Fix for Broken Favicons
I have been bombarded with emails from disgruntled bloggers that have lost their favicons. But, don't despair! There is a fix. I don't know how, or why it happened, but some of my blogs were also missing their favicon. Not all of them. But some. Once again, I don't know why. (Maybe a reader out there knows why.)
Anyway, the good news is, the fix is simple!! There are 2 steps.
Step 1 - find your favicon code in your template. It should be near the top of your template. Copy that code.
Step 2 - Paste that code here:
If I have learned anything from this...we bloggers LOVE our favicons!!

Nice tips for favicon,.
Do you suppose this fix would work for the favicons that have changed on the Blog List? Since the recent Blogger changes, all my blogs that are in subdirectories now have the favicon of the root on each site. They used to show correctly. See what I mean here. All the sites used to have their own favicon.
@Toni, good question. I guess if each blog owner makes the change, it should show up. But, that is just a guess.
My favicon shows up happily in Opera, no luck with IE6, bookmarked and jiggling, ah well...
Thanks for the how-to and additional fix.
thnx yaar....thnx a billion :)
Sorry for my bad english i´m spanish blogger..I think that this problem is due that a new link appear in the head...
<link href='' rel='icon' type='image/'/>
is necesary delete it...☺☺☺
Thank you! You so totally ROCK! :-)
hy, i have some problem with my favicon,my i con still joomla logo,icant change it
Busby SEO Test
woohoo it worked! wasn't aware it was lost. glad you blogged about this. i wonder why it occured though.
Thanks muchness for this tip! ^^
Thx, Annie
Somehow, one week ago my favicon as lost although the server (geocities) that hold the image is not down or instable. And now I found the solution here. You're a live-safer, you know ^^?
Thanks for this!! :) you helped me a lot fixing my stupid problem
Thanks Annie, I lost my favicon too for one of my blogs when I was changing themes. Your solution worked perfect!
I'm using Wordpress and I don't have any problems.. :)
This sounds quite strange... It hasn't happened to me yet.
I know this is off topic, and I apologies for that... but how did you make that beautiful tag cloud and how do I get one?
Well, as far as I am concerned i have no problem to show my favicon in the browsers. The only time I had a painful experience was when i could not correctly find and type the exact address where the favicon was located. Anyway dont forget that sometimes browsers have glitches. In these cases it is just sufficent to flush the browser cache.
Financial Projections -- Thank you for this post.
Favicon is one the section that most bloggers will ignore. Luckily my template comes with a faviocon itself. Yes, we love our favicon.
Thank you very much. I had given up on it.
i just cant tell you how happy i am after getting help form this post.My favicon got broke and i wasn't able to fix it for like 2 weeks.
Thanks for helping me out...
thanks friend
Thanks Annie~ You are such a gem!
Sweet..I have been searching for this fix! Thanks for the help!
~ Z
Thanks for the tip! (I wondered what happened)
Always a place where I can find solutions to my blogging difficulties.
thanks alt last i found....
Thanks for the information, am Twittering this post.
Can you have any size icons? What if the picture you select is too big?
Coool man, many many thanks for this ;) .
Wow, this is good information to know! I am still fairly new to the Blogger platform (I'm normally a WordPress blogger) and am beginning to figure out a few things like removing the navbar, but I haven't even looked into what to do about the favicon yet. After reading your post, it looks like it will just be an issue of finding the right section of code in the template.
This is just the fix I was looking for. The favicon just disappeared on one of my blogs and thanks to you is now happily restored!
Thank you for this tip.
I still need to add a favicon to my blog, and now I know how!
Great help. I was having some problems with the Favicon, and this helped me solve it! Thanx.
Hey Annie! Great looking blog, and thanks for this post. I had no idea what a favicon was, so you've forced me to look into it. Cheers!
Thanks for this fix! I am now rid of the orange B icon, yay :-) Was wondering what was up with that. My blog is about creative marketing and graphic design:
Really enjoying your blog, just subscribed by e-mail. Look forward to more when you get back.
This fixed my problem, Thanks!
Awesome. Thanks for posting this. This kinda problem can drive people nuts
How can I know that my fevicons are working nice and not broken if I don't see any problem while checking. Is there any notification system to inform us about the fevicons.
Hi..I had no clue what a favicon was..thanks to you I know now..!that's a cute looking favicon that you have..!and many thanks for sharing..!
Okay, I got it to work in one blog, now I am re working the template in my new blog and it.won' I copied and pasted, retyped, clicked and jiggled... everything I could think of... What am I missing?
Looks your blog is quite a popular one and you keep your life balanced too. Anyway thanks for sharing you experience.
it´s not good if they want to take it away. Well done to you for fighting the power which is blogger!
Really enjoying your blog, just subscribed by e-mail. Look forward to more when you get back.
I always underestimate favicons as a unique way to cheap method to distinguish a business online. thanks
woohoo it worked! wasn't aware it was lost. glad you blogged about this.
I needed that solution and havent found, thanks alot. Good work :)
Look forward to more when you get back.
great, thanks. i lost my favicon and i got it back following your advice.
Thanks for the great info. It really did work.
I have fixed it now, Thanks :-)
Hi, thanks for this useful information...
Hey thanks man i really liked your fix and i added the code under the ]]........ I also added your site link in my site:-
Gamespumpalso plz tell can we remove the code below the head or both are required.
@softpump, I just left the code under the head, but I don't think it would make any difference. I think I left it in case Blogger decided to put it back the way it was.
Thank you for this. I read some advice about putting the favicon code near the end of html however the blogger icon popped up for a few seconds and appeared to make my pages load slower. Now that the code has been moved (as per your instructions) the pages load up far quicker and the blogger icon has completely gone. Keep doing what you do and thanks again.
thanks i have been looking for a fix then found your blog :-)
wow i have been searching for the solution to my blog favicon problem for ages! Didn't know it was that simple :-) thx
hey, appreciate the help, such a simple fix now you pointed it out :-)
thank u so much! :)
Wow! It worked to my blog!!! Thanks at last my favican icon is where it should be.
Works great everywhere but Chrome... oh well! thanks so much!
I love your blog! The only place where everything actually works :)
Thanks for the tips i was searching for this kind of blogs
really its very creative blog
Useful information has been shared, and a small information about favicon is search engines consider this favicon for a website as additional quality.
Yes, favicons can be a symbol of any blog and just like your blog, your favicon is going well with the theme and it's looking nice. Well, in my opinion anything can happen in free-blogs, it may be because some people have used harmful pictures in their favicons which turned google to hash the favicon of all bloggers...It happens, however I am not sure and just playing a guessing game.
Thanks! I've been wondering how to fix this as it's been several weeks now... :)
But the only problem is it's only working in Firefox and not Chrome or IE..donno why??
Glad to hear the problem was fixed.Thanks for sharing your analization and keeping track of favicon issues.It will be a great reference for me in the future if the same problem comes up on my blog.
Hi! I use Chrome but I couldn't get what you meant about adding type="image/ico" in the link definition line. How is that exactly? Thanks for your help in advance! :)
@candyQ, maybe this will help: Favicon
Hey Annie, help me out. I did all the steps tht u mentioned (even the broken fix one.)
My blog URL:
Mozilla shows my 'aS' favicon (tht I made on photoshop)correctly.
But I aint't having no luck with chrome and IE8.
Almost all my friends use chrome, so they are not able to see anything either.
Any suggestions?
Alok K. (India)
btw, do check out the blog if you get time. :P
Thank for the fix, is work great for me, thanks for your work.
Thank fo the tips i've tested and work great.
Thanks for the useful info, it does work :)
Thank you for this tip. I really had this favicon problem!
if there is any problem occurs.there will be a solution too.through this article it will make easy.favicon is the best.
Something to keep in mind with favicons is cookies and cache...even using 3 different browsers I often need to go to an internet cafe to check if it displays ok, mind you this is with Joomla and my configuration settings...
At least my problem can be solved. thanks
Favicon problem solved :)
Is there any software to create favicons? I never found the exact favicon :(
Thanks! I'll never face this favicon problem
Thanks so much!
Really useful tips here to fix broken favicons thank for sharing hare :)
Thanks for sharing your favicon fix.It happen for sometime but the web has a lot of solutions to learn.
Brilliant!!! many thanks, you are a saviour!
Your blog is great. Thanks for the tutorial !
Favicons are helpful in remembering a web page.Thanks for the fix.
Very nice information.
Thanks for the bunch of good resourceful site.I really appreciate your blog,you have done the great job.hey your blog design is very nice, clean and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.
thanks admin.great post.
This is such a nice post. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Thank you for sharing to us.there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.I would like to join your blog anyway so please continue sharing with us
There's a plugin for Photoshop that I have not personally used but that would probably do the trick. I've used this site before to make my favicons.
Very nice Post. I have Bookmark you post.
thank you...
Thanks for the tip. I'm sure it gave a lot of informations to bloggers. Nice post!
Such a relief. Just in time when I can't see the favicon of one of the blogs I manage. Because I was able to help in putting back the favicon. Thanks a lot.
I can say that my favicon is really nice..
Thanks for the auricles information.It is great post.
I really enjoyed this site. This is such a Great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. It gives in depth information. Thanks for this valuable information.
There's a plugin for Photoshop that I have not personally used but that would probably do the trick. I've used this site before to make my favicons.