Blogger Beta - all moved in (or Widgets are wiley)
It is a done deal. I moved in officially to Blogger Beta. Not too bad. A few casualties...all widget connected. I'm still working out the bugs. It appears only one script per widget. I would really enjoy having at least two scripts in a widget. For example, I edited my Technorati widget in the previous Blogger to have a link for also. (You know...add me to blah blah.) It was all nice and neat in one area on my sidebar. I can't get both links/scripts into one widget. I'm working on that one. And I'm picky about my sidebars so I just removed the link for now.
Another example. My 'Creative Commons' button. With the old Blogger I was able to have '2006 ANNIEBLUESKY' centered nicely under the CC button. For the life of me, I couldn't get it to center in the Beta widget. So I removed it, and made a hoover pop-up. Not solved exactly...a work-a-round.
Other than that, it went pretty well. I did it slowly in a practice blog, and copied all of Blog U to it. Piece by piece. Working from the top down. When I had it all in, and it looked like the orginal blog, I downloaded the template to my harddrive then uploaded it to Blog U. (whew)
I haven't even addressed the 'Labels' yet. Guess I'll stick a few on this post and see what happens!
Annie, how do you plan to label the older posts with blogger tags ?
I know you are using delicious tag but would you be migrating to blogger labels ?
Congratulations! That was a lot of work you did! It looks swell.
If you are interested, I published a tutorial on how to add a sticky message board to the top of your blog. Have a look if you like.
I think this may solve your problem with the license image and your copyright statement.
Add a html-page-element to your footer section. Leave the title blank, and enter the following content:
<center><img alt="tooltip_here" src="picture_url_here"/></center>
<center>© Copyright Yourname_here 2006</center>
That should work (see my footer).
I noticed that your new Blog load very slowly. I think the reason might be all the java-code that has to be loaded and executed. All those blogrolling blogrolls and other widgets that you have added might slow up things.
@amit, I don't know about labeling the older posts. I was going to look around and see if I could find a solution. I think the only way will be to start at the beginning and label each post. Do you have any suggestions? I'm thinking about removing the tags from the posts. But, I really like I'm really at a loss there.
@hans, thanks! It was more time consuming than hard, although I did run into a couple of hitches. Yes, I am interested in the sticky message. I saw it on you blog, but couldn't find the tutorial. Of course, at the time, my brain was fried. I'll take a fresh look at it this morning.
EEEKKKK! That is exactly what I want to do with my copywright statement. I will use your tip.
And I saw the tutorial. I will see if I can get it working for me. I really like the look of it at the top of your blog. BTW, I'm so envious of you...the Italian Alps!!! Italy is one place I must visit.
You are right about the speed of my blog :-( I think I may convert all my blogrolls over to perhaps one big one. And then open a link widget for each section that I have. The reason I went to the blogroll in the first place was because it was such a hassle to add links to the template, so I tended to not add as many. With the addition of the blogroll, I could add quickly. But, with the new link widget, it will be a breeze. Plus, it seems the link widgets should load faster. Don't you think?
Thanks for the mention in your credits. I'm so glad I was part of getting you into blog hacking. You have a much better understanding of it than I. You have helped me immensely.
Well, I'm off to work on the labels and the blogrolls/link widgets!
Maybe something to try out concerning the load-times.
I noticed that your blog loads the sidebars first, and the posts last. Most of your javascript is in the sidebars. You could try rearranging the order of the sidebar and main sections in your template, so that the posts load first and the sidebars load last. Don't know if it helps, it's just a thought, but might be worth giving a try.
Wish you well,
Hans, that is a good thought. Before I convert all of my blogroll links over to the Blogger Link List Elements, do you think that would be faster? I have switched the CSS/HTML list, and if anything, it may be slower.
Anyway, I will try switching the sidebars to the right and see what happens.
Hans, I tried to move the sidebars to the right and the posts to the left, but it won't let me. I moved the left and right sidebar wrapper to after the main-wrapper. That didn't do it. I can't drag and drop the elements. Any ideas?