What style Blogger do you use?
I ran a poll to get a feel for what style Blogger template is being used. I have to say that the results surprised me in that more people are using Classic templates than I thought. And a few of us, myself included, have a couple of both.
I tend to gear my posts more towards the New Blogger templates, simply because I have become very familiar with them. Now, when I try to work on a Classic template is a struggle for me. I will attempt to find and post more hacks for Classic in the future. No big promises...just good intentions on my part.
So, Classic users, I applaud you! Hang in there. You have managed to use your template this far, so you must love it, as I do mine. I have to say that it really seems to take more skill and perseverance to keep up a Classic template than the new Blogger template. With the new Blogger templates, you can make it as difficult or as hard as you wish.
...and I'm rambling. Here are the results:
Classic............................11 11%
New (aka Beta):................76 81%
I have a couple of both........6 6%
93 votes
Hi Annie. I'm not sure what type of template I used. It was titled "Thisaway" when I first chose one, but now I've changed so much of it that it's somewhat hard to tell.
I'm having a blast reading all the great articles on your blog. Thanks for taking the time to share this with all of us.
@dcloud, it looks like you use the New Blogger style. (I see the widgets in your source.)
But, much like you, I started with Minima, and have tweaked it beyond recognization!
when I open you blog in my 21' screen it spreads throughout the screen , but my blog doesn't do that its the same size in every screen , is there something I can do about it ?
@Nishadha, If I'm understanding you correctly, you have a 'fluid' template. To change it requires changing all percentage values (%) in your template to pixels (px).
I suppose you are talking about the values in the CSS file.In that file most sections width attribute is given as %,I see some values given as px as well.Will adding px instead of % do the trick ? Guess I will take a back up and try. Thanx :).
@Nishadha, Yes, I am talking about the CSS file. My template is a mix like that too, but the % is the part that makes it fluid. So adding px where there are % signs will make it 'static'. Let me know how it goes.
I think classic template is easier to be customized than layout
@Abi Baker, I tend to feel that maybe it is not easier, but if you know what you are doing, there are more options for customization.
Hi Annie,
I love your blog so much and I am already having a lot in my mind to change about my own blog.
I was wondering though, can you please show/ tell me how to change the sidebar bottom border? Currently it is a line of dots, and I'd like to change it to an image instead.
Would appreciate your time and help a lot.Thanks
I prepare Classic too. But it is good to have both.
Good informative post. Thanks for the information!
i like this post
To be honest, Blogger began to piss me off, there wasnt much you could do with it. Maybe it just because i was a n00b at the time. At the moment im using wordpress and loving it because there are always new things to use/widgets to make etc.
I would like to add a label cloud to my blog with keywords organised by popularity. What i'm looking for is some code i cant cut and past into my current my template to give me a label cloud. I would prefer not have to redo my whole template..
I have some blogspot and some wordpress.com and some self hosted wordpress and prefer the hosted wordpress by far. So much easier to customize and there are so many plugins to use.
I prefer a private hosted version of wordpress, I don't really understand the blogger template system.
I have Blogger blogs before wherein I've used a classic template...now I'm concentrating more on my WP blog...I must say, I'm liking it more and more everyday..I get to install many widgets and plugins that helps make my site look professional.
I prefer Blogspot over Wordpress. I hate Wordpress's comments system!
I have to echo the wordpress praisers. I have tried blogger, with both classic templates and otherwise. It just seems that Wordpress is more intuitive and you can't beat the widgets.