Remove 'Header/Title' on label page
Another reader, Steve from CScreasteve was having a dilemma with the appearance of his label page. When clicking on a label a new page appeared with a 'header' that said :
| Showing posts with label |Some.Words|. Show all posts |
He wanted this header removed and couldn't find the area in the code to do it. With some digging around in the widgets we came up with this:
<b:includable id='status-message'>Remove the red code which leaves:
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>
All of the offending header/title should be removed now!
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>
leaves codes is:
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>
@ponny, I'm pretty sure that is what I have!?
that's great,I'v used it,thanks
@禾草唐楷, glad it proved useful!
Help again?
can't add header to my blog. something changed since you have my the html coding.
trying to add:
@blogwhore, if you take a look at my posts on Headers that should give you all the instructions you need. Especially Customizing your header: add an image
ok since we're on the subject of removing stuff, can you show us how to remove those image border everytime an image is uploaded with a post? Or maybe a way to change the color or even replace it with a photo frame image?
would really appreciate your help ;)
@bulimic, take a look at this post and see if it helps: How to Remove or Change Image Borders
Thanks a lot!
Yipeeee, it works! Much better :)
I was wondering If I could somehow replace this "status-message" with a description of the posts with that label.
Using the label as the 'conditional variable' and showing a different description based on the label? Anyway to do this?
@hermes13, I'm not quite sure what you are asking. The Label Page will show the actual label.
I need an example.
But, with that said, I don't know if I'm able to hack that area. If I understand what you want, I'll look into it.
Thanks for you timely response!
What I would like to do is have a single picture or block of text replace the "Showing posts with label #####. Show all posts". Depending on what label you have selected. This way I can write a description that appears only once, on the page where it lists all the posts that have a specific label.
I appreciate your help.
@hermes13, OK, now I understand what you are asking. I don't know if it is possible (for me at least), but I will put it on my to-do list.
Thanks Annie,
I really appreciate it! Some ideals and I don't know if they are possible...
1. Put a post with a specific Label in the empty div tags? The one that got emptied out in the "remove header/title" hack.
Maybe by create a post with a label like 'puppiesinfo' and when you click on the label 'puppies' it searches for the post with label+"info" and puts everything in that post into the empty div tag.
Then it would just be a matter of not having that 'info' label show up in your label list widget and you would have a specific intro to the puppies label search page!
I don't know, I am just brainstorming, but thanks for your help and I hope to hear from you soon.
If you remove ONLY the first instance of < data:navMessage/ > (5th line of annie's code), and replace it with eitehr < img src="blah.jpg" > or with a line of text, it will ALWAYS display that line of text, no matter which label page you're on.
My problem is, I want to change it to "Showing [labelname]" and I can't seem to get blogger to allow me to change the labelname dynamically.
hey! my template is already modified and i cannot find the codes that you just gave above..i really really want to remove the header title but i still couldn't do it.
rsvp. if possible in my blog. ty!
You have to check the box that says expand 'widget templates'
Thank you thank you thank you - you are a genius! This was seriously bugging me, but now all fixed. Yay!
Hey, i was wondering if you knew how to disable the Header - so when you click on it it doesnt do anything...see I created labels, one of them being a 'Frontpage' page, and i put what i want on this - however if you also click on the header it reveals all the recent posts regardless of where i have also labelled them on the header page x
Greate information for all i like it :)
That's nice i've used it. thanks for this very informative posts.