Blogger Beta - Labels
Little things make me crazy. One of those little things was the 'Labels' at the end of my posts. I wanted them to start on a new line all to themselves. At first I thought I was doomed to have willy-nilly label lines that did whatever they had a mind to. But, not so! On a whim, I went into the 'Page Element' editor and opened 'Blog Posts'. In the box that you put what you want to call your labels, I added this:
<br>LabelsThat was all it took. Another little thing conquered!
You are a woman after my own heart when it comes tothese "finicky" (yet all important) perfections.
However, for me at least, Blogger Beta simply refuses to allow the tag.
*frowns* .
@jane, Did you go to 'Template/Page Elements/Blog Posts' and in the sixth check box area put '<br>' in the box before 'Labels:'?? It does work...just try it again
Dear Annie,
No doubt something I am doing wrong but yes, the "blog posts' page element and sixth box down - checked the box and added exactly the line break tag and "labels" heading and this is what I get everytime:
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed:
One of those weird glitches I guess.
SJ xx
@jane, I would normally say yes to the glich, but this time I think it is a change in blogger since the time I first did the <br> thing with the label box. (They are always adding and changing behind the scenes.) Because it is doing the same thing if I try to change it now. (but oddly enough it will let it be if I say cancel...perhaps that is a glich.) Anyway, now I notice that you can drag & drop the boxes at the bottom. Do you see that? It allows me to 'skip' a line and drop the label box below. Try moving that little box around!
Ahhh! Yes, that's a nice thing moving the boxes, didn't notice that before. Thanks Annie.
SJ xx
@jane, I didn't notice that before either, so I don't know if it was always there or a recent change on blogger's part. But, glad I found it!