors tab in the
You can check it out at my blog, Upper Fort Stewart.
Ian Stewart
I received this tip from Ian almost a year ago. Life has a way of putting things on the back burner. This is a neat little edit for a blog post. Here is how it is done.
Open your Dashboard | Template | Edit HTML. Look for the /* Variable definitions section. Add this code to that section:
<Variable name="posttitlefont" description="Post Title Font" type="font" default="normal normal 78% 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif"></variable>Next find the post header code in the CSS style sheet:
.post h3 {Modify that code by replacing:
margin:.25em 0 0;
padding:0 0 4px;
with this:
font: $posttitlefont;
to make this code:
.post h3 {Save your template. Once again go back to your Dashboard | Template | Fonts and Colors. There will be a new listing in the scroll box called Post Title Font. Now changes can be made to the post title with only a click!
margin:.25em 0 0;
padding:0 0 4px;
font: $posttitlefont;

I'm not on Blogger anymore, but thanks for the link and printing my tip! BlogU is a terrific resource that really helped me get my head around Blogger templates.
Hi Annie. First, I wanna say Happy New Year!
I'm looking for some hack to zoom the text in post body.. so it'll enable the reader to resize the font size [either smaller or bigger]. Any clue?
Thank you!
Have a nice holiday!
Hi Annie,
Happy New Year to you too! Yes, I have been away for a long time. A busy professional life, family, and an always wandering interest in different subjects have pulled me in other directions.
So I guess Beautiful Beta will be slow in the near future as well.
Anyway, I am glad to keep up our blogging friendship!
@Ian, Thank you for the tip long ago. I did see that you weren't with blogger any longer. That doesn't make any still gave me the tip!
Thanks for stopping by. Oh, a lot of what I post is general design tips in case you want to check back now and then!
@sunzhuo, Amit at Digital Inspiration had a post Allow Site Visitors to Change Font Sizes on your Blog.
@Hans, I understand. There are times I slow down to a crawl here, due to outside interests and influences, but eventually come back. Stay in touch!
Thank You for the source! It works!
I tried to add this code to my template and I received this message:
Invalid variable declaration in page skin: Variable is used but not defined. Input: posttitlefont
Can you suggest a fix for this? I'm a new blogger and have receive a lot of tips from this site.
@amber, Did you follow all the instructions? Go through it once again, following each step carefully. After you have gone through the steps again, and if it still doesn't work, send me your work (if you have to copy and save the template in a notepad file because you can't save it, that is ok.) I will take a look at it and see what is wrong. But, I need to see what you have done.
Hi Annie,
Good tip. I was actually looking for something similar to this but for the sidebars. I was looking for a way to change the font of the sidebar title without changing the size of the body font of the sidebars.
Anyway...check the link you provided. If I hover over it I get this
and if I click it I get a page not found. I removed the extra portion to get to the blog anyway.
Just an FYI
@MrBrownThumb, I am planning a little post on how to do just that. Hang on until I get it done.
Thanks for bad link notification. I don't know why it did that. It seems that one other time I had problems with blogger changing the links. I switched it back...let's hope it sticks this time.
Yeah it does that sometimes in the comments too with links to profiles or when someone adds a link in the "other" field.
I'll keep checking back and see what you come up with.
I am trying to start a blog. May be this tips will help me lot. Thanks for sharing.
@MrBrownThumb, I must of been half asleep when I answered your comment earlier. I do have plans for a similar post along these lines. But what you want, Blogger already offers. On the Fonts & Colors page look for Sidebar Title Font. Is that what you are wanting?
Hi Annie,
It does but I guess what I'm thinking of is a little different.
Is an example. If I do it through the blogger feature it doesn't really work. The sidebar title is a large font like I want, but look how date/time enlarges with it.
The other thing I've been trying to figure out is how to have 2 different body fonts with different title fonts.
For example:
I've been trying to add the Gothic Century (?) font to a blog template with little luck. I'd like the Sidebar title to be that Gothic font and the sidebar body to be Trebuchet. And say the post title font to be Gothic as well but with the Verdana font of the post body.
Further more I'd like to be able to have the sidebar body font at say a 10pt and the post body font at a 15pt, just as an example.
Make sense?
If you change the text font and size through the blogger feature it changes the body font and sidebar body font equally.
@MrBrownThumb, makes perfect sense. I will look into it when I get a chance. Cooking supper now!
No worries Annie.
Whenever you get to it or if you can find a way to incorporate it into another of your tutorials. It's just one of those things that I've been wondering about but haven't found on my rounds of blogger hackers.
Hey Annie,
Today I was playing around with some templates and came across a roadblock for a second. There was a new variable called $start/end side. I don't remember ever seeing it before.
Has it always been there?
If it is new do you think Blogger has some new templates coming up for us?
@MrBrownThumb, I haven't seen that one yet. Where did you see it, and what did it do?
Blogger could have some new templates. Could happen.
I saw it in the thisway and minima templates when I chose a new template. I was taking the comment icon from thisway and placing it into my minima template blog.
When I hit preview I got the error message that said $startside wasn't an acceptable variable. So I looked around the thisway template and saw the new variables. They seem to be part of all the new templates.
From the looks of it the variable defines if something floats right or left. I'm hoping it is something they had to add because of new templates coming up.
Was wondering how you do this exact same thing in Classic Blogger?
@Christine, the post title is h3, so find this code:
.post h3 {
margin:.25em 0 0;
padding:0 0 4px;
And add this to it:
font: 140% Georgia, Serif;
You can change the font (ie Veranda, Trebuchet, etc) and adjust the size by changing the percentage.
Hi Annie.
I follwed your instructions exactly & it seems no matter what I do the font never changes...Maybe there's something I'm overlooking...Can you please help me out! Thanks A Million!
@ODARA, First let me suggest starting from the very start and check and double check each step.
If that doesn't work, send me your XML file and let me take a look at what you did.
Thanks a lot. This post helped me solve a long time mystery.
thanks for this. I had always thought it strange that there was no facility to change the post title in Dashboard... and I needed this because messing around in the HTML template had left me with different fonts showing up on different browsers. Hopefully this will have fixed that, but haven't checked yet.
hi annie, like odara, i can't get this to work. i've double check your tutorial against my work and it's exactly right. would you be willing to look at my code and show me what i am doing wrong? thanks so much for your great site. samantha
@samantha Roddy, you'll have to send me your XML file so I can take a closer look at it.
Still a great tip.
Allowed me to do exactly what I wanted to do.
Thanks :)
I love your Blog. Thanks for the great advice! Peace :-) Tp
Not working for me either :( the code goes in well, no errors, i get the option to change the font but no change when I view it.
I used your tip (modified) to finally get rid of that ugly big font on my sidebar.
Thank you.
this was totally helpful, THANKS!
it doesn't work O_O
"Invalid variable declaration in page skin: Variable is used but not defined. Input: posttitlefont"
@Alleya, I don't think you put the first part of the code in the template (the variable definitions part).
Thanks for the tip! It really helped a lot :D
hello...I did it succesfully but whn i change my font then it hangs, Other things are fine its only with Post title font..I can only see the option of it but i m not able to make changes it it...
Thanks so much ! I love your blog!
Very nice post, I used this on a blog where the template is messed up and displaying a very tiny post title. Unfortunately it didn't solve the problem but I will use this on other blogs. Thanks alot
The new variable is added. However, just like the numerous comments above, nothing changed when you attempt to change the font size from dashboard. Not working.
on some templates post tile is h1?
You'll need to add a post. h1 to your css.
yay! this was totally helpful! :)
this helped me so much! thank u! :) x
THANK YOU! That was bugging me so much that I couldn't change the post title font. I have the minima template and it worked for me.
i followed your tip.
the post title font appeared in my fonts and color.
but, when i changed the size, never appeared in my blog
help me
I found this explanation from cooltrickntips rather helpful as I was in the same boat as ya'll.Hope it helps!
PERFECT! Just what I needed!
Great tip! Thank you so much for sharing! Worked perfectly for me in the minima template first time!
you made my life easier!
Thank you for your help! This was wonderful!
Seriously, thank you SO, SO much. This worked perfectly!!! I will definitely be "using you" for more stuff.
Nicely written article. But I have a different problem on my blog. The font is very light to read, I want to darken my font. How can i do it?
@Palla Ramarao, find this:
body {
font: 100% Arial, Helvetica;
background: #FFF;
color: #333;
and change the #333 to something darker. Black is #000
Thank you!!!!!!!
This helped so much THANK YOU!!
Soo helpful and simple to read!
Thanks so much for this! I expected to be trawling Google forever to find a long & drawn out way that I would have to try & find time and time again in the code every time I wanted to change it. I am so happy this adds it to your dashboard, thank you so much! So easy!
This was a fantastic tip which worked perfectly except for one thing: The bold button does not work for this new "Post Title Font" variable.
Italics and percentage/point size work, and bold still works for all the pre-existing font variables; the only problem is the bold button does nothing for only this new font variable that was just added.
This really works good for my blog post.
Thanks you.
Thanks for the article. Blogging is replacing main stream news for many people. great works!
thanks for sharing..
You've done well. btw, I am A sound engineer turned blogger and has certain limitations to conduct a web related tute. Even then I tried to write it for Blogger and Wordpress Blogs. Do check outHow to change font of Blog post title
I have tried to change post title size , i can not do so.. Want an easy way Solutions
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! My new template didn't include a place to change the Post Title Font so this was PERFECT!!!
Thanks, yet again!! :o)
It works perfectly!!! Thank you thank you thank you sooooooooooooooooo much!!!
first of all thanks for this post it such a help ..
but just wondering why it doesnt show on my mac but when i try to check on my friend's laptop whose using windows it shows ....
Worked like a charm!
Dani @
thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing the much needed information. I was wondering if you can share, how to change the font case like uppercase, lowercase or sentencecase.
this is awesome. One of my blogs, not the website That I will link to at this moment, but one of my other sites, has a special typing font, and I just do not like the standard fonts. let's see how those will work.
I keep getting the message "invalid variable declaration in page skin" :(
Thank you SO MUCH for this! I have spent HOURS trying to change the post title font. I will share your link on my blog.
Hey! Thank you so much for sharing tbis tip! I'm so glad i found your site and now i'm able to complete my blogger template. At first, i thought the new html couldn't work out as i didn't have more options with my font colour and style till i realised i forgot to scroll down and boy! were there so many options to choose from! Really made my day! Thanks so much (: