What is RSS?
You see those little letters everywhere. RSS this, RSS that. To tell you the truth, I'm not completely clear. What I do know:
- RSS is a 'means' to get your blog out there.
- It is an easy way for your readers to know when you have new content.
Here is an explanation from Wise Geek . This is another excellent article that discusses RSS. Girl Interrupted: Blogger HOWTO: Syndication. When I find out more, I will post.
Thanks for this very informative blog. Thanks also for the link. How effective is RSS?
Well i just wonder if i add RSS to my forum. Will it help me if i use adsense rss in the future. or it's no use?
I am very confused about RSS. How do people use it, I sure don't know what to do with RSS links on other blogs and websites, so I don't have one on mine. The only thing that made sence to me is to get new posts to email address and I use this option on my blog.
@Linda. RSS is confusing. Think of each blog or webpage as a magazine. The RSS is a subscription to that magazine. When you subscribe to it (click the RSS link) it will alert you when there is a new publication in that magazine. How does it alert you? The easiest for me is Google Reader. When I click on a sites rss feed link, it will ask what reader...I choose Google reader. Then when I check my reader, it shows which sites have put up new information. It basically saves you from actually going to each website to see if something new has been added.
So, I may say you should probably add the RSS button along with the email option. Some people don't want to have their email clogged up with RSS notices. Others don't mind. But, give the option to your readers.
Thanks Annie, I will check out the Google Reader and add the RSS to my website. It makes more sence now :)
still contemplating to add this,since my blog is only a week old..:)