Button link
A reader just requested a method of adding a button link in her sidebar. There are a few things you'll need:
- An image for your button
- Load this image to your web host (I use Ripway)
- Image URL (from the web host)
- Target site URL
What to do:
- Open your dashboard
- G0 to layout
- Click on 'Add Page Element'
- Choose the 'HTML/JavaScript' widget
- Paste the code below into the window
- Give the widget a title like My Favorite Links and paste the following code into the window
<a href="Target site URL">
<img border="2" src="Image URL"/>
At this point you plug in your Target site URL and the Image URL. If you want more button links, add the above code in the same window changing the Target site URL and the Image URL. Save changes
Now you can drag the widget you just made to the area you want in your sidebar, or just leave it where it is.
Great! Bat for to resize dimension of button? What i have to do if the image is too big? Thanks
@anonymous, you can edit the button image in IrfranView
You resize the image to whatever you want in that program.
What a great site. I just paid $20 buck to have a link button made and now I see how to make them. WOW...
Thanks a ton.
A very simple yet elegant solution. Thank you so much!