Troubleshooting the Label Cloud
I just figured out something that may be baffling others. I was looking at my photography blog, Sharondipity Photography, and noticed that my label cloud was not there. PFFFFTTTTT....gone.
If you have installed the label cloud and have problems, this may be the reason why. Quotation marks. Make sure that you don't have quotation marks in any labels. If you do, go through and remove them.
Another thing. At least one of your labels have to be in more than one post. Otherwise it won't work. I don't know why. I just know that is the way it is.
I love this post, thanks for share. keep success..
What a beautiful blog!
I actually had the same problem with my blog... Fixed it, thanks!
Thanks about the info of the labels. I didn't know that about quotation marks and the importance of being sure that you don't have quotation marks in any labels. :-)
hi, you have a very useful blog, thanks a lot to improve the information about our blogs, saludos.
Hey nice blog buddy and your articles are also awesome keep it up...!! cheerz
introduce ... I am a beginner blogger
Our company is relatively new to blogging, but we plan on following your updates and RSS feed regularly for tips and tricks. This is a nice site you have here...very 2.0!
I've seen this problem on a number application's, plugin's etc...
It's like the developer's forget the humble quotation mark when writing there code.
This is very common problem on label cloud but I am really thankful to you because you solved my this problem. Thanks again for great idea. Your website' all post are so interesting.
Damn and I've been using quotation marks to make everything look neat. I thought that the label cloud is just having problems with some of the plugins so I uninstalled it. Guess there is a way to get it to work after all. Thanks.
I want to start my blog, so I was in search of some useful informations, today I find some really helpful informations for me.
i think i have read this proble in some of applications..
Doh....spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what was wrong ;) LOL thanks!
You are a saint! Thanks
Cool site you have here! really enticing contents. keep it up and more power online.
thnx for the info. Will label cloud increase our SEO and PR ?
Thanks for the info! I'm sure i'll find it helpful in future blog postings.
thanks very much for the info
Troubleshooting the Label Cloud
"I just figured out something that may be baffling others. I was looking at my photography blog, sharondipity Photography, and noticed that my label cloud was not there. PFFFFTTTTT.....gone...If you have installed the label cloud and have problems, this may be the reason why. Quotation marks. Make sure that you don't have quotation marks in any labels. If you do, go through and remove them."
Thanks you for the information. This could really aid me in the near future, because I am planning on a photography blog.
thanks for the very helpful info.
"Another thing. At least one of your labels have to be in more than one post. Otherwise it won't work. I don't know why. I just know that is the way it is."
I think this has something to do with the density of the labels in your blog. If you have several labels and some of these labels just have one post linked to it, then the labels that appear most infrequently wouldn't appear.
realy cool article, this will be helpfull for me to start my new blog the next days. Thanks !
“If you have installed the label cloud and have problems, this may be the reason why. Quotation marks. Make sure that you don't have quotation marks in any labels.”
Thanks for these small reminder. Carelessness can be the downfall of going through so much text.
“At least one of your labels have to be in more than one post. Otherwise it won't work.”
Thanks for the final reminder. I was so confused wondering why certain labels weren’t working and properly classifying my posts.
On my blog I got so frustrated with minor problems it's been converted to a standard website have a look if you have...Plumbing Problems
Thank you for the tip. Ironic how I was about to put quotation marks in a phrase tag I was going to use.
Tag cloud is one one of the coolest widget so far, thanks for sharing here, give us some more tips, this tag cloud tips looks really simple and basic but I believe most of us don't know how to solve this stuff :)
Can you clarify if this will work on a forum or just a blog? I finally figured it out on our company blog but I am starting a forum as well and it doesnt look like it's working.
Excellent information. Alot of bloggers ask how to wrap images and its nice to be able to point them to a site that shows them clearly how to edit their site.
A very useful insight. Also wud like to mention that you blog has a very cool, creative & distinctive look. Shall be coming back to it for more of such unique inputs!
Thanks so much.
If there's something that frustrates me to no end. It's sorting through code to find quotation marks! Ahhh!
I had a similar experience trying to install lightbox onto a friends website and spent hours trawling through code to find errors.
Your blog is very useful, thank.
I have some problem about this label, and now solve
I like this article.. Thank you for share..
Awesome post, I hope you will keep up the good work.
"If you have installed the label cloud and have problems, this may be the reason why. Quotation marks. Make sure that you don't have quotation marks in any labels. If you do, go through and remove them."
Thanks so much for the tip. The same thing happened to me and it was just so frustrating because I really couldn't figure out at first what to do. Now I know how to make my lable cloud appear again.
"Another thing. At least one of your labels have to be in more than one post. Otherwise it won't work. I don't know why. I just know that is the way it is."
I really appreciate the tips. By the way, do you have some tips on how to make a flash-animated label cloud work more smoothly?
I am new to this and now i shall follow your lead, thanks Annie...Fred Dry
am new to this and now
Hopefully they have adjusted the quotation mark issue, and fixed it up now.
Thanks for information. I'ts very useful. You have very nice blog.
Pokermaniac Regards
Great post, Keep on blogging.
nice blog
I am in the process of updating my blog and this is something I will bear in mind watch the 'quotation marks'. Thanks.
Thanks!For sharing it!I have the same problem, but now with your generous help it is sorted out!
I've spent a lot of time on problems caused by sporadic characters like those quotes. I love the very practical CSS tips your posts provide to WP newbies like me.
Interesting tip that one of your labels has to be in more than one post. I'm willing to bet that you won't find that in the troubleshooting or FAQ section of the manual. Thanks for helping us navigate through these issues.
Thanks for sharing this information. I will also remove the quotes. Thanks once again.
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Quotation marks was the problem for one of my blog in recent past, but now it is alright. I like this post. thanks.
- Herman Swan
Very nice. I actually have the same problem with my blog ... now I fixed them. Thanks.
I’m delighted to visit this site after stretched time which was because of my ccvp exams.
Hello, very intersting site. I really like it. Thanks
Thanks for the info! I'm sure i'll find it helpful in future blog postings.
Wow! This is great! I can say that this is the first time I visited the site and I found out that most of the blogs here are interesting to read.. Anyway, thanks for sharing your label issues and I definitely visit here more often.
Hopefully they have adjusted the quotation mark issue, and fixed it up now. Thanks
I was having Question Mark. Thanks for telling my mistake.
Thanks a lot, now I know why my label cloud is invisible...;-)
Thanks for the useful information. Just one quick question though, I wanted a site designed like this one, where did you get this website designed? Cheers
@stop sweating...I designed this site. Contact me if you are interested in having me work on a template for you.
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and thanks for giving such a wonderful knowledge